There must be a Java keystore available containing the client
certificate needed to access the RIO API. See
on how to create a keystore, given the
private key and the certificate.
The application also depends on a JAVA truststore for validating the
certificate of the RIO API itself. A truststore.jks is provided at
the root of this project. See dev/
on how
to create a truststore yourself.
Commands can be run in development mode, from leiningen, or from the compiled uberjar.
In development mode, commands can be executed directly from the source repository using leiningen
. Leiningen should be installed;
Mapper commands in leiningen take the form:
lein mapper COMMAND [ARGS]
For instance
lein mapper upsert uni-nl course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
In production mode, the commands can be run as arguments to the compiled jar:
java -jar target/eduhub-rio-mapper.jar COMMAND [ARGS]
For instance
java -jar target/edhuhub-rio-mapper.jar upsert uni-id course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Updates or inserts an "opleidingseenheid" or "aangeboden opleiding, specified by the OOAPI endpoint, type and ID. An example:
lein mapper upsert uni-id course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Removes an "opleidingseenheid" or "aangeboden opleiding, specified by the OOAPI endpoint, type and ID. An example:
lein mapper delete uni-id course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
Removes an "opleidingseenheid", specified by the OOAPI endpoint, type and RIO opleidingscode. An example:
lein mapper delete-by-code uni-id education-specification 1234O1234
The show
command retrieves data from OOAPI. The following entities are supported:
lein mapper show uni-id courses
lein mapper show uni-id course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
lein mapper show uni-id programs
lein mapper show uni-id program 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
lein mapper show uni-id education-specifications
lein mapper show uni-id education-specification 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
The get
command retrieves data from RIO. The following actions are
This action retrieves the "aangeboden opleiding" based on its course ID or program ID.
lein mapper get uni-id aangebodenOpleiding 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
An xml:
prefix can be added to specify that the output should show the XML response from RIO. Example:
lein mapper get uni-id xml:aangebodenOpleiding 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
This action retrieves the "opleidingseenheid" based on its opleidingeenheidcode.
lein mapper get uni-id opleidingseenheid 1015O5036
An xml:
prefix can be added to specify that the output should show the XML response from RIO. Example:
lein mapper get uni-id xml:opleidingseenheid 1015O5036
This action retrieves a page of "opleidingseenheden" for a specific "onderwijsbestuur". Pages start counting at zero, not one.
lein mapper get uni-id opleidingseenhedenVanOrganisatie 100B490
An optional page argument can be passed. Example:
lein mapper get uni-id opleidingseenhedenVanOrganisatie 100B490 4
An xml:
prefix can be added to specify that the output should show the XML response from RIO.
lein mapper get uni-id xml:aangebodenOpleidingenVanOrganisatie 110A133 2
This action retrieves a page of "aangeboden opleidingen" for a specific organization, specified by a "onderwijsaanbiedercode".
lein mapper get uni-id aangebodenOpleidingenVanOrganisatie 110A133
An optional page argument can be passed.
lein mapper get uni-id aangebodenOpleidingenVanOrganisatie 110A133 2
An xml:
prefix can be added to specify that the output should show the XML response from RIO.
lein mapper get uni-id xml:aangebodenOpleidingenVanOrganisatie 110A133 2
This action retrieves the opleidingeenheidscode
or aangebodenopleidingscode
based on type and
the key that OOAPI uses as primary key for the OOAPI object.
Type is one of: course
, program
, education-specification
lein mapper resolve uni-id course 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000
This action simulates an upsert of an OOAPI object and returns a diff of the fields that such an upsert would change in RIO.
lein mapper dry-run-upsert uni-id course 4c358c84-dfc3-4a30-874e-0b70db15638a
This action changes the OOAPI id of an object in RIO specified by a given RIO id and a type.
lein mapper link uni-id rio-id course ooapi-id
This action removes the OOAPI id of an object in rio specified by a given RIO id and a type. The RIO object is no longer linked to an OOAPI-object.
lein mapper unlink uni-id rio-id course
This action starts the API HTTP server at the configured port and hostname (default localhost, port 8080).
This action starts a worker.
This action tests if the RIO queue is up or down. If the queue is up, it will exit with code 0. If it is down, it will print a warning and exit with code -1.
lein mapper test-rio uni-id