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This guide should get you started with everything you need for rewriting your Plutus Tx validators in Pluto, from scratch. No prerequisites are required – other than sufficient familiarity with Haskell and Plutus. Of course, you should know what Pluto is. Having a go through the syntax description also helps, but is not necessary.

Table of Contents

Preamble: Why Pluto?

Performance and Efficiency. Script size, CPU units, Memory units – everything can be magnitudes more efficient compared to Plutus Tx. In short, at MLabs team ViewPatterns, we've seen at least 60% decrease in CPU and Memory, and at least 80% decrease in script size, compared to Plutus Tx, in our testing so far.

Later in this guide, we rewrite a Plutus Tx validator in Pluto and compare their performance metrics. You can also find more benchmarks and metrics at pluton.

Running & Testing Pluto

Once you have the pluto binary built and installed from this repo. You can evaluate a Pluto program with pluto run path/to/pluto/file. Evaluating a Pluto program yields the Plutus Core representation of it.

-- test.pluto
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 1))

What happens when your program is a function? Let's test it out with the familiar id function!

-- test.pluto
\x -> x
$ pluto run test.pluto
LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 0}}) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 0}}))

It evaluates to a lambda! You can ignore the gory details in that lambda here. You can actually pass arguments to this function with pluto run test.pluto arg1 - where arg1 is a Pluto data literal, representing a Plutus Core BuiltinData/Data value.

We'll discuss data literals soon. For now, know that if you passed 1 as arg1 - it'd represent an I data with the value 1.

$ pluto run test.pluto 1
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (I 1)))

We applied the Pluto id function to an I data value of 1 and got our argument back! That's how Plutus Core represents I data values.

If your pluto program is a let binding and you have a specific top level binding that you want to evaluate - you can use pluto eval

-- test.pluto
  x = 1
in 42
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 42))
$ pluto eval test.pluto x
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 1))

If the binding you want to evaluate is a function, and you want to pass arguments to it - you can do that with pluto eval as well. However, unlike in the case of pluto run, where the arguments were Pluto data literals - arguments to be fed to a binding, using pluto eval, are supposed to be Pluto expressions.

-- test.pluto
  id = (\x -> x)
in 42
$ pluto eval test.pluto id 1
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 1))

The Pluto expression 1 corresponds to a Plutus Core builtin integer. Feeding it to the id function gives us back the same thing. That's how Plutus Core represents builtin integers! Notice the contrast to I data value representation above.

Syntax & Usage

Every Pluto program is a “term”, an expression. The syntax is very similar to Haskell. An expression may be any of the following:-


It wouldn't be a Haskell-like language without lambdas now, would it?

A Pluto lambda shares similar syntax to Haskell-

\x -> x

This is a "top level lambda" - hence it doesn't have parentheses around it. You can still put parentheses around it just the same.

(\x -> x)

As we will discuss later, when putting lambdas inside other terms - you must put the lambda inside parentheses.

You apply functions the same way you would in Haskell-

(\x -> x) 1


  f = (\x -> x)
in f 1

It's just whitespace!

Aside: Unlike in Haskell, function application is strict. The arguments are evaluated before the function is called. If you don't want this behavior, see: Delay and Force


There are 5 categories of constants in Pluto - Booleans, Integers, ByteStrings, Text/Strings, and Data values.


Pluto booleans correspond to Plutus builtin booleans. Pluto boolean constants are True and False - just like Haskell.



Pluto integers correspond to Plutus builtin integers. These are just integer literals, optionally preceded by a -.



Pluto bytestrings correspond to Plutus builtin bytestrings. These are written as hex literals in Pluto.


corresponds to the bytestring "A" (i.e [65]).


Pluto text/strings corresponds to Plutus builtin strings. These are written as string literals.



This corresponds to Plutus builtin unit. Just like in Haskell, Unit is represented by ().



Data corresponds to Plutus BuiltinData or Data.

This is Plutus's way of representing most Haskell data types. Which is done using the Constr constructor, that represents sum of products. Data can also represent some other builtin types such as Map, List, I (integer), and B (bytestring). All values that are passed on to your validator scripts, minting policies etc., are of type Data. FromData and IsData facilitate working with Haskell ADTs in Plutus.

We discuss more about Data later in the guide.

In Pluto, you create Data values by writing the keyword data, followed by a "data literal".

Data Literals

A data literal can be any of the following:-

Integer constant - 42

-- test.pluto
data 42
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (I 42)))

This constructs an I data value.

ByteString constant - 0x41

-- test.pluto
data 0x41
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (B "A")))

This constructs a B data value.

Aside: Remember that the length of a hex literal is always even! You need a hex digit pair to represent a byte. If you get this wrong, you'll get a Pluto parsing error - but it's quite misleading right now. Just remember to write your hex literals correctly!

Ed note: The parsing errors could be made significantly better by reducing backtracking.

List of data literals - [1, 2, 3]

-- test.pluto
data [1, 2, 3]
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (B "A")))

This constructs a List data value where each element is of type Data (hence the data literal).

Lists in Plutus are homogenous - but notice the expressiveness of Data. You can essentially represent any Haskell type using Data. This means that a list of Data is practically heterogenous.

Recall that you can create a different sort of Data value using different data literals. You can mix and match data literals inside that list literal. At the end of the day, all data literals create a Data value - and that's the correct element type here.

