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1310 lines (1173 loc) · 50.2 KB

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1310 lines (1173 loc) · 50.2 KB

Construct Queries

These queries both construct the KWG-lite subgraph and re-bind the KnowWhereGraph entity to the KWG-lite namespace.


PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX kwg-ont: <>
PREFIX sosa: <>
PREFIX time: <>
PREFIX kwgr: <>
PREFIX kwglr: <>
PREFIX kwgl-ont: <>
PREFIX usgs: <>
PREFIX gnis: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX gn: <>

Query 1

  • Places that have been impacted by a Hazard.
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:impactedBy ?h.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasImpacted ?p.}
    ?place a kwg-ont:Region.
    ?place kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?hazard.
    ?hazard a kwg-ont:Hazard.
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 2

  • Retrieve the following properties associated with a Hazard Event :
  • a. affectedAreaInAcres (ONLY Fires have affected area)
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:affectedAreaInAcres ?area_burnt.}
    {?hazard a kwg-ont:NIFCFire} UNION {?hazard a kwg-ont:MTBSFire}.
    ?hazard	sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs.
    ?obs sosa:hasSimpleResult ?area_burnt.
    {?obs sosa:observedProperty kwgr:nifcFireObservableProperty.calculatedAcres} UNION {?obs sosa:observedProperty kwgr:mtbsFireObservableProperty.NumberOfAcresBurned}.
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
  • b. numberOfDeaths (ONLY NOAA hazards have this information)
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:numberOfDeaths ?death.}
    ?hazard a kwg-ont:NOAAHazardEvent;
            sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs_dir_death;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs_indir_death.
    ?obs_dir_death sosa:hasSimpleResult ?direct_death;
    	 sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.deathDirect.
	?obs_indir_death sosa:hasSimpleResult ?indirect_death;
    	 sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.deathIndirect.
    BIND((?direct_death + ?indirect_death) AS ?death)   
    FILTER (?death > 0)
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
#GROUP BY ?hazard
  • c. damageToInfrastructureInDollars (ONLY NOAA hazards have this information)
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:damageToInfrastructureInDollars ?property_damage.}
    ?hazard a kwg-ont:NOAAHazardEvent;
    		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs.
    ?obs sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    FILTER (?property_damage > 0)
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
  • d. damageToCropsInDollars (ONLY NOAA hazards have this information)
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:damageToCropsInDollars ?crop_damage.}
   ?hazard a kwg-ont:NOAAHazardEvent;
   		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
   ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                   sosa:hasMember ?obs.
   ?obs sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
   	 sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   FILTER (?crop_damage > 0)
   BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
   BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
   BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 3

  • Get all hazard events, their name, start date, end date, and KWG entity
  • a. NOAA Hazards
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasName ?name.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasStartDate ?startTime.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasEndDate ?endTime.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasKWGEntity ?hazard_uri.
   ?hazard a kwg-ont:NOAAHazardEvent;
   		rdfs:label ?name;
     		kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time.
    ?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDDateTime | time:inXSDDate ?startTime;
         time:hasEnd/time:inXSDDateTime | time:inXSDDate ?endTime .
   BIND(REPLACE(str(?hazard),str("kwgr:"), str("")) as ?uri)
   #uncomment below line if you want URI format but then ?hazard and ?hazard_uri would be the same 
   BIND(URI(?uri) as ?hazard_uri)
   BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
   BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
   BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
  • b. MTBS Fires
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasName ?name.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasStartDate ?startTime.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasEndDate ?endTime.
   		?h kwgl-ont:hasKWGEntity ?hazard_uri.
   ?hazard a kwg-ont:MTBSFire;
   		rdfs:label ?name;
     		kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time.
    ?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDDateTime | time:inXSDDate ?startTime;
         time:hasEnd/time:inXSDDateTime | time:inXSDDate ?endTime .
   BIND(REPLACE(str(?hazard),str("kwgr:"), str("")) as ?uri)
   #uncomment below line if you want URI format but then ?hazard and ?hazard_uri would be the same 
   BIND(URI(?uri) as ?hazard_uri)
   BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
   BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
   BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
  • c. NIFC Fires
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    		?h kwgl-ont:hasName ?name.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasStartDate ?startTime.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasEndDate ?endTime.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasKWGEntity ?hazard_uri.
    ?hazard a kwg-ont:NIFCFire;
    		rdfs:label ?name;
      		kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time.
     ?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDDate ?startTime;
          time:hasEnd/time:inXSDDate ?endTime .
    BIND(REPLACE(str(?hazard),str("kwgr:"), str("")) as ?uri)
    #uncomment below line if you want URI format but then ?hazard and ?hazard_uri would be the same 
    BIND(URI(?uri) as ?hazard_uri)
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
  • d. Earthquakes
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    		?h kwgl-ont:hasName ?name.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasStartDate ?startTime.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasEndDate ?startTime.
			?h kwgl-ont:hasKWGEntity ?hazard_uri.
    ?hazard a kwg-ont:Earthquake;
    		rdfs:label ?name;
      		kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time.
     ?time time:inXSDDateTime ?startTime .
    BIND(REPLACE(str(?hazard),str("kwgr:"), str("")) as ?uri)
    #uncomment below line if you want URI format but then ?hazard and ?hazard_uri would be the same 
    BIND(URI(?uri) as ?hazard_uri)
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hazard), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 4

