Summary of runs carried out as part of the SE-NEMO development
RUN ID | Coordinate | Mixing | Tide | Rivers | TDISS | Wave Drag | HPG Scheme | Bathymetry | Length |
Header | Title |
Variations in the runs are controlled in the header of the runscript.slurm
ZPS_REF_NOTIDE (a.k.a GS1p0_notide):
#################### nemo runscript options ############################
# For info on the parameters see namelist_ref #
rn_rdt=600 ; ln_zps='.true.' ; ln_tmx_itf='.true.'
ln_bt_auto='.true.' ; rn_bt_cmax=0.8 ; nn_baro=30
nn_mxlice=3 ; nn_z0_ice=1 ; ln_rnf_new='.false.'
ln_rstdate='.true.' ; ln_shlat2d='.false.' ; nn_diaharm=1981
rn_Cd0=1.0e-3 ; ln_loglayer='.false.' ; ln_tide='.false.'
ln_boost='.true.' ; ln_gls='.false.' ; ln_int_wave_drag='.false.'
ln_hpg_djc='.false.' ;
ZPS_REF_TIDE (a.k.a GS1p1_tide):
#################### nemo runscript options ############################
# For info on the parameters see namelist_ref #
rn_rdt=600 ; ln_zps='.true.' ; ln_tmx_itf='.false.'
ln_bt_auto='.true.' ; rn_bt_cmax=0.8 ; nn_baro=30
nn_mxlice=3 ; nn_z0_ice=1 ; ln_rnf_new='.false.'
ln_rstdate='.true.' ; ln_shlat2d='.false.' ; nn_diaharm=1981
rn_Cd0=2.5e-3 ; ln_loglayer='.false.' ; ln_tide='.true.'
ln_boost='.true.' ; ln_gls='.true.' ; ln_int_wave_drag='.true.'
ln_hpg_djc='.false.' ;
N.B. GS1p1_tide uses the namelist_ref wave drag file, defined as:
cn_int_wave_drag = './INPUTS/' ! filename for internal wave drag dissipation
and is not modified further in namelist_cfg_template.
#################### nemo runscript options ############################
# For info on the parameters see namelist_ref #
rn_rdt=600 ; ln_zps='.false.' ; ln_tmx_itf='.false.'
ln_bt_auto='.true.' ; rn_bt_cmax=0.8 ; nn_baro=30
nn_mxlice=3 ; nn_z0_ice=1 ; ln_rnf_new='.true.'
ln_rstdate='.true.' ; ln_shlat2d='.true.' ; nn_diaharm=1981
rn_Cd0=2.5e-3 ; ln_loglayer='.true.' ; ln_tide='.true.'
ln_boost='.false.' ; ln_gls='.true.' ; ln_int_wave_drag='.true.'
ln_hpg_djc='.true.' ;
N.B. In namelist_cfg_template, the wave drag file is defined for GS1p2_full as:
cn_int_wave_drag = 'INPUTS/',
Data can be found on JASMIN under /gws/nopw/j04/class_vol2/senemo