-- test.pluto
data [1, 0x41, [42], { 0xfe = 7 }]
-- valid!
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (List [I 1,B "A",List [I 42],Map [(B "\254",I 7)]])))

Map of data literal keys, to data literal values - { 1 = 0x42, 0xfe = 42 }

-- test.pluto
data { 1 = 0x42, 0xfe = 42, [1, 2] = [3, 4], { 1 = 3 } = 4 }
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (Map [(I 1,B "B"),(B "\254",I 42),(List [I 1,I 2],List [I 3,I 4]),(Map [(I 1,I 3)],I 4)])))

This constructs a Map data value where each key and value is of type Data (hence the data literal). Maps in Plutus are actually just assoc lists. This is why the Map constructor in Data wraps around an assoc list.

Just like in the case of lists, you can mix and match the data literals however you want. At the end of the day, all of the data literals end up as a Data value.

Aside: Have you seen Maps in Plutus before? A common example is Value! Despite the name, Value is a map from CurrencySymbol to another map (from TokenName to Integer). Whenever we are talking about maps in Plutus - feel free to mentally substitute the word "map" with "assoc list".


-- test.pluto
data sigma0.[1, 0x41]
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (Constr 0 [I 1,B "A"])))

Here's the cool one! This is for representing sums of products. It corresponds to the Constr constructor in Data.

We'll discuss about Constr in depth at a later part of this guide. For now, you can read Constr 0 [] (i.e data sigma0.[]) as-

The 0th constructor of a data type with 0 fields.

In this example above, data sigma0.[1, 0x41] translates to Constr 0 [I 1, B "A"] - which reads as-

The 0th constructor of a data type with 2 fields with values I 1 and B "A" respectively. How would you represent Constr 1 []? With data sigma1.[] of course!

Now you know how to represent Haskell ADTs in Pluto!

Aside: Recall that I 1 is how you represent the integer 1, as a value of type Data, and B "A" is how you represent the bytestring "A", as a value of type Data.

IMPORTANT: Remember that the "data literal" is what appears after the data keyword. It DOES NOT include the data keyword itself.


Variable names in Pluto must begin with a lower case letter and can consist of any alphanumeric characters, as well as _.

Aside: ' is not allowed in variable names!

Plutus Core Builtin functions

When writing Pluto, you'll primarily be calling builtin functions. All of your functions and program functionalities will merely be wrappers around these builtin functions. Here's a list of all builtin functions, aka DefaultFun-

  • AddInteger
  • SubtractInteger
  • MultiplyInteger
  • DivideInteger
  • QuotientInteger
  • RemainderInteger
  • ModInteger
  • EqualsInteger
  • LessThanInteger
  • LessThanEqualsInteger
  • AppendByteString
  • ConsByteString
  • SliceByteString
  • LengthOfByteString (actually called LengthByteString in Pluto)
  • IndexByteString
  • EqualsByteString
  • LessThanByteString
  • LessThanEqualsByteString (actually called LessThanEqualByteString in Pluto)
  • Sha2_256
  • Sha3_256
  • Blake2b_256
  • VerifySignature
  • AppendString
  • EqualsString
  • EncodeUtf8
  • DecodeUtf8
  • IfThenElse
  • ChooseUnit
  • Trace
  • FstPair
  • SndPair
  • ChooseList
  • MkCons
  • HeadList
  • TailList
  • NullList
  • ChooseData
  • ConstrData
  • MapData
  • ListData
  • IData
  • BData
  • UnConstrData
  • UnMapData
  • UnListData
  • UnIData
  • UnBData
  • EqualsData
  • MkPairData
  • MkNilData
  • MkNilPairData

These are mostly quite simple to use. You'll be calling them as you would call any other function - AddInteger 1 2 calls the builtin function AddInteger with the arguments 1 and 2.

However, some of these functions have type variables, for parametric polymorphism. To use these functions, you need to force on them, using !, a certain number of times. The number of times you must force them depends on the number of distinct type variables the builtin function has. For example, HeadList has one type variable, so it needs to be forced once before you can apply it to your list- ! HeadList xs.

Regardless, all you need to know to use these functions, is their description, their expected types, and the number of forces they take. Just like any other function in any other programming language - documentation!

Official documentation on these are sparse, and unsatisfying. That's why we have a Builtin function reference!

Infix Application

You can surround a variable representing a function with backticks to use it as an infix function. Just like Haskell!

  const = (\x _ -> x)
in 1 `const` 2

Pluto also has many convenient operators included. These correspond to Plutus Core builtin functions.

  • +i - Integer addition operator.

    Corresponds to AddInteger.

    Ex: 1 +i 1 evaluates to 2.

  • -i - Integer subtraction operator.

    Corresponds to SubtractInteger.

    Ex: 6 -i 4 evaluates to 2.

  • *i - Integer multiplication operator.

    Corresponds to MultiplyInteger.

    Ex: 3 *i 3 evaluates to 9.

  • /i - Integer division operator.

    Corresponds to DivideInteger.

    Ex: 9 /i 3 evaluates to 3.

  • %i - Integer modulo operator.

    Corresponds to ModInteger.

    Ex: 5 %i 2 evaluates to 1.

  • ==i - Integer equality operator.

    Corresponds to EqualsInteger.

    Ex: 5 ==i 2 evaluates to False, 2 ==i 2 evaluates to True.

  • <i - Integer comparison operator - LT (Less Than).

    Corresponds to LessThanInteger.

    Ex: 5 <i 2 evaluates to False, 2 <i 5 evaluates to True.

  • <=i - Integer comparison operator - LTE (Less Than Equals).

    Corresponds to LessThanEqualsInteger.

