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File metadata and controls

916 lines (712 loc) · 41.3 KB


A list of all methods in the ContainerGroupsService service. Click on the method name to view detailed information about that method.

Methods Description
listContainerGroups Gets the list of container groups
createContainerGroup Creates a new container group
getContainerGroup Gets a container group
updateContainerGroup Updates a container group
deleteContainerGroup Deletes a container group
startContainerGroup Starts a container group
stopContainerGroup Stops a container group
listContainerGroupInstances Gets the list of container group instances
getContainerGroupInstance Gets a container group instance
reallocateContainerGroupInstance Reallocates a container group instance to run on a different Salad Node
recreateContainerGroupInstance Stops a container, destroys it, and starts a new one without requiring the image to be downloaded again on a new Salad Node
restartContainerGroupInstance Stops a container and restarts it on the same Salad Node


Gets the list of container groups

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.listContainerGroups(



Creates a new container group

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers


Name Type Required Description
body CreateContainerGroup The request body.
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import {
} from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const containerResourceRequirements: ContainerResourceRequirements = {
    cpu: 10,
    memory: 35273,
    gpuClasses: ['gpu_classes'],
    storageAmount: 32391110488,

  const containerGroupPriority = ContainerGroupPriority.HIGH;

  const loggingAxiom2: LoggingAxiom2 = {
    host: 'irure ut eiusmod velit incididunt',
    apiToken: 'deserunt aute cillum dolor occaecat',
    dataset: 'exercitation sit',

  const datadogTags2: DatadogTags2 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const loggingDatadog2: LoggingDatadog2 = {
    host: 'sunt consequat irure fugiat',
    apiKey: 'magna',
    tags: [datadogTags2],

  const loggingNewRelic2: LoggingNewRelic2 = {
    host: 'quis aute in id proident',
    ingestionKey: 'aliqua enim pariatur',

  const loggingSplunk2: LoggingSplunk2 = {
    host: 'ad',
    token: 'irure velit labore nostrud elit',

  const loggingTcp2: LoggingTcp2 = {
    host: 'fugiat do',
    port: 1272,

  const httpFormat2 = HttpFormat2.JSON;

  const httpHeaders3: HttpHeaders3 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const httpCompression2 = HttpCompression2.NONE;

  const loggingHttp2: LoggingHttp2 = {
    host: 'cillum',
    port: 21241,
    user: 'user',
    password: 'password',
    path: 'path',
    format: httpFormat2,
    headers: [httpHeaders3],
    compression: httpCompression2,

  const createContainerLogging: CreateContainerLogging = {
    axiom: loggingAxiom2,
    datadog: loggingDatadog2,
    newRelic: loggingNewRelic2,
    splunk: loggingSplunk2,
    tcp: loggingTcp2,
    http: loggingHttp2,

  const registryAuthenticationBasic1: RegistryAuthenticationBasic1 = {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',

  const registryAuthenticationGcpGcr1: RegistryAuthenticationGcpGcr1 = {
    serviceKey: 'service_key',

  const registryAuthenticationAwsEcr1: RegistryAuthenticationAwsEcr1 = {
    accessKeyId: 'access_key_id',
    secretAccessKey: 'secret_access_key',

  const registryAuthenticationDockerHub1: RegistryAuthenticationDockerHub1 = {
    username: 'username',
    personalAccessToken: 'personal_access_token',

  const registryAuthenticationGcpGar1: RegistryAuthenticationGcpGar1 = {
    serviceKey: 'service_key',

  const createContainerRegistryAuthentication: CreateContainerRegistryAuthentication = {
    basic: registryAuthenticationBasic1,
    gcpGcr: registryAuthenticationGcpGcr1,
    awsEcr: registryAuthenticationAwsEcr1,
    dockerHub: registryAuthenticationDockerHub1,
    gcpGar: registryAuthenticationGcpGar1,

  const createContainer: CreateContainer = {
    image: 'reprehenderit',
    resources: containerResourceRequirements,
    command: ['command'],
    priority: containerGroupPriority,
    environmentVariables: [],
    logging: createContainerLogging,
    registryAuthentication: createContainerRegistryAuthentication,

  const containerRestartPolicy = ContainerRestartPolicy.ALWAYS;

  const countryCode = CountryCode.AF;

  const containerNetworkingProtocol = ContainerNetworkingProtocol.HTTP;

  const createContainerGroupNetworkingLoadBalancer = CreateContainerGroupNetworkingLoadBalancer.ROUNDROBIN;

  const createContainerGroupNetworking: CreateContainerGroupNetworking = {
    protocol: containerNetworkingProtocol,
    port: 43901,
    auth: true,
    loadBalancer: createContainerGroupNetworkingLoadBalancer,
    singleConnectionLimit: true,
    clientRequestTimeout: 100000,
    serverResponseTimeout: 100000,

