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Generic Kickstart File

This is a generic kickstart file for a minimal install of RHEL 7+ and compatible, on both BIOS as well as UEFI machines.

What are Kickstart Installations?

Kickstart files contain answers to all questions normally asked by the installation program, such as what time zone you want the system to use, how the drives should be partitioned, or which packages should be installed. Providing a prepared kickstart file when the installation begins therefore allows you to perform the installation automatically, without need for any intervention from the user. This is especially useful when deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) on a large number of systems at once.

Kickstart files can be kept on a single server system and read by individual computers during the installation. This installation method can support the use of a single kickstart file to install RHEL and compatible on multiple machines, making it ideal for network and system administrators. (Source)

How to use

This kickstart file can be used by booting from an ISO file, then either

  • BIOS: pressing ESC on the first screen and providing these cmdline arguments (line breaks are only for better readability):
boot: linux inst.ks=
  • UEFI: pressing e on the "Install ..." entry and appending the following to the linuxefi cmdline (line breaks are only for better readability), then booting by pressing Ctrl-X.
linuxefi ... inst.ks=

Note that ip= is an array (for providing multiple IP addresses), so the inner brackets are mandatory.

What this Kickstart File does

  • Supports RHEL 7+ and compatible.
  • Works on legacy BIOS as well as UEFI.
  • The kickstart file is intended to provide a minimal installation, with firewalld disabled and SELinux in "Enforcing" mode.
  • Can be installed on a user-defined disk by specifying the kernel cmdline argument lfdisk=$DISK. If unset, it tries to find the first block device, in the order vda > sda > nvme0n1, and fails otherwise.
  • There are two users: linuxfabrik and root. The root account is always locked by default. This means that the root user will not be able to log in from any console. root has no password and no SSH keys. Login with the linuxfabrik user, which is also part of the the wheel group. sudo is configured to gain root.

The kickstart file can be used to install different types of minimal installs by setting the kernel cmdline argument lftype=:

lftype= Install Type Partitioning Scheme Password of User linuxfabrik SSH Keys of User linuxfabrik
cis Minimal CIS, LVM password Those of Linuxfabrik
cloud Minimal One partition, LVM unset (inject via cloud-init) none (inject via cloud-init)
cloud-cis Minimal CIS, LVM unset (inject via cloud-init) none (inject via cloud-init)
minimal (default) Minimal One partition, LVM password Those of Linuxfabrik

Useful Kernel Cmdline Arguments


  • inst.loglevel=[debug|info]: Note: Option is removed in RHEL9 and is always set to debug
  • inst.ks=[hd:<device>:<path>|[http,https,ftp]://<host>/<path>|nfs:[<options>:]<server>:/<path> (MANDATORY)
  • inst.noverifyssl: Prevents Anaconda from verifying the ssl certificate for all HTTPS connections ("insecure")
  • inst.nosave=[<option1>,]<option2> (options: input_ks,output_ks,all_ks,logs,all)
  • inst.rescue
  • more...

Specific to this kickstart file:

  • lfdisk=$DISK: User-defined disk for installing the OS. Default: unset (so tries to find the first block device, in the order vda > sda > nvme0n1, and fails otherwise).
  • lftype: See table above. Defaults to minimal.

Modifying this Kickstart

This kickstart includes an additional kickstart /tmp/dynamic.ks. This /tmp/dynamic.ks file is generated in a kickstart pre-script. At the beginning of the pre-script the available Python version is determined, the Python script is written to /tmp/ and executed. The Python script then generates the /tmp/dynamic.ks. This Python script can be modified as follows:

  • lfkeys
    An array of SSH keys that will be installed for either the root or linuxfabrik user depending on lftype as documented above.
  • packages_<lftype>
    An array with package names for a <lftype> install.
  • part_<lftype>
    An array of kickstart logvol lines that define logical volumes for <lftype> as documented in Fedora Kickstart Syntax Reference: logvol
  • users_<lftype>
    A string containing a ":" separated list in the form name="<username>":cmd="<kickstart command used for user creation>":keys="<array of ssh-keys to add>" (Fedora Kickstart Syntax Reference: user, rootpw)
  • post_<lftype>
    A multiline string containing the postscript for <lftype>. Will be executed by /bin/sh.

Known Limitations

This kickstart file does not work for RHEL 6- (and compatible).


Test combinations:

  • OS: centos7, rocky8, rocky9
  • Firmware: BIOS, UEFI
  • Disk: vda, sda
  • lftype: cis, cloud, cloud-cis, minimal

What to test within the VM:

  • Console login using "root" + "password": Should not work.
  • Console login using "linuxfabrik" + "password": Should work on non-cloud. On cloud, password depends on cloud-init.
  • ip a: Should get an IP.
  • ssh root@vm: Should not work.
  • ssh linuxfabrik@vm: Should work on non-cloud. On cloud, it depends on cloud-init.
  • sudo su -: Should work.
  • cat /etc/shadow: Should show that root's password is locked.
  • df -hT: One partition on non-cis, 7 partitions on cis.
  • lvs: Should work.
  • sudo dnf -y install nano: Should work.
  • systemctl status cloud-init: Not found on non-cloud, should work on cloud.
  • systemctl status firewalld: Should work.
  • ll /root: Should list at least two Anaconda files.

