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50 lines (48 loc) · 8.07 KB

File metadata and controls

50 lines (48 loc) · 8.07 KB

PSR Compliance

This table shows the compliance with the PSR 1 and 2.

PSR Rule Compliant Notes
1 Only <?php and <?= tags
1 Files must use UTF8 w/o BOM
1 Only declares or side effects
1 Follows Autoloading PSR PSR-4
1 Class names declared in StudlyCase
1 Method names declared in camelCase
1 Class constants upper case + _
2 Files must use Unix Linefeeding character (LF)
2 Files must end with one blank line
2 The closing PHP tag must be omitted
2 Lines length max. 120 characters (soft limit)
2 No trailing whitespaces after non-blank lines
2 Only one statement per line
2 Code must use 4 spaces as indentation
2 PHP keywords must be in lowercase
2 PHP constants (true, false, null,...) must be in lowercase
2 One blank line after namespace and use
2 Extends and implements on same line
2 Lists of implements may be split across multiple lines (one per line) No limit per line
2 Opening braces for classes and methods on next line Opening braces go on the same line with one space in between ) and {
2 Closing braces for classes and methods on next line
2 Visibility declared on all properties
2 Only one property declared per statement
2 Properties should not be prefixed with an underscore
2 Visibility declared on all methods Public declaration is implied
2 Final and abstract declared before visiblity and static after
2 Methods should not be prefixed with an underscore
2 Method opening parentheses have no space before and after them
2 Method closing parentheses have no space before them
2 Method arguments have no space before the comma and one after the comma
2 Method arguments with default values at the end of the list
2 Method arguments have no space before the comma and one after the comma
2 Method arguments may be split across multiple lines with one per line No argument limit per line
2 Control structures have one space after them No space
2 Method and function calls have no space between name and parentheses
2 Method and function args may be split across multiple lines with 1/line No argument limit per line
2 Control struct. opening parentheses have no space after them There is no space before the opening parentheses (after keyword)
2 Control struct. closing parentheses have no space before and after them
2 Control struct. closing parentheses and opening brace have one space
2 Control structucture body indented once
2 if, elseif and else, including spaces, parentheses and braces There is no space before the opening parentheses (after keyword)
2 switch structure, including case and indentation The break keyword must be indented at the same level as the case keyword
2 try-catch-finally, including parentheses and braces
2 Closures, including spaces, parentheses and braces