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412 lines (327 loc) · 17.5 KB

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412 lines (327 loc) · 17.5 KB


Generates Python Extension modules from Cythons PXD files.

This module uses the Cython "header" .pxd files to automatically generate Cython input (.pyx) files. It does so by parsing the header files and possibly annotations in the header files to generate correct Cython code. For an example, please have a look at examples/int_holder.h and example/int_holder.pxd which together form the input to the program.

Simple example

Assuming you want to wrap the following C++ class

class IntHolder {
        int i_;
        IntHolder(int i): i_(i) {};
        IntHolder(const IntHolder & i): i_(i.i_) {};
        int add(const IntHolder & other)
            return i_ + other.i_;

you could generate the following .pxd file and run autowrap

cdef extern from "int_holder.hpp":
    cdef cppclass IntHolder:
        int i_
        IntHolder(int i)
        IntHolder(IntHolder & i)
        int add(IntHolder o)

which will generate Cython code that allows direct access to the public internal variable i_ as well as to the two constructors and the public add method.


To compile the above examples to .pyx and .cpp files, go to the ./example folder and run

$ autowrap --out py_int_holder.pyx int_holder.pxd

which will generate files py_int_holder.pyx and py_int_holder.cpp which you can compile using the following file which we provide in example/

import os, pkg_resources
from distutils.core import setup, Extension
from Cython.Distutils import build_ext

data_dir = pkg_resources.resource_filename("autowrap", "data_files")
include_dir = os.path.join(data_dir, "autowrap")

ext = Extension("py_int_holder",
                sources = ['py_int_holder.cpp'],
                include_dirs = [include_dir, data_dir],

      ext_modules = [ext]

You can build the final Python extension module by running

$ python build_ext --inplace

And you can use the final module running

    >>> import py_int_holder
    >>> ih = py_int_holder.IntHolder(42)
    >>> print ih.i_
    >>> print ih.add(ih)

To get some insight how autowrap works, you can inspect files py_int_holder.pyx and py_int_holder.cpp. Note how you can get direct access to public members such as i_ and can use public methods such as add directly on the object.

More complex example

Assuming you want to wrap the following C++ class

    template <typename TemplateType>
    class TemplateClassName {
        TemplateType myInner_;
        TemplateClassName(TemplateType i): myInner_(i) {};
        void process_data(double & ret_1, double & ret_2)
            ret_1 += 20.0;
            ret_2 += 40.0;

you could generate the following .pyx file and run autowrap (see below for a list of all directives)

    cdef extern from "libcpp_test.hpp":
        # example where no instance exists with the base class name
        # we should make sure that no Python class "TemplateClassName" is generated
        # NOTE: the text after "wrap-doc" will appear in the Python __doc__ string
        cdef cppclass TemplateClassName[TemplateType]:
            # wrap-instances:
            #   TemplatedWithFloat := TemplateClassName[float]
            #   TemplatedWithDouble := TemplateClassName[double]
            # wrap-doc:
            #   TemplatedClass for double and float,
            #   useful for processing foobars

            TemplateType myInner_
            TemplateClassName(TemplateType i)

            void process_data(double ret_1, double ret_2)

which will generate Cython code that allows direct access to the public internal variable myInner_ as well as to the two constructors and the process_data function.


A number of directives allow the user to modify the behavior of autowrap, which are generally added as a comment after a function or class declaration. All directives can be used as wrap-XXX:argument with the argument being optional for some directives. You can combine directives easily for classes (see above) and for methods by putting them on the same line. The currently supported directives are:

  • wrap-ignore: Will not create a wrapper for this function or class (e.g. abstract base class that needs to be known to Cython but cannot be wrapped)
  • wrap-iter-begin: For begin iterators
  • wrap-iter-end: For end iterators
  • wrap-attach: Attach to a specific class (can be used for static functions or nested classes)
  • wrap-pass-constructor: Create a special constructor that cannot be called (e.g. can be used on the default constructor if in C++ an argument is required for the constructor)
  • wrap-doc: Injection of a true Python docstring for function or class, e.g. wrap-doc:Some important docstring
  • wrap-as: Wrap with a different name, e.g. wrap-as:NewName
  • wrap-constant: Useful for constant properties that should have __get__ but no __set__
  • wrap-upper-limit: Can be used to check input argument of type int (e.g. for operator[]) to make sure the input integer does not exceed the limit
  • wrap-cast: Wrap casting functions such as double operator()(MyObject)
  • wrap-inherits: Inherit methods from parent classes (see below for example)
  • wrap-instances: Wrap specific template instances (see below for example)
  • wrap-manual-memory: will allow the user to provide manual memory management of self.inst, therefore the class will not provide the automated __dealloc__ and inst attribute (but their presence is still expected). This is useful if you cannot use the shared-ptr approach to store a reference to the C++ class (as with singletons for example).
  • wrap-hash: If the produced class should be hashable, give a hint which method should be used for this. This method will be called on the C++ object and fed into the Python "hash" function. This implies the class also provides a operator== function. Note that the only requirement for a hash function is that equal objects produce equal values.
  • wrap-with-no-gil: Autowrap will release the GIL (Global interpreter lock) before calling this method, so that it does not block other Python threads. It is advised to release the GIL for long running, expensive calls into native code which does not manipulate python objects.

Method Directives

Method directives are added using Python comments after a method declaration:

  size_t countSomething(libcpp_vector[double] inpVec) # wrap-ignore

This will skip wrapping the function countSomething

Example declaration for releasing the GIL (in the pxd):

    void Compile() nogil # wrap-with-no-gil

Example for multiple wrap statements in a method directive:

    size_t countSomething(libcpp_vector[double] inpVec) nogil # wrap-attach:Counter wrap-as:count

In addition you have to declare the function as nogil. For further details see

Class Directives

Directives for classes are put after the class with one indent and an empty line between two directives:

        cdef cppclass TemplatedClass[U,V]:
            # wrap-inherits:
            #    C[U]
            #    D
            # wrap-instances:
            #   TC_int_float := TemplatedClass[int, float]
            #   TC_pure := TemplatedClass[int, int]
            # wrap-hash:
            #   getName().c_str()

This will create two Python objects TC_int_float which wraps TemplatedClass[int, float] and a Python class TC_pure which wraps TemplatedClass[int,int]. If you wrap a C++ class without template parameters you can omit the 'wrap-instances' annotation. In this case the name of the Python class is the same as the name of the C++ class.

Additionally, TemplatedClass[U,V] gets additional methods from C[U] and from D without having to re-declare them.

Finally, the object is hashable in Python (assuming it has a function getName() that returns a string).


Docstrings can be added to classes and methods using the wrap-doc statement. Multi line docs are supported with empty lines and indentation. Note that every line of the docstring needs to begin with # and two spaces, even the empty lines. Methods still support single line doctrings directly after the declaration. However, if there is a multi line docstring it is taken with priority.

    cdef cppclass Counter:
        # wrap-doc:
        #  Multi line docstring for class
        #    with indentation
        #  and empty line

        size_t count(libcpp_vector[double] inpVec) # wrap-doc:Single line docstring that will be overwritten by multi line wrap-doc
        # wrap-doc:
        #  Multi line docstring for method
        #    with indentation
        #  and empty line

Test examples

The tests provide several examples on how to wrap tricky C++ constructs, see for example

Further examples

For further examples with full integration into a build process, you could look at the OpenMS project and the associated build process, which uses a CMakeLists.txt file ( which then calls a script building the cpp files ( using the autowrap.Main.create_wrapper_code directly. Next, the package is built by calling

Larger projects

By default, autowrap will produce a single .pyx file which contains a wrapper for every class and function provided to autowrap. This has the advantage that a single module is produced which contains all the wrapped classes and methods. However, for larger projects, this can lead to large .cpp files and problems with compilation. It is thus possible to change the default behavior of autowrap and split up the compilation into multiple units where each unit contains some of the projects classes. For an example on how to do this, see ./tests/

High Level Overview

Broadly speaking, the autowrap process consists of two steps:

  1. DeclResolver uses the PXDParser to parse files
  2. CodeGenerator generates code


The process is kicked off by the autowrap parse function. This method takes a list of files and a root directory as required parameters and optional parameters for designating the number of prcesses to use and the cython warning level. The method calls DeclResolver#resolve_decls_from_files with the given parameters.

Depending on the number of processes passed to the parse function, the resolve_decls_from_files method calls either a single or multi threaded method which calls the PXDParser#parse_pxd_file method on each given file.