    Ex: 5 <i 2 evaluates to False, 2 <=i 2 evaluates to True.

  • +b - ByteString concatenation operator.

    Corresponds to AppendByteString.

    Ex: 0x41 +b 0x61 evaluates to "Aa".

  • :b - ByteString cons operator.

    Corresponds to ConsByteString.

    Ex: 65 :b 0x61 evaluates to "Aa".

  • !b - ByteString indexing operator.

    Corresponds to IndexByteString.

    Ex: 0x41615fde !b 1 evaluates to 97.

  • ==b - ByteString equality operator.

    Corresponds to EqualsByteString.

    Ex: 0x41 ==b 0x61 evaluates to False, 0x41615fde ==b 0x41615fde evaluates to True.

  • <b - ByteString comparison operator - LT (Less Than).

    Corresponds to LessThanByteString. Performs a lexicographic comparison.

    Ex: 0x41 <b 0x61 evaluates to True.

  • <=b - ByteString comparison operator - LTE (Less Than Equals).

    Corresponds to LessThanEqualsByteString. Performs a lexicographic comparison.

    Ex: 0x41 <=b 0x41 evaluates to True.

  • +s - Text/String concatenation operator.

    Corresponds to AppendString.

    Ex: "foo" +s "bar" evaluates to "foobar".

  • ==s - Text/String equality operator.

    Corresponds to EqualsString.

    Ex: "foo" ==s "foo" evaluates to True.

  • ==d - Data equality operator.

    Corresponds to EqualsData.

    Ex: data 1 ==d data 1 evaluates to True.


Conditionals also share syntax with Haskell-

if cond then expr1 else expr2

Here, cond may be any of the following-

  • Boolean constant
  • Variable representing a boolean
  • Function application (infix or prefix) that yields a boolean
  • if or let terms within parentheses that evaluate to a boolean
  • Any of the above expressions, as a delayed term, preceded by a ! (i.e Forced)

expr1 can be any of the following-

  • Constant
  • Lambda within parentheses
  • Variable
  • Builtin function
  • Function application (infix or prefix) that yields a boolean
  • if or let terms within parentheses
  • The Error keyword
  • Any of the above expressions, preceded by a ! or #. i.e Delayed or Forced.
    • ! is only valid on a delayed expression.

expr2 can be everything expr1 can be, as well as if and let terms without parentheses. This allows you to have nice else ifs-

if False then
else if False then

Although many things in Pluto are strict. if-then-else does not eagerly evaluate both its branches. It works as you would expect, only the branch to be taken, is evaluated.

Aside: if-then-else is actually a wrapper around the IfThenElse builtin function. But wait - function application is strict, right? So applying the branches onto IfThenElse would strictly evaluate both branches. How come if-then-else manages to get around this? By using delay and force!

Let bindings

Let bindings are similar to Haskell - but not exactly the same-

let <bindings> in <expr>

Now, bindings represents one or more bindings, each separated by a ;. However, trailing semicolons are not allowed.

let x = 1; in x

Each binding is of the form <var> = <expr>. A var is simply a variable. An expr can be any of the following-

  • Constant
  • Lambda within parentheses
  • Variable
  • Builtin function
  • Function application (infix or prefix) that yields a boolean
  • if or let terms within parentheses
  • The Error keyword
  • Any of the above expressions, preceded by a ! or #. i.e Delayed or Forced.
    • ! is only valid on a delayed expression.

Delay and Force

An expression can be preceded by a # to create a "delayed expression".

-- test.pluto
  f = (\x -> x);
  res = # (f 1)
in res
$ pluto run test.pluto
Delay () (Apply () (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 2}}) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 2}}))) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 1))))

The function application is "delayed". It will not be evaluated (and therefore computed) until it is forced.

Function application, let bindings, and similar cases are all strictly evaluated in Pluto (and Plutus). All of your let bindings are computed before the expression after in is computed. All of your function arguments are evaluated before the function is called.

This is often undesirable, and you want to create a delayed term instead that you want to force only when you need to compute it.

You can force a previously delayed expression using !-

-- test.pluto
  f = (\x -> x);
  res = # (f 1)
in ! res
$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 1))

You can do the same with function arguments-

-- test.pluto
  -- Wrap the `if-then-else` language construct into a function.
  -- This function will strictly evaluate `x` and `y` upon application, since function application is strict.
  iff = (\cond x y -> if cond then x else y);
in ! (iff (# 42) (# 7))

Peculiar, isn't it? Function application is strict - so wrapping if-then-else in a function and then applying it to both branches .....would evaluate both branches. But that's not what we want when using conditionals! So we use # to delay the expressions (in this case, the expressions are just integers - but use your imagniation to conjure up some super complex computation in their place!). This way, iff doesn't evaluate the inner expressions. Finally, since iff gives back one of the delayed expressions, we force it using ! to only evaluate that branch.

Delay and Force will be one of your most useful tools while writing Pluto. Make sure you get a grip on them!


To emulate recursion in Pluto, you need to use the Y combinator - often called "fix". Be prepared to pop in this function in all your pluto programs-

fix = (\f -> (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)) (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)));

The first argument is "self", or the function you want to recurse with.

-- test.pluto
  fix = (\f -> (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)) (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)));
  fac = fix (\self n -> if n ==i 1 then n else n *i (self (n -i 1)))
  -- (ignore the existence of non positives :D)
in fac 4

There's the factorial function! Note how the function passed to fix takes in a self and just recurses on it. Let's run it!

