Releases: LiamMcAllisterGroup/cytools
CYTools v0.5.0
- Changed the location of the Mosek license file so that it persist after updating to new versions of CYTools.
- Changed the port that Jupyter uses so that multiple users can use CYTools on the same computer at the same time.
- Changed some build parameters to prevent possible build issues.
- Fixed a few rare bugs.
CYTools v0.4.1
Fixed a few bugs, including a bug in the Windows launcher that cause the initial directory to be in the wrong place.
CYTools v0.4.0
Added a few new functions including one that finds reflexive 2D subpolytopes of 4D reflexive polytopes and one that computes the volumes of generators of the Mori cone at a location in the Kähler cone.
Fixed various bugs that were affecting CICYs, especially when trying to set a generic basis of curves or divisors.
Made some changes to the Makefile so that old versions of CYTools are deleted before building a new image, and so that Docker doesn't keep a cache of intermediate images.
CYTools v0.3.5
Made the basis-finding algorithm a little more robust.
CYTools v0.3.4
Fixed a bug that was causing CYTools to crash when trying to find a basis of columns for the GLSM basis when the points of the polytope don't span the N lattice.
CYTools v0.3.3
Fixed a major bug introduced in the previous version that caused CYTools to fail to pick a basis of columns of the GLSM charge matrix.
CYTools v0.3.2
Fixed a few bugs including one that slowed down the computation of intersection numbers and one that caused it to fail to find a basis of divisors.
NOTE: This version of CYTools introduced a breaking bug in the computation of bases. Please use v0.3.3 or later.
CYTools v0.3.1
Fixed some problems with CICYs and improved Dockerfile.
CYTools v0.3.0
A beta version of CYTools with lots of bug fixes and added functionality. This version is fairly stable, with the exception of some computations for CICYs.
CYTools v0.2.0
A beta version of CYTools that includes a ToricVariety class, uses dictionaries for intersection numbers, and includes experimental support for CICYs.
It is NOT recommended to download this version other than for testing purposes.