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Archived Setup Documentation

These pages are being kept temporarily for reference. Much of what is here is superceded by the preceding setup documentation.

Setting up a RedHat or CentOS Server


BETYdb runs on RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu and OSX; instructions for installing on these systems can be found in the PEcAn documentation{target="_blank"}.

The original BETYdb ( runs on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 5.8 Server. To simulate this environment, we have set up a CentOS 5.8 server at for testing.

This documentation is aimed at installing BETYdb on a production RedHat, CentOS or similar operating system.

These instructions have been tested and refined on our production ( and development ( servers. See the Installing BETY{target="_blank"} section of the PEcAn documentation for more generic installation instructions.

If you have any questions about installing BETYdb ... please submit an issue{target="_blank"} or send an email.

Create an netinstall of the CentOS ISO

Boot from CD and Install


  1. Add new user
adduser johndoe
  1. add user to root
sudo su
emacs /etc/sudoers
  1. add the line
johndoe  ALL=(ALL)  ALL

Add new repository

instructions here:{target="_blank"}

sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-5*.rpm

... move to PEcAn documentation page for build environment{target="_blank"}

Remember to install R 3.0:

tar xzf R-3.0.1.tar.gz
cd R-3.0.1
sudo make install

####Site data installation

cd /usr/local/ebi

rm -rf sites
curl -o sites.tgz
tar zxf sites.tgz
sed -i -e "s#/home/kooper/projects/EBI#${PWD}#" sites/*/ED_MET_DRIVER_HEADER
rm sites.tgz

rm -rf inputs
tar zxf inputs.tgz
rm inputs.tgz

####Database Creation

See the PEcAn documentation{target="_blank"} for additional information, e.g. on the scripts ({target="_blank"} is in the PEcAn repo), running the rails and/or php front-ends

# install database (code assumes password is bety)
sudo -u postgres createuser -d -l -P -R -S bety
sudo -u postgres createdb -O bety bety
sudo -u postgres CREATE=YES REMOTESITE=0 scripts/
REMOTESITE=1 scripts/

Open up and remove the two lines

#change to home

If these are left in, the script will attempt to put the site data in ~/sites instead of /usr/local/ebi/sites.

#fetch and updates the bety database

####Ruby installation The version of ruby available through yum is too low, so we have to use rvm

user$ \curl -L | sudo bash -s stable
rvm install 1.9
rvm use 1.9

yum upgrade rubygem

yum install mysql-devel.x86_64
yum install ImageMagick-devel.x86_64
yum install rubygem-rails
yum install httpd-devel
tar -xzf sqlite-autoconf-3071700.tar.gz
cd sqlite-autoconf-3071700.tar.gz
make install

If you plan to run the JavaScript-based rspec tests, you will also need to install qt:

tar -xf qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6.tar.gz
cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.6
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/qt-4.8.6
make install

export PATH=/usr/local/qt-4.8.6/bin:$PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/ruby-1.8.3/bin:$PATH
# Before running the "gem" command, type "gem environment" and make sure the installation directory matches
# the installation directory used by the BetyDB Rail application.  If you are using RVM, it should suffice
# simply to switch the the root directory of the application, e.g. "cd /usr/local/ebi".
gem install capybara-webkit

Then all the ruby gems bety needs.

cd /usr/local/bety
gem install bundler
bundle install
# (If you didn't install qt and capybara-webkit, you will need to run "bundle install --without test_js" instead.)

Configuration for Bety:

cd /usr/local/ebi/bety

# create folders for upload folders
mkdir paperclip/files paperclip/file_names
chmod 777 paperclip/files paperclip/file_names

# create folder for log files
mkdir log
touch log/production.log
chmod 0666 log/production.log
touch log/test.log
chmod 0666 log/test.log

cat > config/database.yml << EOF
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: latin1
  reconnect: false
  database: bety
  pool: 5
  username: bety
  password: bety

  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: latin1
  reconnect: false
  database: test
  pool: 5
  username: bety
  password: bety

# setup per-instance configuration
cp config/application.yml.template config/application.yml
# Be sure to edit the sample values in application.yml to provide values appropriate to your server.
# In particular, the actual value for rest_auth_site_key needs to be replaced with one matching the DB you are using.

# configure apache
ln -s /usr/local/ebi/bety/public /var/www/bety

cat > /etc/apache2/conf.d/bety << EOF
RailsEnv production
RailsBaseURI /bety
<Directory /var/www/bety>
   Options FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride None
   Order allow,deny
   Allow from all

You may have to change your DocumentRoot in /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf from "/var/www/html" to "/var/www" if you get the error message 'Passenger error #2 An error occurred while trying to access '/var/www/html/bety': Cannot resolve possible symlink '/var/www/html/bety': No such file or directory (2)'. Up next make apache2 and passenger play nicely:

rvmsudo passenger-install-apache2-module

If that fails, try

sudo -s
source `rvm gemdir`

Finally run the tests

cd /usr/local/eby/bety/
bundle exec rake db:test:prepare && bundle exec rake db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=test && bundle exec rspec spec/

[Note: If you are using RVM version 1.11 or later, you can omit the "bundle exec" portion of all rake and rspec commands. For example, the command above could just be typed as

rake db:test:prepare && rake db:fixtures:load RAILS_ENV=test && rspec spec/