$ pluto run test.pluto
Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 24))


Analyzing basic examples

Alright, that's our extended leanxinyminutes segment done with. Now, how about some real examples?

We'll go through some of the basic examples in pluto/examples one by one. Make sure you know how to run your Pluto programs!



-- Echos the first command line argument
(\x -> x)

Alright, so this is the familiar id function. It is practically the same as a Haskell lambda expression for id. But it also serves as a great way to see the Plutus Core representation of any argument you pass in!

$ pluto run echo.pluto "[1, 2, 3]"
Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (List [I 1,I 2,I 3])))

Aside: Recall that pluto run takes in data literals to pass into the pluto program. In this case that data literal is [1, 2, 3].



-- Hello world
  trace = (\s x -> ! Trace s x);
  defaultGreeting = "Hello";
  greet = (\greeting name ->
    (greeting +s ", ")
      +s (trace ("Name is: " `AppendString` name) name)
  -- The argument is a Plutus Data value
  (\nameData ->
    greet defaultGreeting (DecodeUtf8 (UnBData nameData))

There's something a bit juicier, but still simple! The entire program is a let binding that yields a function. This function takes in a nameData, which is actually a B data value. That is, a bytestring as a Data value.

Let's examine the let bindings first.

First we have trace-

trace = (\s x -> ! Trace s x);

This is actually similar to PlutusTx.Prelude.trace. It uses the Trace builtin function. Which is really the only way to do "side effects" here. It will log the message (its first argument - must be Text/String) (when you run it using Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts.evaluateScript or similar) and return its second argument.

What's with that !? Why use forcing here? Well, you can think of the Trace builtin as having type Trace :: forall a. Text -> a -> a. It has one type variable - a. Many builtins have one or more type variables. To use these builtins, you must use force on them. How many times do you have to force it? It depends on the number of distinct type variables. In this case, there's only one - so we force once. So, ! Trace "forces" the Trace builtin function to make it "usable", and then we apply s and x over it.

We discuss more about builtin functions and forcing here. But I hope that brief description was enough to understand trace here. trace "foo" 1 logs "foo" and returns 1.

Next, we have defaultGreeting. Not much to see here, it's just a variable bound to the string "Hello".

Next, we have the function greet-

greet = (\greeting name ->
    (greeting +s ", ")
      +s (trace ("Name is: " `AppendString` name) name)

It takes in 2 arguments, greeting and name - both of which are expected to be strings. First, greeting is concatenated with the string - ", ", +s is the Text/String concatenation operator. It was discussed above. Then, the result of that is concatenated with-

trace ("Name is: " `AppendString` name) name

Aside: Recall that +s is a synonym to AppendString. So you can replace that with +s and it'd be the same! However, this is also a good demonstration of infix application using backticks.

This calls trace. The name is appended to the string "Name is: " and logged. The entire expression just returns name, since trace returns its second argument.

And that's all greet does! It creates a greeting string with the given greeting and name. It also logs a message noting the name argument.

Finally, we have the "main" function that the program yields-

(\nameData ->
  greet defaultGreeting (DecodeUtf8 (UnBData nameData))

It applies the greet function we just saw over 2 arguments, defaultGreeting - which is just "Hello", and-

DecodeUtf8 (UnBData nameData)

What does that mean? Recall that nameData is expected to be a B data value. That is, a bytestring wrapped as a Data value. UnBData is the builtin function that unwraps a B data value to extract the inner bytestring. So UnBData nameData yields a ByteString. What about DecodeUtf8 - this builtin function decodes a bytestring using UTF-8. It returns a Text (string). Of course, greet expects two Texts!

If greet was called with "Hello" and "World" as its arguments, it'd yield "Hello, World". What's the UTF8 encoded bytestring representation of "World"? [87, 111, 114, 108, 100], or 0x576f726c64 in Pluto.

$ pluto run test.pluto 0x576f726c64
Constant () (Some (ValueOf string "Hello, World"))

Aha! There we have it. Not too difficult was it?

Aside: Note how I called PlutusTx.Prelude.trace and trace similar, but they are not the same! The one from PlutusTx.Prelude traces before evaluating its second argument. But you have to be careful here since trace is a Pluto function and therefore, strict!

Aside: This program structure is going to be a common pattern when you start writing Pluto. Usually, your programs will be let bindings that yield a function! Validating function, minting policy function etc.

Intermission: Loading Pluto into Haskell

For the next segments of the guide, you'll want to load your Pluto script into Haskell itself. You can do that using PlutusCore.Assembler.FFI.load from the pluto package.

-- test.pluto
\x -> x
import PlutusCore.Assembler.Types.AST (Program)
import qualified PlutusCore.Assembler.FFI as FFI

plutoId :: Program ()
plutoId = $(FFI.load "test.pluto")

plutoId is now the Pluto program that evaluates to the identity function.

More often than not, you want to load a Pluto file as a Script (from Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts). These are the essential plutus scripts that are the core of validators, minting policies - you name it! Once you have a plutus script, you can use functions provided by the Plutus.V1.Ledger.Api and Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts modules to evaluate them, or wrap them into Validators.

You can obtain a Script from a Pluto program using PlutusCore.Assembler.Assemble.translate-

import PlutusCore.Assembler.Types.ErrorMessage (ErrorMessage)
import qualified PlutusCore.Assembler.Assemble as Pluto
import qualified PlutusCore.Assembler.FFI as FFI

import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts (Script)

plutoIdScript :: Either ErrorMessage Script
plutoIdScript = Pluto.translate $(FFI.load "test.pluto")

You can then run that script with evaluateScript, runScript etc. Or, you can wrap it into a Validator.

