custom wiegand component for esphome.
This module allow to connect weigand sensors with esphome. Its my first module so maybe you find any bad practice in de code.
Copy wiegand_device.h in the root of esphome (bad practice I know that should be treated like a custom component). Use the .yalm to inspire yours.
how to add the module?
- Create a empty project with esphome named door_reader.
- comment the line with the #include wiegand_device.h in the yalm
- Compile
- Create wiegand_device.H in the following path /config/esphome/door_reader/src/wiegand_device.h and update de variables topic and doorID.
- uncomment the line with the #include wiegand_device.h in the yalm
- Compile again.
additional info. -If you are using hassio you can check the messages in developers tool sucribing to your set up topic.
- payload format { “door”: 2, “code”: 9999999, “timeStamp”: “xx-yy-zz 00:00:00” }