Add gnome packages to rosdep
Provide a means of auto installing the desktop file ~/.config/autostart/robot_indicator.desktop
Enable selection of
- start at boot
- start at login
pkexec loginctl enable-linger $USER
pkexec loginctl disable-linger $USER
Document an alternative setup
touch /var/lib/systemd/linger/$USER
Modify indicator icon based on dignostic status and add sub-systems to indicator menu.
This approach seems more useful than adding topics, nodes, etc.
Need user feedback to better understand how to handle this use-case. Perhaps the program should just throw an error if it encounters an active [email protected] unit.
If a user runs systemctl --user start roslaunch@pkg:file.launch
in a terminal
it may take up to 15 seconds for the indicator to detect the change.
This should probably be replaced with a 'Launch Units'>'Update' submenu item. It may be worth considering how the systemd unit can notify the indicator instead of polling.
Support for a list of default units in a config file so they don't disappear when a launch unit is stopped and disabled.