Using Pluto within Haskell

Once you have your Pluto script loaded, you can then use functions from Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts to run them. Let's glance at a few of these useful functions-

-- Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts

evaluateScript :: forall m. MonadError ScriptError m => Script -> m (ExBudget, [Text])

applyArguments :: Script -> [Data] -> Script

runScript :: MonadError ScriptError m => Context -> Validator -> Datum -> Redeemer -> m (ExBudget, [Text])

runMintingPolicyScript :: MonadError ScriptError m => Context -> MintingPolicy -> Redeemer -> m (ExBudget, [Text])

These functions are great! But these only give you the execution budget (how much CPU and Memory your script needed), and the trace log. Often times, you also want to look at what the script evaluated to. Of course, on the chain - it doesn't matter what your script evaluates to. If the script doesn't error with the PlutusTx.Prelude.error function (Error keyword in Pluto), it's considered as "successful". But it's still useful to look at the return value during testing.

For that reason, you can use PlutusCore.Assembler.Evaluate.eval and PlutusCore.Assembler.Evaluate.evalWithArgs from the pluto package-

eval :: Script -> Either ScriptError (ExBudget, [Text], Term Name DefaultUni DefaultFun ())

evalWithArgs :: [Data] -> Script -> Either ScriptError (ExBudget, [Text], Term Name DefaultUni DefaultFun ())

Why don't we try it on good ol' id?

-- test.pluto
\x -> x

Load that up into Haskell and bind it to a variable!

plutoSc :: Script

Here comes the lightshow-

> eval plutoSc
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 29873, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 200},[],LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 0}}) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 0}})))

Not bad. But that's just the lambda, we should feed it an argument-

> [PlutusTx.toData 1] `evalWithArgs` plutoSc
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 119192, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 500},[],Constant () (Some (ValueOf data (I 1))))

Neat! Remember that hello.pluto example from earlier? Let's load that up and run it!

helloPluto :: Script

Ready or not, here it goes!

> eval helloPluto
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 297830, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 1100},[],LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 3}}) (Apply () (Apply () (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 4}}) (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 5}}) (Apply () (Apply () (Builtin () AppendString) (Apply () (Apply () (Builtin () AppendString) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 4}}))) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf string ", "))))) (Apply () (Apply () (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 6}}) (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 7}}) (Apply () (Apply () (Force () (Builtin () Trace)) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 6}}))) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 7}}))))) (Apply () (Apply () (Builtin () AppendString) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf string "Name is: ")))) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 5}})))) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 5}})))))) (Constant () (Some (ValueOf string "Hello")))) (Apply () (Builtin () DecodeUtf8) (Apply () (Builtin () UnBData) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 3}}))))))

False hype, that's just a massive lambda! We should feed it a bytestring Data value first.

import PlutusTx.Builtins (BuiltinByteString, toBuiltin)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

name :: BuiltinByteString
name = toBuiltin $ BS.pack [0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41, 0x41]
> [PlutusTx.toData name] `evalWithArgs` helloPluto
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 2282658, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 4784},["Name is: AAAAAA"],Constant () (Some (ValueOf string "Hello, AAAAAA")))

AAAAAA indeed, my friend. AAAAAA indeed.

Aside: Notice that all arguments you will be passing to a Script from Haskell are of type Data/BuiltinData. Any arguments your Script receives on the chain will also be of type Data. This is why Data is such an integral type in Plutus Core!

Working with Builtin Lists

Unsurprisingly, the Pluto programs you write will be operating on builtin lists a lot. Hey, that's just like Haskell!

Anyway, you can learn all about how to use them at plutonomicon.

Working with Builtin Pairs

Working with builtin pairs doesn't come up as often as builtin lists, but it does come up! Thankfully, more often than not - you'll be taking pairs apart, not building them.

You can learn all about builtin pairs and the builtin functions to operate on them at plutonomicon.

Intermission: What is Data/BuiltinData?

Most of the time, you'll be working with BuiltinData/Data - this is the type of the arguments that will be passed onto your script from the outside. This is the type of the datum, the redeemer and the script context. This is also the type of arguments you will be able to pass to a Script. This is Plutus Core's most flexible data type - capable of representing any Haskell ADT as a sum of products. It's also equipped to represent builtin lists, maps, bytestrings, and integers.

As such, you'll certainly need to know everything about it!

Intermission: UPLC is strict

Because UPLC (Untyped Plutus Core), the language Pluto wraps around, is strict - many of the behaviors you're accustomed to in Haskell, don't exist here. For starters, arguments to all functions, builtin or otherwise, are strictly evaluated before the function itself is called.

More importantly, let bindings in Pluto are also strict-

  x = <big computation>;
  y = <another big computation>
in x

y was never used - but it will be evaluated before returning x. You'll have to keep this mind when writing Pluto programs.

There are two ways to handle this- Manual thunking and Delaying + Forcing.

The first method is the simpler of the too, instead of doing a computation, build a function holding said computation.

  fx = (\_ -> <big computation>);
  fy = (\_ -> <another big computation>)
in fx ()

The computation within fy was never needed - so it was never computed! We just needed the computation within fx, so we passed a dummy value into it (doesn't matter what value you pass), which executed the computation and yielded a value.

The second method is arguably more natural to the language-

  xr = # (<big computation>);
  yr = # (<another big computation>)
in ! xr

We delay both of the computations using #, and only force the one we need.