  const containerGroupProbeTcp: ContainerGroupProbeTcp = {
    port: 61900,

  const containerProbeHttpScheme = ContainerProbeHttpScheme.HTTP;

  const containerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2: ContainerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const containerGroupProbeHttp: ContainerGroupProbeHttp = {
    path: 'path',
    port: 58759,
    scheme: containerProbeHttpScheme,
    headers: [containerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2],

  const containerGroupProbeGrpc: ContainerGroupProbeGrpc = {
    service: 'service',
    port: 32748,

  const containerGroupProbeExec: ContainerGroupProbeExec = {
    command: ['command'],

  const containerGroupLivenessProbe: ContainerGroupLivenessProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 6,
    periodSeconds: 10,
    timeoutSeconds: 30,
    successThreshold: 1,
    failureThreshold: 3,

  const containerGroupReadinessProbe: ContainerGroupReadinessProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 4,
    periodSeconds: 1,
    timeoutSeconds: 1,
    successThreshold: 1,
    failureThreshold: 3,

  const containerGroupStartupProbe: ContainerGroupStartupProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 10,
    periodSeconds: 3,
    timeoutSeconds: 10,
    successThreshold: 2,
    failureThreshold: 1200,

  const containerGroupQueueConnection: ContainerGroupQueueConnection = {
    path: 'pariatur Ut aliqua irure',
    port: 34903,
    queueName: 'nz26lyemw7nednorlqjlsihb3',

  const queueAutoscaler: QueueAutoscaler = {
    minReplicas: 96,
    maxReplicas: 190,
    desiredQueueLength: 42,
    pollingPeriod: 684,
    maxUpscalePerMinute: 95,
    maxDownscalePerMinute: 10,

  const createContainerGroup: CreateContainerGroup = {
    name: 'xvih',
    displayName: 'INce5LCTy',
    container: createContainer,
    autostartPolicy: true,
    restartPolicy: containerRestartPolicy,
    replicas: 12,
    countryCodes: [countryCode],
    networking: createContainerGroupNetworking,
    livenessProbe: containerGroupLivenessProbe,
    readinessProbe: containerGroupReadinessProbe,
    startupProbe: containerGroupStartupProbe,
    queueConnection: containerGroupQueueConnection,
    queueAutoscaler: queueAutoscaler,

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.createContainerGroup(



Gets a container group

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.getContainerGroup(



Updates a container group

  • HTTP Method: PATCH
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}


Name Type Required Description
body UpdateContainerGroup The request body.
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import {
} from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const resources: Resources = {
    cpu: 3,
    memory: 14678,
    gpuClasses: ['gpu_classes'],
    storageAmount: 47984533464,

  const containerGroupPriority = ContainerGroupPriority.HIGH;

  const loggingAxiom3: LoggingAxiom3 = {
    host: 'aute veniam exercitation eiusmod et',
    apiToken: 'mollit',
    dataset: 'nisi in Lorem',

  const datadogTags3: DatadogTags3 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const loggingDatadog3: LoggingDatadog3 = {
    host: 'velit officia consequat',
    apiKey: 'sit in veniam',
    tags: [datadogTags3],

  const loggingNewRelic3: LoggingNewRelic3 = {
    host: 'consequat sed',
    ingestionKey: 'tempor exercitation',

  const loggingSplunk3: LoggingSplunk3 = {
    host: 'qui enim Ut nostrud deserunt',
    token: 'cillum sint ullamco veniam occaecat',

  const loggingTcp3: LoggingTcp3 = {
    host: 'Ut amet',
    port: 30110,

  const httpFormat3 = HttpFormat3.JSON;

  const httpHeaders4: HttpHeaders4 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const httpCompression3 = HttpCompression3.NONE;

  const loggingHttp3: LoggingHttp3 = {
    host: 'eiusmod labore proident sit ut',
    port: 17490,
    user: 'user',
    password: 'password',
    path: 'path',
    format: httpFormat3,
    headers: [httpHeaders4],
    compression: httpCompression3,

  const updateContainerLogging: UpdateContainerLogging = {
    axiom: loggingAxiom3,
    datadog: loggingDatadog3,
    newRelic: loggingNewRelic3,
    splunk: loggingSplunk3,
    tcp: loggingTcp3,
    http: loggingHttp3,

  const registryAuthenticationBasic2: RegistryAuthenticationBasic2 = {
    username: 'username',
    password: 'password',

  const registryAuthenticationGcpGcr2: RegistryAuthenticationGcpGcr2 = {
    serviceKey: 'service_key',

  const registryAuthenticationAwsEcr2: RegistryAuthenticationAwsEcr2 = {
    accessKeyId: 'access_key_id',
    secretAccessKey: 'secret_access_key',

  const registryAuthenticationDockerHub2: RegistryAuthenticationDockerHub2 = {
    username: 'username',
    personalAccessToken: 'personal_access_token',

  const registryAuthenticationGcpGar2: RegistryAuthenticationGcpGar2 = {
    serviceKey: 'service_key',

