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CCN-lite for Docker

This document contains information on the usage of Docker with CCN-lite. Additionally, it provides guidelines on how to build your own CCN-lite Docker container.

Running a CCN-lite relay inside a Docker container can help keeping your system clean and makes it possible to run several nodes on fully isolated system processes.

The CCN-lite repository on Docker Hub contains a number of tags corresponding to different branches/tags:

tag name GitHub branch/tag
latest master
dev dev-master
0.3.0 0.3.0
0.2.0 0.2.0


CCN-lite for Docker obviously requires a working Docker installation. For more information, visit the installation instructions of Docker.


  1. Choose a tag of the CCN-lite Docker image (see above) by defining a variable $img. To use the newest release, use tag 0.3.0:


    To use the newest development version, use dev:

  2. Define additional environment variables and aliases:

    UNAME_OS=$(uname -s 2> /dev/null || echo not)
    if [ "$UNAME_OS" = "Linux" ]; then sudo="sudo"; else sudo=""; fi
    alias drun="$sudo docker run"

    $sudo enables the conditional usage of sudo on Linux machines without enabling it on OS X. drun is an alias to run Docker containers.

  3. Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub:

    $sudo docker pull $img
  4. Run the container:

    drun -p 9000:9000/udp --name ccnl $img

    Option -p connects the internal Docker port to the external port of the host machine. If you need multiple ports exposed, specify -p multiple times.

    --name assigns the running container a named handle; without the flag a random name is chosen. A given name makes it easier to access the container and stop/remove it.

    To run the container in the background, add option -d.

    Without any additional arguments, Docker runs the default command specified by CMD in the Dockerfile: A CCN-lite NFN relay on port 9000 with suite ndn2013 and logging set to trace. To run a custom command (for example using another suite), pass the command line arguments after the container name:

    drun -p 9000:9000/udp --name ccnl $img ccn-nfn-relay -v trace -u 9000 -d test/cistlv -s cisco2015
  5. Test if the container is running correctly by requesting a content object:

    HOST_IP=$(ifconfig docker0 | sed -n 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) Bcast.*/\1/p')
    drun $img ccn-lite-peek -s ndn2013 -u $HOST_IP/9000 /ndn/simple | drun -i $img ccn-lite-pktdump

    Notice that the Docker container of ccn-lite-peek connects to port 9000 of the host. All Docker containers are run in an isolated network environment and only connected to the host via the virtual network device docker0. In order to access the host from inside a container, we need to obtain the host's IP address, listed in docker0 ($HOST_IP).

    To redirect the output of ccn-lite-peek to ccn-lite-pktdump, we need to pass option -i. -i enables an interactive mode so that ccn-lite-pktdump can read from the host's stdin.

  6. Stop the container (stop) and remove it (rm). This might take some seconds.

    $sudo docker stop ccnl && $sudo docker rm ccnl


The Dockerfile is set up in such a way that all CCN-lite command line utilities are directly accessible. For example you can create a content object using ccn-lite-mkC. ccn-lite-mkC reads from stdin, so type something and then press Return:

drun -i $img ccn-lite-mkC -s ndn2013 /ndn/mycontent > mycontent.ndtlv

You can verify the content object by passing it to ccn-lite-pktdump:

drun -i $img ccn-lite-pktdump < mycontent.ndtlv


In order to debug the container, the following commands might prove useful:

  • $sudo docker ps lists the running containers. Add option -a to see all containers.

  • $sudo docker logs ccnl fetches the output of the CCN-lite container ccnl.

  • $sudo docker exec -i -t ccnl /bin/bash starts a Bash shell inside the container ccnl.

  • drun -i -t --name ccnl $img /bin/bash starts a Bash shell in a new container ccnl.

Building the Docker image by hand

In order to build your own CCN-lite Docker image, follow the UNIX installation instructions to set up the CCN-lite sources (in particular Dockerfile) and relevant environment variables.

Then, use docker build (do not forget to put the . at the end):

$sudo docker build -t "<your-name>/ccn-lite:dev" .

<your-name> usually refers to your Docker Hub username. If you are not using Docker Hub, you can choose a name freely (for example your user account name).