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File metadata and controls

61 lines (42 loc) · 2.75 KB


Nomis is a crypto protocol based on a mathematical prediction and AI model enabling protocol users with a favorable on-chain credit score to borrow crypto with a fair collateral and APR on a case-by-case basis. On the other hand, Nomis is an open-source protocol that helps web3 developers both to build new on-chain solutions and use cases, and to balance already existing high-TVL protocols.


First of all, should add user secrets on the deployed server:

  1. Polygon ID
dotnet user-secrets set --project .\src\Services\Infrastructure\PolygonID\Nomis.PolygonId\ "PolygonIdSettings:IssuerBasicAuthPassword" "<issuer_password>"
  1. IPFS
dotnet user-secrets set --project .\src\Services\Infrastructure\IPFS\Nomis.IPFS "IPFSSettings:ApiKey" "<IPFS_provider_API_key>"


Add new PosgreSQL database migrations

  1. Install dotnet-ef tool:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  1. Verify installation:
dotnet ef
  1. Open the window: Package Manager Console (View->Other Windows->Package Manager Console);
  2. Select as the default project the project in which the data access database context is located, through which we want to add a new migration;
  3. Execute command with appropriate context.
  • For example, adding new Initial migration for ApplicationDbContext database context:
add-migration Initial -o Persistence/Migrations/ -context ApplicationDbContext


dotnet ef migrations add "Initial" -o Persistence/Migrations/ --context ApplicationDbContext

dotnet ef migrations add "Initial" -o Persistence/Migrations/ --context ScoringDbContext --project ./src/Storage/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Scoring/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Scoring.csproj --startup-project ./src/Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common.csproj -v

dotnet ef migrations add "Initial" -o Persistence/Migrations/ --context ReferralDbContext --project ./src/Storage/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Referral/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Referral.csproj --startup-project ./src/Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common.csproj -v

Add new migration

P.S. For updating DB use the command:

dotnet ef database update --context ScoringDbContext --project ./src/Storage/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Scoring/Nomis.DataAccess.PostgreSql.Scoring.csproj --startup-project ./src/Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common/Nomis.Web.Server.Common.csproj

When developing pre-release versions, when adding new changes, it is allowed not to create new migrations, but to delete the entire Persistence/Migrations/ directory and re-create the Initial migration, since the database model can often change during development.

Persistence catalog location