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Usage Guide

Table of contents

  1. Shopify integration overview
  2. Shopify integration setup

Shopify integration

For the communication between Shopify and XbyK, GraphQL Storefront API and REST Admin API is used. For the REST Admin API communication, ShopifySharp NuGet package is used as it provides all the necessary methods used in this integration. All the available Shopify APIs are documented here. Class library consists of 2 main parts - Shopify products synchronization and the e-commerce integration. In this repository, there is also an example of standalone product listing widget.

Product listing widget

The Product listing widget is a standalone widget that displays Shopify products using the Shopify Admin REST API. The Shopify integration must be set up in appsettings.json or in the Shopify integration application for this widget to work (no products need to be synchronized). The widget can be used to display products from your Shopify store outside of the content type structure the integration provides.


  • Shopify API can return maximum of 250 items in one API request. For larger number of products, pagination needs to be implemented. Detailed information on Shopify API pagination can be found here. The ShopifyProductService wraps result in ListResultWrapper. This wrapper returns retrieved items along with next page and previous page PagingFilterParams. These filters can then be used in the GetProductsAsync method parameters to retrieve next or previous page from Shopify API. Due to this limitation, the maximum number of retrieved results in the product listing widget is 250. To increase this limit, pagination must be implemented in the widget. This limitation also affects product synchronization, where only first 250 products are synchronized, and shopping cart, which can have maximum of 250 cart items.
  • Only one currency per website channel is supported.

Shopify products synchronization

Synchronization running in background thread worker periodically every 15 minutes and all synchronization items are stored as following content items:

  • Shopify Image: image asset that belongs to either a product or a product variant.
  • Shopify Product Variant: representation of a product variant containing the title, SKU number, weight and a collection of Shopify Image content items related to this product variant.
  • Shopify Product: represents the product synchronized from Shopify. Contains the product title, description, a collection of product images (Shopify Image content items), and a list of Shopify Product Variant content items. This content type also includes the product parameters field that is not overwritten by the synchronization procedure and can be used by site content editors for custom content. Note: Price data and product availability are not synchronized since these values change frequently and must be up to date. They are retrieved directly from Shopify using the Shopify Admin REST API every time the product detail page is loaded. With the exception of the product parameters field of the "Shopify Product" content type, we don't recommend updating or modifying the values of any fields in the synchronized content items. The Shopify synchronization procedure overrides all fields in existing content items when it is executed.


Currently, product synchronization creates content items (products, variants, images) only in English language. Multicultural synchronization is not implemented. If the English language is not registered in the Languages application, synchronization won't work.

Benefits of products synchronization

Constantly querying all product data directly from Shopify can lead to performance bottlenecks, especially when there is a large product catalog. Synchronizing the data to Xperience by Kentico application reduces the load on Shopify's API and improves the application's overall performance.

Having your products stored as content items in Xperience also allows you to add project-specific information (using custom content type fields) to the synchronized products without modifying their description in Shopify.

Integration API Overview

The Shopify integration is implemented via the IShoppingService interface. The interface provides methods for all common e-commerce actions (for example, updating shopping cart items). Each action is sent to Shopify using the GraphQL Storefront API.

Shopping Cart Management

When a user adds their first item to the shopping cart, a shopping cart instance is created. Each shopping cart is assigned a unique identifier known as the CartId. This CartId is generated within Shopify upon cart creation. To maintain session persistence, the CartId is stored both in cookies and the HTTP session, utilizing the key CMSShoppingCart.

The IShoppingService interface supports the following cart operations:

Integration-specific content types

  • Shopify.ProductDetailPage: Each product content item that is listed in the store has its own detail page. This page can be then linked to category page(one product can be in multiple categories). Related product content item is defined in Related product field.
  • Shopify.CategoryPage: Dedicated pages for specific product categories. The page displays a list of products that are assigned to this category. Products can be added to a category using the page's Products field.
  • Shopify.StorePage: The store home page showcasing a list of product categories and preselected products. The page displays a list of all existing child category pages and preselected products marked as bestsellers and hot tips (if selected for products).
  • Shopify.ShoppingCartPage: A preview page displaying the contents of the shopping cart, providing users with an overview of their selected items before proceeding to checkout. Users are also able to modify shopping cart items and add or remove coupon codes from shopping cart.
  • Shopify.ThankYouPage: Upon the successful completion of an order, users are redirected to the thank-you page. This page is used for tracking purchases using custom activities.

Step-by-step tutorial to create new pages:

  1. Firstly, start with creating the product detail pages. Fill the "Related product" field with product content item that the page should represent.
  2. Create store page and, optionaly, fill "Bestsellers" and "Hot tips" fields with relevant product pages. The filled products will be display in on the page in 2 separate listings - for "Bestsellers" and "Hot tips".
  3. Create new category page and in "Products" field, select all the product detail pages that should be included in the category. The selected products will be displayed as a products listing in the category page.


The next step from shopping cart preview page(Shopify.ShoppingCartPage) is redirection to official Shopify store checkout page where user can complete the checkout and create the order. Checkout completion using Shopify API is not possible as whole checkout API will be removed from Shopify.