The method parse_pxd_file uses the file path passed ot it to build Cython Context and Pipeline objects. These objects are used to create a root object. This object is passed to an iter_bodies method which extracts all the Cython node objects present in the .pyx file. These objects are used as keys to find the appropriate BaseDecl class for each node. These BaseDecl objects are put into a Python list and passed back to the calling DeclResolver method (either the resolve_decls_from_files_single_thread or resolve_decls_from_files_multi_thread method), which then passes decls to the private method DeclResolver#_resolve_decls.

The _resolve_decls method starts by organizing each BaseDecl object by its specific subclass (e.g., CTypeDefDecl, EnumDecl, etc). The method then handles the data processing specific to each type of declaration and puts them into a list of Resolved* objects (ResolvedEnum for example). The method also creates a dictionary object called instance_mapping which contains class instantiations. Finally, the _resolve_decls method returns a tuple of the resolved declaration objects and instance_mapping dict.

Code Generation

Building a CodeGenerator object

The second part of the process is to call the autowrap generate_code method. This method takes the list of resolved declaration objects and instance_mapping dict generated from the parse method. The generate_code method also requires a target argument for designating the name and path of the .pyx file to be generated.

The gerneate_code method builds a CodeGenerator object with its inputs. This object's constructor first does some preprocessing to file paths and set other configurations. Then, it gets all the classes, enums, functions, and typedefs of resolved declarations and puts them into a Python list called resolved. It then builds an instance_mapping instance attribute from both the instance_mapping argument passed to it, as well as instances extracted from the resolved typedefs.

The constructor then checks for items in the allDecl argument. This argument will have items in it if the user is parsing many files instead of just one. When this is the case, the CodeGenerator constructor builds an all_resolved list which contains instances of resolved classes, enums, functions, and typdefs from both the resolved list, and the allDecl object.

Finally, the CodeGenerator constructor instantiates an instance variable called cr, which stands for container registry by calling the ConversionProvider#setup_converter_registry method. This method takes lists of classes and enums to wrap, as well as an instance map. From these values, the method creates a new instance of the ConverterRegistry method and calls its register method on each supported type of converter supported by autowrap.

The register method builds a hash containing the base type of declarations to be converted as keys and maps the appropriate converter class to that key. For example, a void declaration maps to a VoidConverter.

Creating a .pyx file

Once the CodeGenerator object has been built, the generate_code method t hen calls the object's create_pyx_file method. This method is responsible for actually generating the Cython code. It starts by setting up the cimport paths by calling its own setup_cimport_paths method. This method finds the exact location of each .pxd file of the cpp_decl objects of each resolved declaration object of the CodeGenerator class.

This method sets the CodeGenerator object's pxd_import_path instance attribute to the location of the .pxd file. The method also ensures that all .pxd files are located in one directory, then sets the pxd_dir instance attribute as that directory.

With the cimport paths set, the create_pyx_file can then create the cimports by calling the create_cimports method. This method first imports standard and extra modules if they were designated in the CodeGenerator constructor.

Then, the create_cimports method instantiates a Code object. Then, the method iterates through each item in its all_resolved attribute and adds lines of code to the Code object, which interpolates local variables into parts of the pseudo code strings prefixed with a $ character. Finally, the create_cimports method appends that code to the CodeGenerator's top_level_code attribute.

With the cimports created, the create_pyx_file method creates the foreign cimports, other classes created by autowrap, by callings the create_foreign_cimports method. This method creates a Code object and generates a line of code for every extra module that needs to be imported.

The next step in the create_pyx_file is to create includes, which it does by calling the create_includes method. This method again builds a Code object that appends a line for including a cdef line in the top_level_code attribute.

Next, the create_pyx_file method calls the appropriate wrapper method for classes, enums, and free functions. These methods generate the Cython code necessary to wrap those items and does so by creating Code objects and appending interpolated strings into them.

As one last bit of preparation, the create_pyx_file method then resolves any extra classes not resolved in the previous steps.

Finally, the create_pyx_file begins writing code to the .pyx file. It does this by calling the render function on each Code object in its top_level_code and top_level_pyx_code attributes. This render method builds a list of Cython code expressions with proper indentation.

Finally, the create_pyx_file method creates files objects and writes the generated pyi, pyx, and pxd code to their relevant files.

Finally, back in the autowrap __init__ file, the generate_code method gathers the include directories by calling CodeGenerator's get_include_dirs method. This method returns a list of packaged resources from the Cython code generated in the previous steps. This value is then returned by the generate_code method, completing the second step.