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262 lines (185 loc) · 19 KB


Breaking Changes & Improvements: several interfaces are being dropped for new ones for GraphiQL 2.0.0! Read more in this issue

[email protected] is coming soon & will provide a stable release with react 16, graphql 15 support, fixes, and a headers tab

[email protected] is a much larger ongoing effort that introduces plugins, i18n, and so many more features after a substantial rewrite using modern react.

NPM jsDelivr hits (npm) npm downloads Snyk Vulnerabilities for npm package npm bundle size (version) npm bundle size (version) License

/ˈɡrafək(ə)l/ A graphical interactive in-browser GraphQL IDE. Try the live demo.


  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Intelligent type ahead of fields, arguments, types, and more.
  • Real-time error highlighting and reporting for queries and variables.
  • Automatic query and variables completion.
  • Automatically adds required fields to queries.
  • Documentation explorer, search, with markdown support.
  • Query History using local storage
  • Run and inspect query results using any promise that resolves JSON results. HTTPS or WSS not required.
  • Supports full GraphQL Language Specification:
    • Queries, Mutations, Subscriptions, Fragments, Unions, directives, multiple operations per query, etc

Live Demos

We have a few demos of master branch via the default netlify build (the same URL paths apply to deploy previews on PRs):

  1. graphiql.min.js demo - the min.js bundle for the current ref
  2. graphiql.js demo - development build is nice for react inspector, debugging, etc
  3. bundle analyzer for graphiql.min.js


Getting started


You can use the graphiql module, however bear in mind that react react-dom and graphql will all need to be present already for it to work, as they are peerDependencies

With npm:

npm install --save graphiql react react-dom graphql

Alternatively, if you are using yarn:

yarn add graphiql react react-dom graphql


With unpkg/jsdelivr, etc:

<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script crossorigin src=""></script>

(see: Usage UMD Bundle below for more required script tags)


Build for the web with webpack or browserify, or use the pre-bundled graphiql.js file. See the cdn example in the git repository to see how to use the pre-bundled file, or see the webpack example to see how to bundle an application using the GraphiQL component.

Usage: NPM module

Note: If you are having webpack issues or questions about webpack, make sure you've cross-referenced your webpack configuration with our own webpack example first. f you are having webpack issues or questions about webpack, make sure you've cross-referenced your webpack configuration with our own webpack example first. We now have tests in CI that ensure this always builds, and we ensure it works end-to-end with every publish.

Using another GraphQL service? Here's how to get GraphiQL set up:

GraphiQL provides a React component responsible for rendering the UI, which should be provided with a required `fetcher function for executing GraphQL operations against your schema.

For HTTP transport implementations, we recommend using the fetch standard API, but you can use anything that matches the type signature, including async iterables and observables.

You can also install @graphiql/create-fetcher to make it easier to create a simple fetcher for conventional http and websockets transports.

import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';

import GraphiQL from 'graphiql';
import { createGraphiQLFetcher } from '@graphiql/toolkit';

const fetcher = createGraphiQLFetcher({
  url: window.location.origin + '/graphql',

  <GraphiQL fetcher={fetcher} editorTheme={'dracula'} />,

Read more about using createGraphiQLFetcher in the readme to learn how to add headers and more.

Usage: UMD Bundle over CDN (Unpkg, JSDelivr, etc)

Don't forget to include the CSS file on the page! If you're using npm or yarn, you can find it in node_modules/graphiql/graphiql.css, or you can download it from the releases page.

For an example of setting up a GraphiQL, check out the example in this repository which also includes a few useful features highlighting GraphiQL's API.

The most minimal way to set up GraphiQL is a single index.html file:

    <title>Simple GraphiQL Example</title>
    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
  <body style="margin: 0;">
    <div id="graphiql" style="height: 100vh;"></div>


      const fetcher = GraphiQL.createFetcher('https://my/graphql');

        React.createElement(GraphiQL, { fetcher: fetcher }),


  • the inlined styles are important for ensuring GraphiQL is visible and fills the canvas.
  • using React.createElement directly is belaborous, so follow the webpack instructions above for more highly customized implementation
  • we can use GraphiQL.createFetcher in the UMD bundle only, so that it can be tree shaken out for modules

GraphiQL for my GraphQL Service/HTTP Server/Etc

You may be using a runtime that already provides graphiql, or that provides it via a middleware. For example, we support express-graphql!

I would suggest a search for "graphiql " such as "graphiql express", "graphiql absinthe", etc to learn a potentially simpler route to setup for your environment. There are many npm packages, ruby gems, java utilities for deploying graphiql.