Redirection back to DancingGoat site

After order is completed, users need to be redirected back to DancingGoat. To do this, web pixels in combination with liquid templates needs to be used.

Step-by-step tutorial:

  1. Create custom web pixel in Settings -> Customer events -> Add custom pixel. In the web pixel, checkout completed event will be used to set orderId cookie. In customer privacy section, set Permission to Not required so the pixel will always run. Then, insert following code:

    analytics.subscribe('checkout_completed', (event) => {
    	const orderId =;
    	document.cookie = "orderId=" + orderId + ";path=/";

    Redirect inside the web pixel cannot be used since it runs inside an iframe that does not allow redirects.

  2. Add script to check for orderId cookie and redirect back to DancingGoat. Go to Online store -> Themes. Tap on three dots at your current theme and select Edit code. Go to assets folder and click + Add a new asset -> Create a blank file. Select js extension and create new asset. To the new javascript file, add this code:

    function getCookie(cookieName) {
    	let cookies = document.cookie;
    	let cookieArray = cookies.split("; ");
    	for (let i = 0; i < cookieArray.length; i++) {
    		let cookie = cookieArray[i];
    		let [name, value] = cookie.split("=");
    		if (name === cookieName) {
    			return decodeURIComponent(value);
    	return null;
    function deleteCookie(cookieName) {
    	document.cookie = cookieName + "=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC; path=/;";
    const orderCookieName = "orderId";
    const orderId = getCookie(orderCookieName);
    if (orderId) {
    	/// Replace with absolute URL of your XbyK thank you page
    	const thankYouPageUrl = "";
    	window.location.href = thankYouPageUrl + "?orderId=" + orderId;

    When the order is completed and user will go back to the store(for example by pressing the 'Continue shopping' button), this javascript will be executed and if orderId cookie exists, user will be redirected back to the DancingGoat site and the cookie will be removed(to prevent further redirections). Query parameter orderId is then used to retrieve created order, update XbyK contact information based on the order information and log purchase activity.

  3. Last step is to add this javascript to the layout. Find theme.liquid file inside layout folder and add file created in previous step to the head HTML element.

    <!-- Change redirect.js to filename created in previous step -->
    <script src="{{ 'redirect.js' | asset_url }}" defer="defer"></script>

Store activity tracking

The integration allows you to log product-related activities via the IEcommerceActivityLogger service. The service provides tracking methods for the following events:

  • Product added to shopping cart
     // Log product was added to shopping cart.
     // Old quantity was higher than new quantity.
     activityLogger.LogProductAddedToShoppingCartActivity(cartItemToUpdate, newQuantity - cartItemToUpdate.Quantity);
  • Product removed from shopping cart
     // Log product was removed from shopping cart.
     // Old quantity was lower than new quantity
     activityLogger.LogProductRemovedFromShoppingCartActivity(cartItemToUpdate, cartItemToUpdate.Quantity - newQuantity);
  • Product purchased and Made a purchase after new order was created
     // Log purchase activity and purchased products after order was created.
     activityLogger.LogPurchaseActivity(order.TotalPriceSet.PresentmentMoney.Amount, order.Id, order.PresentmentCurrency);
     foreach (var lineItem in cart.Items)

More examples can be found in ShoppingService.cs and ShopifyThankYouController.cs.


Since Shopify identifiers use the long data type, ActivityItemID is impossible to use. The activity itself is tracked correctly but any tracking or analytics features that rely on ActivityItemID will not work as expected. If storing ActivityItemID value is necessary, there can be implemented generation of a custom identifier within the Xperience by Kentico application that maps to the Shopify long identifier. Then, this custom identifier could be used as ActivityItemID.


Generating shopify API credentials

  1. Log in to your Shopify store administration.
  2. Go to Settings -> Apps and sales channels.
  3. Click on Develop apps.
  4. Click on Create an app and fill the app name.
  5. Configure Admin API scopes.
    • Go to the Configuration tab.
    • Add the following Shopify Admin API access scopes: read_product_listings, read_products, read_inventory, read_orders, read_draft_orders.
  6. In the Apps and sales channels install the Headless channel from the Shopify App Store.
  7. In the Headless channel app, create new Storefront. After that, storefront Private access token should be available.

Dancing Goat example - setup

  1. Create a blank database using following command:

    dotnet kentico-xperience-dbmanager -- -s "<sql_server_name>" -d "<database_name>" -a "<admin_password>" --hash-string-salt "<hash_string_salt>" --license-file "<license_file_path>"

    and, connect it to the sample project (CMSConnectionString).

  2. Go to ./examples/DancingGoat-Shopify folder and run CI restore for content types, product related pages and shopping cart page

    dotnet run --kxp-ci-restore

    All content types and custom activities for e-ecommerce events are created.

  3. Start Xperience By Kentico Dancing Goat application (DancingGoat in .\examples) configured with your own database and wait for product synchronization finish. Check Shopify product synchronization done. message in event log.

  4. Create pages for Store using page types from this this list.