  • Get all places, their name, and KWG entity
CONSTRUCT { ?p a kwgl-ont:Place.
    		?p kwgl-ont:hasName ?name.
			?p kwgl-ont:hasKWGEntity ?place_uri.
    {?place a kwg-ont:Region} UNION {?place a gnis:County} UNION {?place a kwg-ont:State}.
    ?place rdfs:label ?name.

    {BIND(REPLACE(str(?place),str("kwgr:"), str("")) as ?uri)} UNION
    {BIND(str(?place) as ?uri)}
    #uncomment below line if you want URI format but then ?hazard and ?hazard_uri would be the same 
    BIND(URI(?uri) as ?place_uri)

    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 5

  • Get the following health attributes of places: percentObese, percentBelowPovertyLine, percentDiabetic
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:percentObese ?obesity.
			?p kwgl-ont:percentBelowPovertyLine ?below_poverty_line.
			?p kwgl-ont:percentDiabetic ?diabetes.
    ?oc a kwg-ont:PublicHealthObservationCollection;
        sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest ?adminRegion;
    	sosa:hasMember ?obs_bpl;
     	sosa:hasMember ?obs_ob;
        sosa:hasMember ?obs_diab.
    # retrieve observations and results
    ?obs_bpl sosa:hasSimpleResult ?below_poverty_line;
         sosa:observedProperty kwgr:publicHealthObservableProperty.belowPovertyLevelPercent.
    ?obs_ob sosa:hasSimpleResult ?obesity;
         sosa:observedProperty kwgr:publicHealthObservableProperty.obesityAgeAdjusted20PlusPercent.
	?obs_diab sosa:hasSimpleResult ?diabetes;
         sosa:observedProperty kwgr:publicHealthObservableProperty.diabetesAgeAdjusted20PlusPercent.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?adminRegion), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 6

  • Get the following demographic attributes associated with a place hasPopulation, hasNumberOfHouseHolds
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:hasPopulation ?totalPop.
			?p kwgl-ont:hasNumberOfHouseHolds ?householdUnits.
    ?oc a kwg-ont:CensusACS5YearEstimatesObservationCollection;
    	sosa:hasMember ?obs_tp;
        sosa:hasMember ?obs_hu;
     	sosa:hasFeatureOfInterest ?census_msa.
    # retrieve observations and results
    ?obs_tp sosa:hasSimpleResult ?totalPop;
         sosa:observedProperty kwgr:censusObservableProperty.totalPopulation.
    ?obs_hu sosa:hasSimpleResult ?householdUnits;
         sosa:observedProperty kwgr:censusObservableProperty.householdUnits.
         #sosa:isMemberOf kwg-ont:CensusACS5YearEstimatesObservationCollection.
    ?census_msa kwg-ont:sfWithin ?adminRegion.
       BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?census_msa), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 7

  • Get the following fire-specific attributes related to a place :
  • a.The query retrieves the number of fires ONLY from the NIFC datasets right now - numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
   			#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
            #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
            #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFiresImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?nifc_fire) AS ?count) 
     		?nifc_fire a kwg-ont:NIFCFire; # we only count NIFC Fire since we do not have coresolution yet
    					kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • b. Dollar damage is calculated on the kwg-ont:NOAAWildfire, because that is the only dataset that records financial loss/impact
CONSTRUCT { #?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFiresImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
    #?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFiresImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   #?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFiresImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFiresImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
    ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFiresImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		{?fire a kwg-ont:NOAAWildfire;
    		 			kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            #FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).


