React Native Brother Printers is a react-native module that will allow you to interact with the brother printers.
$ npm install react-native-brother-printers --save
$ yarn add react-native-brother-printers
$ cd ios;pod install
or if you are using React Native before version 0.60,
$ react-native link react-native-brother-printers
To discover printers use the discoverPrinters function. You can pass in the option parameters printerName
to change
the printer name, or V6 to enable ipv6 detection. Both parameters can be left blank.
import {discoverPrinters, registerBrotherListener} from 'react-native-brother-printers';
V6: true,
registerBrotherListener("onDiscoverPrinters", (printers) => {
// Store these printers somewhere
To print an image, using the printImage
function, with the first parameter being the printer found during discover,
the second being the uri of the image you want to print, and the third being an objective that contains the label size.
You can find a list of LabelSize and LabelNames inside the package as well.
import {printImage, LabelSize} from 'react-native-brother-printers';
await printImage(printer, uri, {labelSize: LabelSize.LabelSizeRollW62RB});