Which method you prefer is entirely dependent on you. There are trade offs to each. I think the second method is cleaner, but it tends to slightly increase CPU and Memory cost while (usually) decreasing script size.

Writing a real Validator

Enough of that shimmy sham; how about we write a real validator?


You definitely need to know about a few things before diving in here.

It's also useful to know how to work with builtin list and builtin pairs.

Plutus Tx

import qualified Prelude as Hask

import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Ada (adaToken, adaSymbol)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Contexts (ScriptContext (scriptContextTxInfo), pubKeyOutputsAt)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Crypto (PubKeyHash)
import Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value (Value)
import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value as Value
import PlutusTx (unsafeFromBuiltinData)
import PlutusTx.Prelude

integerToAdaValue :: Integer -> Value
integerToAdaValue = Value.singleton adaSymbol adaToken

validatePayment :: PubKeyHash -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> BuiltinData -> ()
validatePayment pkh _ _ rawCtx =
  if totalValue `` integerToAdaValue 1 && totalValue `` integerToAdaValue 100
    then trace "Correct value!" ()
    else traceError "Invalid value."
    ctx = unsafeFromBuiltinData @ScriptContext rawCtx

    txInfo = scriptContextTxInfo ctx
    values = pubKeyOutputsAt pkh txInfo

    totalValue = fold values

Ok, admittedly that's not a real real validator but hey, it's used in the official tutorial!

Aside: In all serious ness, this validator shows some real juice. It takes apart script context, it folds on a list, believe it or not - this is enough to showcase almost every single Pluto concept! Talk about minimal yet exhaustive!

validatePayment basically just checks the script context's txInfoOutputs to find Values matching the given public key (pkh). It then sums up all those values and asserts that the total value is within range (1, 100).


Want me to dump the Pluto version on you? Sorry I can't hear your response while writing this, so I'll dump it anyway-

  -- Bestow recursion unto pluto.
  fix = (\f -> (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)) (\x -> f (\v -> x x v)));

  -- List utilities.
  head = (\x -> ! HeadList x);
  second = (\x -> ! HeadList (! TailList x));
  tail = (\x -> ! TailList x);
  null = (\x -> ! NullList x);
  cons = (\x xs -> ! MkCons x xs);
  nilData = MkNilData ();

  -- Pair utilities.
  fst = (\x -> ! ! FstPair x);
  snd = (\x -> ! ! SndPair x);

  -- List HOFs.
  -- | fold :: (b -> a -> b) -> [a] -> b
  fold = (\f ->
      (\self acc xs ->
        if null xs then
          self (f acc (head xs)) (tail xs)

  -- Utilities for working with 'Constr' (sum of products).
  fieldsOf = (\x -> ! ! SndPair (UnConstrData x));
  constructorOf = (\x -> ! ! FstPair (UnConstrData x));

  -- Tracing.
  trace = (\s a -> ! Trace s a);
  traceIfTrue = (\s a -> if a then ! Trace s a else a);
  traceIfFalse = (\s a -> if a then a else ! Trace s a);
  traceError = (\s -> ! (! Trace s (# Error)))
in (\pkh _ _ ctx ->
    -- 'TxInfo', the first field in 'ScriptContext'.
    info = head (fieldsOf ctx);
    {- ['TxOut'], the second field in 'TxInfo' is a `List` data value.
    Use `UnListData` to get the builtin list. -}
    txOuts = UnListData (second (fieldsOf info));

    -- | valuesIn :: ['TxOut'] -> ['Value']
    valuesIn = fix (\self xs ->
      if null xs then
          -- First element of 'xs', this is what we'll be operating on in this function.
          txOut = head xs;
          -- ['Address', 'Value', 'Maybe' 'DatumHash'] - the 3 fields within 'TxOut'.
          txOutFields = fieldsOf txOut;
          -- 'Address', the first field of 'TxOut'.
          outAddr = head txOutFields;
          -- 'Credential', first field of 'Address'.
          cred = UnConstrData (head (fieldsOf outAddr));
          -- Either 0 or 1, denoting the constructor for 'Credential'.
          constr = fst cred;
          -- The fields associated with the constructor. (delayed - may not be used)
          credData = # (snd cred);
          rest = tail xs
          (if constr ==i 0 then
            -- 'PubKeyCredential' constructor. Has one field, a bytestring (not 'BuiltinByteString').
            (if head (! credData) ==d pkh
              -- Cons the 'Value' (second field of 'TxOut') and continue.
              then second txOutFields `cons` self rest
              else self rest)
          else if constr ==i 1 then
            -- 'ScriptCredential' constructor. Uninteresting.
            self rest
            -- Absurd
    -- | totalAdaValueIn :: ['Value'] -> Integer
    totalAdaValueIn = (\vals -> fold
      (\acc val ->
          {- Confusingly, 'Value' is a 'Map' of 'Map's. UnMap it.
          m is a builtin-list of builtin pairs. 2 builtin data in each pair.
          In this case, fst is a bytestring (not builtin), snd is another map -}
          -- m :: [(Data, Data)]
          --          ^     ^ Represents 'Map TokenName Integer'
          --          ^ Represents 'CurrencySymbol'
          m = UnMapData val
            (\acc mpair ->
                -- 'CurrencySymbol'. It's wrapped as a `B` data value - so unwrap it
                currSym = UnBData (fst mpair);
                -- The 'Map' 'TokenName' 'Integer'. It's wrapped as a `Map` data value - so unwrap it.
                -- (delayed - may not be used)
                tokMap = # (UnMapData (snd mpair))
                (if currSym ==b 0x then
                  -- The ada currency symbol is an empty bytestring (i.e 0x).
                    (\acc tokIntPair ->
                        -- 'TokenName'. It's wrapped as a `B` data value - so unwrap it.
                        tokName = UnBData (fst tokIntPair);
                        -- 'Integer'. It's wrapped as a `I` data value - so unwrap it. (delayed - may not be used)
                        intVal = # (UnIData (snd tokIntPair))
                        (if tokName ==b 0x then
                          -- The ada token name is an empty bytestring (i.e 0x).
                          acc +i (! intVal)
                          -- Not ada currency. Uninterested.
                    (! tokMap)
                  -- Not ada currency. Uninterested.

