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Brylie Christopher Oxley edited this page Mar 3, 2015 · 1 revision

File uploads and downloads can be secured using standard Meteor allow and deny methods. To best understand how CollectionFS security works, you must first understand that there are two ways in which a user could interact with a file:

  • She could view or edit information about the file or any custom metadata you've attached to the file record.
  • She could view or edit the actual file data.

You may find it necessary to secure file records with different criteria from that of file data. This is easy to do.

Here's an overview of the various ways of securing various aspects of files:

  • To determine who can see file metadata, such as filename, size, content type, and any custom metadata that you set, use normal Meteor publish/subscribe to publish and subscribe to an FS.Collection cursor. This does not allow the user to download the file data.
  • To determine who can download the actual file, use "download" allow/deny functions. This is a custom type of allow/deny function provided by CollectionFS. The first argument is the userId and the second argument is the FS.File being requested for download.
  • To determine who can set file metadata, insert files, and upload file data, use "insert" allow/deny functions.
  • To determine who can update file metadata, use "update" allow/deny functions.
  • To determine who can remove files, which removes all file data and file metadata, use "remove" allow/deny functions.

The download allow/deny functions can be thought of essentially as allowing or denying "read" access to the file. For a normal Meteor collection, "read" access is defined through pub/sub, but we don't want to send large amounts of binary file data to each client just because they subscribe to the file record. Thus with CFS, pub/sub will get you the file's metadata on the client whereas an HTTP request to the GET URL is required to view or download the file itself. The download allow/deny determines whether this HTTP request will respond with "Access Denied" or not.

Securing Based on User Information

To secure a file based on a user "owner" or "role" or some other piece of custom metadata, you must set this information on the file when originally inserting it. You can then check it in your allow/deny functions.

var fsFile = new FS.File([0]);
fsFile.owner = Meteor.userId();
fsCollection.insert(fsFile, function (err) {
  if (err) throw err;

Note that you will want to verify this owner metadata in a deny function since the client could put any user ID there.