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File metadata and controls

95 lines (73 loc) · 4.64 KB


Routes used for specifying the data

Every route consists of a base route and is then combined with another route where the data that will be returned can be specified.

An example usage is:

  • "/mostUsedHashtags/2021/month/CSU"

This will only return data of the party 'CSU' in the year '2021' from the 'mostUsedHashtags' base route.

Those routes can be appended to the base routes to specify the returned data. As parameters 'jahr' and 'partei' are available:

Available 'partei' parameters to specify the party:

  • CDU
  • CSU
  • SPD
  • FDP
  • Linke
  • B90
  • AfD
  • Parteilos

Available 'jahr' parameters tp specify the year:

  • 2017
  • 2018
  • 2019
  • 2020
  • 2021

Routes that can be added to the Twint data routes

Method Route Parameter Description
GET /{jahr}/week jahr : Int only data of the specified year will be returned divided into weeks
GET /{jahr}/month jahr : Int only data of the specified year will be returned divided into months
GET /{partei} partei : String only data of the specified party will be returned
GET /{jahr}/week/{partei} jahr : Int
partei : String
only data of the specified party and year will be returned divided into weeks
GET /{jahr}/month/{partei} jahr : Int
partei : String
only data of the specified party and year will be returned divided into months

Routes that can be added to the Live data routes (except LiveTweets)

Method Route Parameter Description
GET /day - only data of the current day will be returned
GET /day/{partei} partei : String only data of the specified party will be returned for the current day
GET /month - only data of the current month will be returned divided into days
GET /month/{partei} partei : String only data of the specified party and the current month will be returned divided into days

The 15 newest Tweets can be requested at /liveTweets. And the 15 newest Tweets of one Party at /liveTweets/{partei}

Available base routes for Twint data

The following base routes return historic data extracted from Twint.

Method Route Description
GET /countTweetByMonth Gets the tweet Count by Month
GET /averagelikesTweet Gets the average likes per tweet count by month
GET /averageTweetLength Gets the average tweet length by Month
GET /mostUsedHashtags Gets the most used hashtags by month
GET /mosttweetstime Gets the most tweets per hour
GET /mediausagetweets Returns the percentage of tweets, which contain media (pictures, videos, etc.)
GET /averageReply Gets the average reply count per tweet
GET /averageRetweetsTweet Gets the average retweet count per tweet
GET /mostUsedUrls Gets the 10 most used urls used in tweets
GET /mosttweetsday Gets the tweet Count by Month
GET /totalReplies Gets the total count of replies to tweets
GET /mostTaggedUser Gets the 10 most tagged users
GET /mostActiveUser Gets the 10 users with the most tweets

Available base routes for Live data

The following base routes return live data of the current day extracted via a Twitter stream

Method Route Description
GET /countTotalRunning Returns the number of tweets
GET /liveMediaUsage Returns the percentage of tweets, which contain media (pictures, videos, etc.)
GET /liveSentiment Returns the live sentiment
GET /liveMostactiveUser Returns the 10 most active users
GET /liveSource Returns the sources that the most data was sent from
GET /liveHashtags Returns the 10 most used hashtags
GET /liveTweets Returns the 15 latest tweets


To create an executable jar bundled with all dependencies, we use sbt-assembly. It is defined at project/plugins.sbt.

To build a .jar file, run sbt clean assembly in the project directory. The generated jar will be located in target/scala-<SCALA_VERSION>/ReAGEnT-AkkaHttp-assembly-0.1.jar.

Local startup

Execute the jar with java -jar ReAGEnT-AkkaHttp-assembly-0.1.jar
You can access the routes above under localhost:8080/{route}.