- ERA5: Added ERA5 product
- ERA pressure levels: Added ERA5 pressure levels product
- ERA relative humidity: RH computation from ERA5
- Era5Land: Added temp min and max in the extraction
- GFS: added min reducer
- PDIR-Nor: Added support to PDIR-Now product
- Fixed some GFS bugs, now it's working properly
- Add GFS maintainer
- GFS processing: processing of GFS to multiple databases depending of valid time (up to 5 days)
- IMERG GIS processing: processing of TIF files to multiple
- ERA5-Land processing: processing of temp, pp, evapotranspiration (potential and total) snow (cover, albedo, density and depth), soil moisture from ERA5-Land product
- mkdocs documentation: documentation of the package with mkdocs
- sphinx documentation: now it works with mkdocs
- download_era5land: function to download era5 files using .cdsapirc credentials. This is the first of a series of functions of the same time.
- run_maintainer: function to test files inside product path folder and delete corrupt files.
- Add for each product a download function complementing maintainer function.
- GLDAS_NOAHH25_3H processing: processing for snow, temperature, evapotranspiration, and soil moisture extraction.
- PERSIANN processing: processing for precipitation extraction.
- zonal_stats: function refactored, now multiple rasters by date and variable (GLDAS and IMERG)
- GPM_3IMRGHHL processing: processing for IMERG precipitation (PP) product. Documentation updated
- zonal_stats: function refactored, now supports IMERG (HDF5)
- MOD16A2 processing: processing for potential evapotranspiration (PET) modis product. Documentation updated
- MCD15A2H processing: processing for LAI and FPAR modis product. Documentation updated.
- run_extraction: now the output list is sorted (to do from 0.0.3)
- MOD10A2 processing: processing for north and south face snow cover extension extraction.
- Documentation: added documentation which can be accessed from here. Although the documentation is not complete, it is a good starting point.
- run_extraction: function refactored. Looking foward for changing names and adding more options.
- Check
s: check ifNA
s values in database are coherent with raster images.
- run_extraction: run function with sorted files from later to recent.
- MOD13Q1 processing: temporal folder and file remove actions are commented for testing purposes. After running and analyzing the results, uncomment the actions.
- HidroCLVariable object refactored from hidroclabc.py
- local and nas tests for HidroCLVariable object