Query 8

  • Get the following hurricane-specific attributes relate to a place:

  • a. numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2021 -- Issue with triplification – not all NOAA hazards are linked to administrative region (for example NOAA Fires are linked but NOAA Hurricanes are not linked

  • b.numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2021 (NOAAHurricane and NOAAMarinelHurricaneTyphoon)

CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?hurricane) AS ?count) 
            {?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAHurricane} UNION {?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAMarineHurricaneTyphoon}
    		 ?hurricane kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • c. dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2021
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfHurricanesImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		{?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAHurricane} UNION {?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAMarineHurricaneTyphoon}
    		?hurricane 	kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).


Query 9

  • Number of earthquakes
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?earthquake) AS ?count) 
     		?earthquake a kwg-ont:Earthquake; 
    					kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • Note : Earthquake does not have information related to dollar damage, so removing dollarDamageOfEarthquakesImpactingPlace2021 from the schema diagram

Query 10

  • Get the following tornado-specific attributes related to a a place:
  • a. numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
    		?p kwgl-ont:numberOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?tornado) AS ?count) 
            ?tornado a kwg-ont:NOAATornado;
                        kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		#FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • b. Dollar damage (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfTornadoesImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		?tornado a kwg-ont:NOAATornado;
               kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).


Query 11

  • Get the following storm-specific attributes related to a a place:
  • a. Number of storm surges (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
    #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?storm_surge) AS ?count) 
            ?storm_surge a kwg-ont:NOAAStormSurgeTide;
                        kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • b. Dollar damage (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormSurgesImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		?storm a kwg-ont:NOAAStormSurgeTide;
               kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 12

  • Get the following flood-specific attributes related to a a place:
  • a. numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
   		 	#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfFloodsImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?flood) AS ?count) 
            {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAAFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAAFlashFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAACoastalFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAALakeshoreFlood}
    		 ?flood kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • b. dollarDamageOfFloodsImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfFloodsImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormFloodsImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormFloodsImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormFloodsImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfStormFloodsImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		  {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAAFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAAFlashFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAACoastalFlood} UNION {?flood a kwg-ont:NOAALakeshoreFlood}
    		 ?flood kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 13

  • Get the following landslide-specific attributes related to a a place:
  • a. numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { #?p kwgl-ont:numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2018 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2019 ?count.
   			#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2020 ?count.
    		#?p kwgl-ont:numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2021 ?count.
    		?p kwgl-ont:numberOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2022 ?count.
        SELECT ?admin_region (COUNT (DISTINCT ?debris_flow) AS ?count) 
            ?debris_flow a kwg-ont:NOAADebrisFlow;
                        kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
    		#FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • b. dollarDamageOfDebrisFlowEventsImpactingPlace2021 (this query is altered to extract all data for the last 5 yrs)
CONSTRUCT { ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfLandslidesImpactingPlace2018 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfLandslidesImpactingPlace2019 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfLandslidesImpactingPlace2020 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfLandslidesImpactingPlace2021 ?total.
   # ?p kwgl-ont:dollarDamageOfLandslidesImpactingPlace2022 ?total.
        SELECT ?admin_region ?total
 		  ?debris_flow a kwg-ont:NOAADebrisFlow;
    		 		kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?nwZone;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection;
    					kwg-ont:hasTemporalScope ?time .
    		?nwZone kwg-ont:spatialRelation ?admin_region.
    		?admin_region a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    		?time time:hasBeginning/time:inXSDgYear | time:inXSDgYear ?year .
            FILTER (?year = "2018"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2019"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2020"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2021"^^xsd:gYear)
            #FILTER (?year = "2022"^^xsd:gYear)
    ?obs_collection a kwg-ont:ImpactObservationCollection;
                    sosa:hasMember ?obs1;
            		sosa:hasMember ?obs2.
    		?obs1 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?property_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageProperty.
    		?obs2 sosa:hasSimpleResult ?crop_damage;
    	 			sosa:observedProperty kwgr:impactObservableProperty.damageCrop.
   			BIND (?property_damage + ?crop_damage AS ?total)
     		FILTER (?total > 0)
		GROUP BY ?admin_region ?total
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).

Query 14

  • Get the following climate-specific attributes related to a a place
  • a. averageHeatingDegreeDaysPerMonth
CONSTRUCT { ?climate_division a kwg-lite:Place.
    		?climate_division kwg-lite:averageHeatingDegreeDaysPerMonthJan2021 ?hdd_mean. #change predicate month according to the month in the FILTER below
    ?climate_division a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    	   ?obs_collection sosa:hasMember ?obs_collection_hdd.
    		?obs_collection_hdd sosa:hasMember ?obs_hdd;
    	 		sosa:observedProperty kwgr:climateObservableProperty.HDD.
     		?obs_hdd sosa:hasResult ?hdd;
                      sosa:resultTime ?hdd_months.
    		?hdd kwg-ont:mean/qudt:numericValue ?hdd_mean.
    		BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?hdd_months), 1, 4) as ?year)
			BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?hdd_months), 6, 2) as ?month)
    	    FILTER (?hdd_mean >0)
    FILTER (?year = '2021')#change year according to the predicate year and generate results
    		FILTER (?month = '01') #Jan
    		#FILTER (?month = '02') #Feb
    		#FILTER (?month = '03') #Mar
    		#FILTER (?month = '04') #Apr
    		#FILTER (?month = '05') #May
    		#FILTER (?month = '06') #Jun
    		#FILTER (?month = '07') #Jul
    		#FILTER (?month = '08') #Aug
    		#FILTER (?month = '09') #Sep
    		#FILTER (?month = '10') #Oct
    		#FILTER (?month = '11') #Nov
    		#FILTER (?month = '12') #Dec
  • b.averageCoolingDegreeDaysPerYear
CONSTRUCT { #?p kwgl-ont:averageCoolingDegreeDaysPerMonthJan2021 ?cdd_mean ## uncomment to use ?p if below BIND statements work
    ?climate_division kwgl-ont:averageCoolingDegreeDaysPerMonthJan2021 ?cdd_mean. #change predicate month according to the month in the FILTER below
    ?climate_division a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    	   ?obs_collection sosa:hasMember ?obs_collection_cdd.
    		?obs_collection_cdd sosa:hasMember ?obs_hdd;
    	 		sosa:observedProperty kwgr:climateObservableProperty.CDD.
     		?obs_cdd sosa:hasResult ?cdd;
                      sosa:resultTime ?cdd_months.
    		?cdd kwg-ont:mean/qudt:numericValue ?cdd_mean.
    		BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?cdd_months), 1, 4) as ?year)
			BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?cdd_months), 6, 2) as ?month)
    	    FILTER (?cdd_mean >0)
    FILTER (?year = '2021')#change year according to the predicate year and generate results
    		FILTER (?month = '01') #Jan
    		#FILTER (?month = '02') #Feb
    		#FILTER (?month = '03') #Mar
    		#FILTER (?month = '04') #Apr
    		#FILTER (?month = '05') #May
    		#FILTER (?month = '06') #Jun
    		#FILTER (?month = '07') #Jul
    		#FILTER (?month = '08') #Aug
    		#FILTER (?month = '09') #Sep
    		#FILTER (?month = '10') #Oct
    		#FILTER (?month = '11') #Nov
    		#FILTER (?month = '12') #Dec
    ## commented out because query times out. Instead the kwgr prefix is replaced with kwglr in the output ttls
    #BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?admin_region), "") as ?placeName)
    #BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    #BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p ).
  • c. averageMonthlyTemperatureInCelsius
CONSTRUCT { ?climate_division a kwg-lite:Place.
    		?climate_division kwg-lite:averageMonthlyTemperatureInCelsiusJan2021 ?avg_temp_cel. #change predicate month according to the month in the FILTER below
    ?climate_division a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    	   ?obs_collection sosa:hasMember ?obs_collection_avg_temp.
    		?obs_collection_avg_temp sosa:hasMember ?obs_avg_temp;
    	 		sosa:observedProperty kwgr:climateObservableProperty.avgTemp.
     		?obs_avg_temp sosa:hasResult ?temp;
                      sosa:resultTime ?temp_months.
    		?temp kwg-ont:mean/qudt:numericValue ?avg_temp.
    		BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 1, 4) as ?year)
			BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 6, 2) as ?month)
    		BIND((xsd:float(?avg_temp) - 32)/1.8 AS ?avg_temp_cel)
    	    FILTER (?avg_temp_cel >0)
    FILTER (?year = '2021')#change year according to the predicate year and generate results
    		FILTER (?month = '01') #Jan
    		#FILTER (?month = '02') #Feb
    		#FILTER (?month = '03') #Mar
    		#FILTER (?month = '04') #Apr
    		#FILTER (?month = '05') #May
    		#FILTER (?month = '06') #Jun
    		#FILTER (?month = '07') #Jul
    		#FILTER (?month = '08') #Aug
    		#FILTER (?month = '09') #Sep
    		#FILTER (?month = '10') #Oct
    		#FILTER (?month = '11') #Nov
    		#FILTER (?month = '12') #Dec
  • d. maximumMonthlyTemperatureInCelsius
CONSTRUCT { ?climate_division a kwg-lite:Place.
    		?climate_division kwg-lite:maxMonthlyTemperatureInCelsiusDec2021 ?max_temp_cel. #change predicate month according to the month in the FILTER below
    ?climate_division a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    	   ?obs_collection sosa:hasMember ?obs_collection_max_temp.
    		?obs_collection_max_temp sosa:hasMember ?obs_max_temp;
    	 		sosa:observedProperty kwgr:climateObservableProperty.maxTemp.
     		?obs_max_temp sosa:hasResult ?temp;
                      sosa:resultTime ?temp_months.
    		?temp kwg-ont:mean/qudt:numericValue ?max_temp.
    		BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 1, 4) as ?year)
			BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 6, 2) as ?month)
    		BIND((xsd:float(?max_temp) - 32)/1.8 AS ?max_temp_cel)
    	    FILTER (?max_temp_cel >0)
    FILTER (?year = '2021')#change year according to the predicate year and generate results
    		FILTER (?month = '01') #Jan
    		#FILTER (?month = '02') #Feb
    		#FILTER (?month = '03') #Mar
    		#FILTER (?month = '04') #Apr
    		#FILTER (?month = '05') #May
    		#FILTER (?month = '06') #Jun
    		#FILTER (?month = '07') #Jul
    		#FILTER (?month = '08') #Aug
    		#FILTER (?month = '09') #Sep
    		#FILTER (?month = '10') #Oct
    		#FILTER (?month = '11') #Nov
    		#FILTER (?month = '12') #Dec
  • e. minimumMonthlyTemperatureInCelsius
CONSTRUCT { ?climate_division a kwg-lite:Place.
    		?climate_division kwg-lite:minMonthlyTemperatureInCelsiusDec2021 ?min_temp_cel. #change predicate month according to the month in the FILTER below
    ?climate_division a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision;
                  		sosa:isFeatureOfInterestOf ?obs_collection.
    	   ?obs_collection sosa:hasMember ?obs_collection_min_temp.
    		?obs_collection_min_temp sosa:hasMember ?obs_min_temp;
    	 		sosa:observedProperty kwgr:climateObservableProperty.minTemp.
     		?obs_min_temp sosa:hasResult ?temp;
                      sosa:resultTime ?temp_months.
    		?temp kwg-ont:mean/qudt:numericValue ?min_temp.
    		BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 1, 4) as ?year)
			BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?temp_months), 6, 2) as ?month)
    		BIND((xsd:float(?min_temp) - 32)/1.8 AS ?min_temp_cel)
    	    FILTER (?min_temp_cel >0)
    FILTER (?year = '2021')#change year according to the predicate year and generate results
    		#FILTER (?month = '01') #Jan
    		#FILTER (?month = '02') #Feb
    		#FILTER (?month = '03') #Mar
    		#FILTER (?month = '04') #Apr
    		#FILTER (?month = '05') #May
    		#FILTER (?month = '06') #Jun
    		#FILTER (?month = '07') #Jul
    		#FILTER (?month = '08') #Aug
    		#FILTER (?month = '09') #Sep
    		#FILTER (?month = '10') #Oct
    		#FILTER (?month = '11') #Nov
    		FILTER (?month = '12') #Dec

Query 15

  • Get all places and spatial relationships with each other
  • Note: The current query does not retrieve S2 cells. If we need S2 cells, this query will have to be updated.
CONSTRUCT { ?p1 ?spatial_relation ?p2.
    # retrive all regions along with their label and location-specific class
    ?region1 a kwg-ont:Region;
            rdfs:label ?region_label;
            a ?class_type;
    		?spatial_relation ?region2. # retrieve the specific spatial relation with another region
    ?class_type rdfs:subClassOf kwg-ont:Region.
    ?region2 a kwg-ont:Region.
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?region1), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?p1 ).
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?region2), "") as ?placeName2)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName2 ) as ?litePlace2)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace2) AS ?p2 ).
    #this should be uncommented later when some GH issues are fixed. Currently there are geo relations in the graph, which is incorrect
    #BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?spatial_relation), "") as ?srName)
    #BIND(CONCAT( "", ?srName ) as ?liteSR)
    #BIND( IRI(?liteSR) AS ?sr ).

Query 16

  • Get all fires and the type of Fire
  • Note : fire type as named individuals versus string
  • a.
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Fire.
    ?h kwgl-ont:isOfFireType ?ft.
     ?fire a kwg-ont:Fire;
            a ?fire_type.
    ?fire_type rdfs:subClassOf kwg-ont:Fire;
    	rdfs:label ?fire_type_label.
 	BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire_type), "") as ?fType)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?fType ) as ?liteFType)
    BIND( IRI(?liteFType) AS ?ft ).
  • b. MTBS fire
    ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Fire.
    ?h kwgl-ont:isOfFireType ?ft.
     ?fire a kwg-ont:MTBSFire;
            a ?fire_type.
    ?fire_type rdfs:subClassOf kwg-ont:Fire;
    	rdfs:label ?fire_type_label.
 	BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire_type), "") as ?fType)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?fType ) as ?liteFType)
    BIND( IRI(?liteFType) AS ?ft ).
  • c. NIFC Fire
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Fire.
    ?h kwgl-ont:isOfFireType ?ft.
     ?fire a kwg-ont:NIFCFire;
            a ?fire_type.
    ?fire_type rdfs:subClassOf kwg-ont:Fire;
    	rdfs:label ?fire_type_label.
 	BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?fire_type), "") as ?fType)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?fType ) as ?liteFType)
    BIND( IRI(?liteFType) AS ?ft ).

Query 17

  • Get all hurricanes
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Hurricane.
    {?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAHurricane} UNION {?hurricane a kwg-ont:NOAAMarineHurricaneTyphoon}
    BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?hurricane), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 18

  • Get all tornadoes
CONSTRUCT { ?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Tornado.
    ?tornado a kwg-ont:NOAATornado.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?tornado), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 19

  • Get all earthquakes
 CONSTRUCT {?h a kwgl-ont:HazardEvent.
    ?h a kwgl-ont:Earthquake.
    ?earthquake a kwg-ont:Earthquake.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?earthquake), "") as ?hazardName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?hazardName ) as ?liteHazard)
    BIND( IRI(?liteHazard) AS ?h ).

Query 20

  • Get all place types

  • a. US Climate Division

CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:USClimateDivision.
    	kwglr:USClimateDivision rdfs:label "US Climate Division".
    ?place a kwg-ont:USClimateDivision.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).
  • b. Sub National
CONSTRUCT { #?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_0.
    	#kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_0 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 0 - Continent".
    #?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_1.
    	#kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_1 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 1 - Country".
    #?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_2.
    #	kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_2 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 2 - State/Province/Equivalent-level".
    #?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    #	kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_3 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 3 - County/District/Equivalent-level".
   # ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_4.
    #	kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_4 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 4 - Sub-national level".
    #?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_5.
    #	kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_5 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 5 - Sub-national level".
    ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_6.
    	kwglr:AdministrativeRegion_6 rdfs:label "Administrative Region Level 6 - Sub-national level".
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_0.
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_1.
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_2.
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_3.
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_4.
    #?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_5.
    ?place a kwg-ont:AdministrativeRegion_6.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).
  • c. US Census District (Metropolitan Micropolitan Statistical Area)
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:USCensusMSA.
    kwglr:USCensusMSA rdfs:label "US Census District (Metropolitan Micropolitan Statistical Area)".
    ?place a kwg-ont:USCensusMSA.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).
  • d. Zip Code Area
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:ZipCodeArea.
    kwglr:ZipCodeArea rdfs:label "Zip Code Area".
    ?place a kwg-ont:ZipCodeArea.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).
  • e. Federal Judicial District
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:FederalJudicialDistrict.
    kwglr:FederalJudicialDistrict rdfs:label "Federal Judicial District".
    ?place a kwg-ont:FederalJudicialDistrict.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).
  • f. National Weather Zone
CONSTRUCT { ?h kwgl-ont:hasPlaceType kwglr:NWZone.
    kwglr:NWZone rdfs:label "National Weather Zone".
    ?place a kwg-ont:NWZone.
     BIND(STRAFTER(STR(?place), "") as ?placeName)
    BIND(CONCAT( "", ?placeName ) as ?litePlace)
    BIND( IRI(?litePlace) AS ?h ).