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Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev edited this page May 19, 2018 · 30 revisions

This page is dedicated to gather interesting and funny moments related to the bots.

what do you mean?

IRC log

<cuonglm> most standard unix tools will honor it
<cuonglm> echo 1 | grep 1 0<&-
<cuonglm> give you
<cuonglm> grep: (standard input): Bad file descriptor
<greppable6> cuonglm, Found nothing!
<cuonglm> greppable6: what do you mean?
<greppable6> cuonglm,

Bot attack

IRC log

<Bowlslaw> does perl have a 'flag' reading function, like opt()? so if i call my script with a cmd line argument and a flag?
<yoleaux> 29 Mar 2018 23:03Z <Zoffix> Bowlslaw: well, first $dbh.prepare("select price from $table") is an unsafe statement. You need to quote $table properly. I don't use DBIish, but there should be some method to quote stuff (placeholders might work too). As for the sum, my $total = $sth.allrows».head.sum
<Bowlslaw> ???
<evalable6> Bowlslaw, rakudo-moar 20495f097: OUTPUT: «Stub code executed␤ in block at /tmp/o68Dey4P6L line 1␤»
<Bowlslaw> ahh what's happening

Try this

IRC log

<AlexDaniel> try this: my $p = ‘less’, :w; start { sleep 2; await $p.put: ‘hello world’; $p.close-stdin }; react { whenever $p.start { say ‘pager closed’ } }
<evalable6> AlexDaniel, rakudo-moar 9e6ae276a: OUTPUT: «hello world␤pager closed␤»
<AlexDaniel> oh lol evalable6
<AlexDaniel> I added “try this:” on purpose thinking it will not compile :D


<yy6p6> hi
<yy6p6> how can I generate an executable for a file?
<yy6p6> I want a jar
<yy6p6> I use
<yy6p6> ./perl6-j --target=jar --output="hello.jar" hello.p6
<yy6p6> in hello.p6 i have
<yy6p6> sub MAIN(){ say "hi"; }
<evalable6> yy6p6, rakudo-moar ec0422e75: OUTPUT: «hi␤»

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