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179 lines (137 loc) · 7.53 KB


Cloudflare Workers template to authenticate requests via a Cosmos wallet signature. This lets you protect requests and associate data with a user's wallet identity.

For example, this would let you build a Cloudflare worker to associate a name and NFT profile photo with a user's Cosmos wallet/identity and allow authenticated updates, like DAO DAO's pfpk worker.

This is a base template you should modify to fit your needs.


This relies on itty-router, a lightweight router built for Cloudflare Workers. However, you can compose the provided functions however you'd like. This template just provides a very simple setup that will fully work in production.

A nonce is used to prevent replay attacks. It is an incrementing integer, starting from 0, that is stored in a KV store. The nonce must be publicly retrievable (i.e. accessible without authentication) before each request and will only be valid in the following authenticated request. This mechanism prevents replay attacks. After each authenticated request, the nonce is automatically incremented. This occurs after the authentication middleware succeeds, so even if the route fails due to custom logic after the middleware executes, the nonce will still be incremented. For this reason, the nonce should always be retrieved immediately before making another authenticated request.


  1. Set up an unauthorized route to retrieve the nonce for a given publicKey, formatted as a hex string:
import { handleNonce } from './routes/nonce'

router.get('/nonce/:publicKey', handleNonce)
  1. Add the auth middleware to the routes you want protected:
import { authMiddleware } from './auth'
import { handlePing } from './routes/ping'

// Protect one route with the auth middleware.'/ping', authMiddleware, handlePing)

// OR:

// Protect all remaining routes with the auth middleware.
router.all('*', authMiddleware)
// Add authorized routes below.

These steps are already done in this template. Right now, a simple POST /ping route is used. Replace this with your own routes.

Client usage

  1. Retrieve the current nonce for a public key via your nonce-retrieval route (e.g. GET /nonce/:publicKey from the setup above). The response will be a JSON object with the nonce field set to a number:
  "nonce": 0
  1. Create and sign a data object for your authorized route with your Cosmos wallet. The data object contains the auth object described in the table below and any other data you want to send to the route. The auth object must use the nonce retrieved in step (1).

  2. Send a POST request to your authorized route, with a body that looks like:

  // The data object you created and signed in step (2).
  "data": {
    // The custom fields you want to use in your authorized route, if any.
    "my_custom_field": "my_custom_value",

    // The data.auth object described in the tables below with the nonce retrieved in step (1).
    "auth": {
  // The signature retrieved in step (2).
  "signature": "..."

Auth object

This is the auth object that must be included in the data object sent to an authorized route. It must contain the following fields:

Field Type Description
type string The string used in the type field of the signDoc message. This displays in the wallet when making the signature, so you might want to customize it with a relevant label the user will understand. For example, "Verification".
nonce number The unique value used to prevent replay attacks. This is a value stored on the server that gets incremented after each successful signature verification, starting at 0. The client should query for the nonce before each request.
chainId string The chain ID of the blockchain used in the wallet during signing. Some wallets require a chain ID to be present when signing arbitrary data.
chainFeeDenom string The native fee denom of the blockchain used in the wallet during signing. Some wallets require a denom to be present when signing arbitrary data.
chainBech32Prefix string The Bech32 prefix for the blockchain used in the wallet during signing. This is used to compute the signing address from the public key and serves as an extra check that the provided information is accurate.
publicKey string The hex representation of the Cosmos public key used to create the signature.


The signature can be derived by the client via OfflineAminoSigner's signAmino function with the signDoc argument generated using makeSignDoc from the @cosmjs/amino package. This can be seen in the signature verification code located in src/utils.ts around line 36.

Request body

An authorized request must have a JSON body with at least the following fields:

Field Type Description
data object The data you want to send to your authorized route. This must contain the auth object described above. This should also contain the other properties your route expects, formatted however you like.
signature string The signature from a Cosmos wallet signing the data object. The method to compute this signature is described above.


  "data": {
    "my_custom_field": "my_custom_value",
    "auth": {
      "type": "Verify",
      "nonce": 1,
      "chainId": "juno-1",
      "chainFeeDenom": "ujuno",
      "chainBech32Prefix": "juno",
      "publicKey": "..."
  "signature": "..."


wrangler dev
# OR
npm run start


Create KV namespaces for production and development:

wrangler kv:namespace create NONCES
wrangler kv:namespace create NONCES --preview

Add the bindings to wrangler.toml:

kv-namespaces = [
  { binding = "NONCES", id = "NONCE_ID", preview_id = "NONCE_PREVIEW_ID" }


wrangler publish
# OR
npm run deploy