  const updateContainerRegistryAuthentication: UpdateContainerRegistryAuthentication = {
    basic: registryAuthenticationBasic2,
    gcpGcr: registryAuthenticationGcpGcr2,
    awsEcr: registryAuthenticationAwsEcr2,
    dockerHub: registryAuthenticationDockerHub2,
    gcpGar: registryAuthenticationGcpGar2,

  const updateContainer: UpdateContainer = {
    image: 'labore',
    resources: resources,
    command: ['command'],
    priority: containerGroupPriority,
    environmentVariables: [],
    logging: updateContainerLogging,
    registryAuthentication: updateContainerRegistryAuthentication,

  const countryCode = CountryCode.AF;

  const updateContainerGroupNetworking: UpdateContainerGroupNetworking = {
    port: 35022,

  const containerGroupProbeTcp: ContainerGroupProbeTcp = {
    port: 61900,

  const containerProbeHttpScheme = ContainerProbeHttpScheme.HTTP;

  const containerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2: ContainerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2 = {
    name: 'name',
    value: 'value',

  const containerGroupProbeHttp: ContainerGroupProbeHttp = {
    path: 'path',
    port: 58759,
    scheme: containerProbeHttpScheme,
    headers: [containerGroupProbeHttpHeaders2],

  const containerGroupProbeGrpc: ContainerGroupProbeGrpc = {
    service: 'service',
    port: 32748,

  const containerGroupProbeExec: ContainerGroupProbeExec = {
    command: ['command'],

  const containerGroupLivenessProbe: ContainerGroupLivenessProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 6,
    periodSeconds: 10,
    timeoutSeconds: 30,
    successThreshold: 1,
    failureThreshold: 3,

  const containerGroupReadinessProbe: ContainerGroupReadinessProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 4,
    periodSeconds: 1,
    timeoutSeconds: 1,
    successThreshold: 1,
    failureThreshold: 3,

  const containerGroupStartupProbe: ContainerGroupStartupProbe = {
    tcp: containerGroupProbeTcp,
    http: containerGroupProbeHttp,
    grpc: containerGroupProbeGrpc,
    exec: containerGroupProbeExec,
    initialDelaySeconds: 10,
    periodSeconds: 3,
    timeoutSeconds: 10,
    successThreshold: 2,
    failureThreshold: 1200,

  const queueAutoscaler: QueueAutoscaler = {
    minReplicas: 96,
    maxReplicas: 190,
    desiredQueueLength: 42,
    pollingPeriod: 684,
    maxUpscalePerMinute: 95,
    maxDownscalePerMinute: 10,

  const updateContainerGroup: UpdateContainerGroup = {
    displayName: '01n75',
    container: updateContainer,
    replicas: 232,
    countryCodes: [countryCode],
    networking: updateContainerGroupNetworking,
    livenessProbe: containerGroupLivenessProbe,
    readinessProbe: containerGroupReadinessProbe,
    startupProbe: containerGroupStartupProbe,
    queueAutoscaler: queueAutoscaler,

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.updateContainerGroup(



Deletes a container group

  • HTTP Method: DELETE
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.deleteContainerGroup(



Starts a container group

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/start


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.startContainerGroup(



Stops a container group

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/stop


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.stopContainerGroup(



Gets the list of container group instances

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/instances


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.listContainerGroupInstances(



Gets a container group instance

  • HTTP Method: GET
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/instances/{container_group_instance_id}


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name
containerGroupInstanceId string The unique instance identifier

Return Type


Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.getContainerGroupInstance(



Reallocates a container group instance to run on a different Salad Node

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/instances/{container_group_instance_id}/reallocate


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name
containerGroupInstanceId string The unique instance identifier

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.reallocateContainerGroupInstance(



Stops a container, destroys it, and starts a new one without requiring the image to be downloaded again on a new Salad Node

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/instances/{container_group_instance_id}/recreate


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name
containerGroupInstanceId string The unique instance identifier

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.recreateContainerGroupInstance(



Stops a container and restarts it on the same Salad Node

  • HTTP Method: POST
  • Endpoint: /organizations/{organization_name}/projects/{project_name}/containers/{container_group_name}/instances/{container_group_instance_id}/restart


Name Type Required Description
organizationName string Your organization name. This identifies the billing context for the API operation and represents a security boundary for SaladCloud resources. The organization must be created before using the API, and you must be a member of the organization.
projectName string Your project name. This represents a collection of related SaladCloud resources. The project must be created before using the API.
containerGroupName string The unique container group name
containerGroupInstanceId string The unique instance identifier

Example Usage Code Snippet

import { SaladCloudSdk } from '@saladtechnologies-oss/salad-cloud-sdk';

(async () => {
  const saladCloudSdk = new SaladCloudSdk({
    apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',

  const { data } = await saladCloudSdk.containerGroups.restartContainerGroupInstance(
