This code accompnies the paper "The glial framework reveals white-mtter architecture in human and primate brains" (Schurr and Mezer, 2021, submitted). It is used for performing structure-tensor analysis to Nissl-stained histological slices, to visualize and quantify glial-row orientation.
Requirements: The Structure tensor tool box associated with the paper "Structure tensor based analysis of cells and nuclei organization in tissues". W. Zhang, J. Fehrenbach, A. Desmaison, V. Lobjois, B. Ducommun, P. Weiss, IEEEE Trans. Med. Imaging. 35, 294-306 (2016) available from:
MRTrix 3.0 for running tracography. Available from:
Vistasoft MATLAB toolbox (specifically mrDiffusion) for visualizing tractography results. Available from: