04/02/2022 KevinZonda
"A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E." ── Tom Mitchell, Professor at Carnegie Mellon University
Task T: classifying handwritten digits from images
Performance Measure P: percentage of digits classified correctly
Training Experience E: dataset of images of handwritten digits
- Labelled data
- Predict outcome/future
Classification | Regression |
Predict categorical class label | Predict continuous outcomes |
Given Observation ⟶ Classes | Given Observation ⟶ Trend |
- No labels/target (could due to large dataset, etc.)
- Find hidden structure/insights in data
Dimensionality Reduction | Clustering |
Reduce data sparsity & computational cost | Objectives within a cluster share a degree of similarity |
Learns from rewards, maximise rewards
- Decision process
- Reward system
- Learn series of actions
- Applications: chess, video games, some robots, self-driving cars
$$ \begin{aligned} L(\hat{y}, y) &=\left{ \begin{array}{lr} 0\qquad \text{if}\ \hat{y}=y\ 1\qquad \text{if}\ \hat{y}\ne y\ \end{array} \right.\ \text{ERR}{\mathscr{D}\text{test}} &= \cfrac{1}{n} \sum^n_{i=1}{L(\hat{y}^{[i]}, y^{[i]})} \end{aligned} $$
- Accuracy (1-Error)
- Precision, Recall
- F-measure, G-mean
- (Cross) Entropy
- Likelihood
- Squared Error/MSE
- R2
- etc.