Here are some example searches:

This doesn't include runtimes or libraries where GraphiQL is used but isn't referenced in the package registry search entry.


GraphiQL supports customization in UI and behavior by accepting React props and children.


fetcher is the only required prop for <GraphiQL />.

For more details on props, see the API Docs

Prop Type Description
fetcher Fetcher function Required. a function which accepts GraphQL-HTTP parameters and returns a Promise, Observable or AsyncIterable which resolves to the GraphQL parsed JSON response.
schema GraphQLSchema a GraphQLSchema instance or null if one is not to be used. If undefined is provided, GraphiQL will send an introspection query using the fetcher to produce a schema.
query string (GraphQL) initial displayed query, if undefined is provided, the stored query or defaultQuery will be used. You can also set this value at runtime to override the current operation editor state.
validationRules ValidationRule[] A array of validation rules that will be used for validating the GraphQL operations. If undefined is provided, the default rules (exported as specifiedRules from graphql) will be used.
variables string (JSON) initial displayed query variables, if undefined is provided, the stored variables will be used.
headers string initial displayed request headers. if not defined, it will default to the stored headers if shouldPersistHeaders is enabled.
externalFragments string | FragmentDefinitionNode[] provide fragments external to the operation for completion, validation, and for selective use when executing operations.
operationName string an optional name of which GraphQL operation should be executed.
response string (JSON) an optional JSON string to use as the initial displayed response. If not provided, no response will be initially shown. You might provide this if illustrating the result of the initial query.
storage Storage Default: window.localStorage. an interface that matches window.localStorage signature that GraphiQL will use to persist state.
defaultQuery string Default: graphiql help text. Provides default query if no user state is present.
defaultVariableEditorOpen boolean sets whether or not to show the variables pane on startup. overridden by user state (deprecated in favor of defaultSecondaryEditorOpen)
defaultSecondaryEditorOpen boolean sets whether or not to show the variables/headers pane on startup. If not defined, it will be based off whether or not variables and/or headers are present.
getDefaultFieldNames Function Default: defaultGetDefaultFieldNames. provides default field values for incomplete queries
editorTheme string Default: graphiql. names a CodeMirror theme to be applied to the QueryEditor, ResultViewer, and Variables panes. See below for full usage.
readOnly boolean when true will make the QueryEditor and Variables panes readOnly.
docExplorerOpen boolean when true will ensure the DocExplorer is open by default when the user first renders the component. Overridden by user's toggle state
headerEditorEnabled boolean Default: false. enables the header editor when true.
shouldPersistHeaders boolean Default: false. o persist headers to storage when true
toolbar.additionalContent React.Component[] pass additional toolbar react components inside a fragment
onEditQuery Function called when the Query editor changes. The argument to the function will be the query string.
onEditVariables Function called when the Query variable editor changes. The argument to the function will be the variables string.
onEditHeaders Function called when the request headers editor changes. The argument to the function will be the headers string.
onEditOperationName Function called when the operation name to be executed changes.
onToggleDocs Function called when the docs will be toggled. The argument to the function will be a boolean whether the docs are now open or closed.

Children (this pattern will be dropped in 2.0.0)

  • <GraphiQL.Logo>: Replace the GraphiQL logo with your own.

  • <GraphiQL.Toolbar>: Add a custom toolbar above GraphiQL. If not provided, a default toolbar may contain common operations. Pass the empty <GraphiQL.Toolbar /> if an empty toolbar is desired.

  • <GraphiQL.Button>: Add a button to the toolbar above GraphiQL.

  • <GraphiQL.Menu>: Add a dropdown menu to the toolbar above GraphiQL.

    • <GraphiQL.MenuItem>: Items for a menu.
  • <GraphiQL.Select>: Add a select list to the toolbar above GraphiQL.

    • <GraphiQL.SelectOption>: Options for a select list.
  • <GraphiQL.Group>: Add a group of associated controls to the toolbar above GraphiQL. Expects children to be <GraphiQL.Button>, <GraphiQL.Menu>, or <GraphiQL.Select>.

  • <GraphiQL.Footer>: Add a custom footer below GraphiQL Results.

Full Usage Example

TODO: kitchen sink example project or codesandbox

Applying an Editor Theme

In order to theme the editor portions of the interface, you can supply a editorTheme prop. You'll also need to load the appropriate CSS for the theme (similar to loading the CSS for this project). See the themes available here.

// In your html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

// In your GraphiQL JSX
  editorTheme="solarized light"

Running Operations