    totalAdaValue = totalAdaValueIn (valuesIn txOuts)
    -- Total ada value should be in range (1, 100).
    (if totalAdaValue <i 1
      then traceError "Value is less than 1 :("
      else ! (trace "Value is greater than 1!"
        (# (if totalAdaValue <i 100
          then trace "Value is less than 100!" True
          else traceError "Value is greater than 100 :("))))

Wooh, that's a lot to unfold. But you got this! Pull in the documentation on ScriptContext, and Value and follow along!

The top level let bindings are pretty basic - it's a bunch of synonyms to builtin functions, all set up with the forces. These will be generally useful across all Pluto programs. Amongst them, is fold-

fold = (\f ->
    (\self acc xs ->
      if null xs then
        self (f acc (first xs)) (rest xs)

We're using our knowledge about recursing with fixpoint combinators here! Notice that, in the case of folding, throughout the recursion steps, the folding function always stays constant. So we make a closure capturing f as a constant and recurse on that! Similar to how you would do-

fold f acc' l' = inner acc' l'
    inner acc l = ...

What else is interesting amongst the top level bindings? Oh I know-

fieldsOf = (\x -> ! ! SndPair (UnConstrData x));
constructorOf = (\x -> ! ! FstPair (UnConstrData x));

Recall that Constr holds a constructor id alongside its fields. UnConstrData returns those 2 things in a pair! The first member is, of course, the constructor id. The second, is a builtin list of Data. All the fields are represented by Data!

In the rest of the program, we gradually take apart script context to get the txInfoOutputs (of type [TxOut]). Each TxOut contains a Value. We use valuesIn to extract those values out to get a [Value]. Finally, we fold on it to sum up all the ada, and boom - we have our total!

Along the way, we do a lot of UnConstrData, to unpack Constr data values, UnListData, to unpack List data values (when a field is a list in Haskell ADT), and UnMapData (when a field is a map in Haskell ADT).

Aside: Remember that you can always try deconstructing a mock ScriptContext in Pluto to try and see what fields look like what. Build a mock ScriptContext in Haskell and just pass it in! UnConstrData on that argument as the first step (since ScriptContext is a Constr data), look at the returned value - then accordingly use other builtin functions to operate on the return value! You can even gradually remove some of the logic from the Pluto program above and return each field (e.g txOuts) to see their representation and proceed accordingly!

The final snippet of interest, is-

if totalAdaValueIn (valuesIn txOuts) <i 1
  then ! (trace "Value is less than 1 :(" (# Error))
  else ! (trace "Value is greater than 1!"
    (# (if totalAdaValue <i 100
      then trace "Value is less than 100!" True
      else ! (trace "Value is less than 100!" (# Error)))))

Aside: You should ideally implement a function like check to implement something like the above in production. This is just for an example!

Woah, what's with all those delays and forces? Recall that function call is strict, so the second argument to trace will be evaluated before the trace message is logged!

This isn't always a super important detail. After all, you want to evaluate trace's second argument sooner or later anyway. But notice what happens when you do-

-- test.pluto
  trace = (\s a -> ! Trace s a)
in trace "foo" (trace "bar" 42)
$ pluto run test.pluto

Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 42))

See the problem? bar got logged first! Sometimes, you don't want that. So you use delay and force!

-- test.pluto
  trace = (\s a -> ! Trace s a)
in ! (trace "foo" (# (trace "bar" 42)))
$ pluto run test.pluto

Constant () (Some (ValueOf integer 42))

Much better! And that's basically all you see on that if-then-else chain. Nothing too special.

You'll also notice some usages of delays and forces in let bindings in the actual program logic above. This is to avoid extra work. All of the bindings in a let are computed before the code in in is computed. Sometimes, you want to bind a bunch of stuff in let for clarity, some stuff that won't actually be used depending on the conditional branches taken inside your in. So I delay the bindings that may not be used, and force them as use site.

You should be very careful not force a delayed binding more than once though. Otherwise, you'll be duplicating work every time you force it! Force it once and bind it to a variable/argument!

Testing and Benchmarks

It's finally time, we get to see all of that machinery in action! As usual, load it up into Haskell and bind it to a variable.

validatePaymentPluto :: Script

We also have the Plutus Tx version loaded-

plutusScript :: Script
plutusScript = fromCompiledCode
  ($$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validatePayment ||]) `PlutusTx.applyCode` PlutusTx.liftCode pubKeyHash)

We do need to feed in a pubKeyHash :: PubKeyHash. Let's feed that into the Pluto version as well-

import qualified Plutus.V1.Ledger.Scripts as PlScr

plutoScript :: Script
plutoScript = validatePaymentPluto `PlScr.applyArguments` [PlutusTx.toData pubKeyHash]

Now we're on even grounds! Let's pass in a mock script context and evaluate it using evalWithArgs. Here's a mock ScriptContext-

mockCtx :: ScriptContext
mockCtx =
      [ TxOut (Address (PubKeyCredential pubKeyHash) Nothing) (integerToAdaValue 0) Nothing
      , TxOut (Address (PubKeyCredential "ab") Nothing) (integerToAdaValue 10) Nothing
      (interval (POSIXTime 1) (POSIXTime 2))
      ["abcd", "0123"]
    (Minting (CurrencySymbol ""))

It should fail since it doesn't have a valid amount of ada at pubKeyHash-

> evalWithArgs [toData (), toData (), toData mockCtx] plutusScript
Left (EvaluationError ["Invalid value."] "(CekEvaluationFailure,Nothing)")
> evalWithArgs [toData (), toData (), toData mockCtx] plutoScript
Left (EvaluationError ["Value is less than 1 :("] "(CekEvaluationFailure,Nothing)")

Aside: We pass in unit as the datum and redeemer argument since we don't care about it. They are ignored anyway.

Great! How about a valid mock ScriptContext?

mockCtx :: ScriptContext
mockCtx =
      [ TxOut (Address (PubKeyCredential pubKeyHash) Nothing) (integerToAdaValue 0) Nothing
      , TxOut (Address (PubKeyCredential pubKeyHash) Nothing) (integerToAdaValue 10) Nothing
      (interval (POSIXTime 1) (POSIXTime 2))
      ["abcd", "0123"]
    (Minting (CurrencySymbol ""))

10 ada is just fine!

> evalWithArgs [toData (), toData (), toData mockCtx] plutusScript
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 650403466, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 1862224},["Correct value!"],Delay () (LamAbs () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 625}}) (Var () (Name {nameString = "i", nameUnique = Unique {unUnique = 625}}))))
> evalWithArgs [toData (), toData (), toData mockCtx] plutoScript
Right (ExBudget {exBudgetCPU = ExCPU 48572016, exBudgetMemory = ExMemory 116858},["Value is greater than 1!","Value is less than 100!"],Constant () (Some (ValueOf bool True)))

Now we're in business. They both succeed correctly but look at that CPU and Memory consumption!

Version CPU Memory
Plutus 650403466 1862224
Pluto 48572016 116858

Efficiency, as promised.

Thumb rules for auditing/understanding/writing Pluto

  • Don't forget to handle laziness/strictness! Pluto is strict, you need to know how to delay and force things! Don't do more work than necessary. Don't evaluate function arguments strictly if you need short circuting (e.g IfThenElse, ChooseList, ChooseData etc). Don't evaluate function arguments strictly if you need the function logic to happen before the argument computation.

  • Remember to apply the correct number of forces on the builtins that need them! Otherwise, they just won't work.

  • A possible source of confusion is the discrepancy between return values from Plutus Tx validators and Pluto validators. You may notice that, upon success, Plutus Tx validators return a delayed lambda. It's essentially a # (\x -> x) - the delayed id function. When you write validators in Pluto, you will most likely be returning (), i.e Unit.

    For whatever reason, Plutus Tx seems to compile () (unit) into a # (\x -> x). You can totally match the Plutus Tx behavior in Pluto by returning a # (\x -> x) on success, instead of (). But you really don't have to. The return value doesn't matter. If the script doesn't Error, it means the validator/minting policy succeeded.

  • Try to minimize the number of builtin function calls. Comparing I data values (when you know for sure both are I data, of course)? Don't bother unwrapping the integers with UnIData and finally using EqualsInteger (or ==i) on them. Just use EqualsData (or ==d)!

  • Don't duplicate work! Unlike Haskell, where thunks never re-do their work if forced twice, forcing a delayed expression will evaluate it no matter what.

      fd = # <big computation>
      func = (\x y -> <use x and y here>)
    in func (! fd) (! fd)

    fd here is a delayed expression. Forcing it twice will evaluate it twice. You probably don't want this. Instead, compute once, bind it to some variable and use that instead.

  • Don't assume the constructor id for Constr data values! Initially, I actually assumed that PlutusTx.toData Nothing translates to Constr 0 []. But it doesn't! It's actually Constr 1 []. The constructor id of Nothing is 1, not 0 - as I initially assumed.

    To find out what id each constructor has, check the ADT's makeIsDataIndexed implementation! This is what the Maybe impl looks like-

    PlutusTx.makeIsDataIndexed ''Maybe [('Just, 0),('Nothing, 1)]

    See? Nothing is 1, not 0. Treating Nothing as Just and vice versa would be a silly bug to have!

Common Issues

Using operators without explicit parens causes weird behavior

This is a known issue - #9. For now, try to use parens to explicitly mark associativity-

(1 +i 1) +i 1

Unexpected \ near a lambda

Surround the lambda in parentheses!

  f = \x -> x
--     ^ INVALID!
in ...

Should be-

  f = (\x -> x)
in ...

Unexpected in

You probably have a trailing semicolon in your let bindings. This is invalid-

  x = 1;
  y = 2;
--     ^ INVALID!
in x +i y

Should be-

  x = 1;
  y = 2
in x +i y

Unexpected = within let binding

You probably forgot a semicolon in one of your let bindings!

  x = 1
  y = 2
in x +i y

Should be-

  x = 1;
  y = 2
in x +i y

UnexpectedBuiltinTermArgumentMachineError - A builtin received a term argument when something else was expected

You probably did not apply enough forces to a builtin function. Check out Builtin Functions!

Extra: Useful Links