This is a fork of the linkhandler TYPO3 extension.
A TYPO3 7 compatible version of this Extension can be found here:
Please add all TYPO3 7 related issues / pull requests there.
This is an experimental version of the linkhandler extension that aims to minimize the amount of duplicate code.
Additionally, all legacy code was removed, the goal is to provide a version that is compatible with TYPO3 6.2.
This Extension offers some additional features compared to the original version.
It is now possible to create links to the same table within different configurations. E.g. you could link to different content types to different target pages.
For this to work the links now consists of four parts instead of three. The old link block looked like this:
The new link block looks like this:
This feature is backward compatible. If an old link is detected that consists only of three parts the first configuration found for the linked table will be used.
The records that are displayed in the list can be filtered by SQL queries. You can define a search query
for each table configured in listTables
. This is an example configuration for using the
option in the TSConfig:
mod.tx_linkhandler.tx_myext_imagelinks {
label = Image link
listTables = tt_content
additionalSearchQueries {
tt_content = AND tt_content.CType='image'
You can configure mount points for the page tree that is displayed in the element browser.
For example if you only want to diplay the pages where your news records are located (in this example PID 123 and 234) you can use the following Page TSConfig:
mod.tx_linkhandler.tx_news_news.pageTreeMountPoints {
1 = 123
2 = 234
RTE.default.tx_linkhandler.tx_news_news.pageTreeMountPoints < mod.tx_linkhandler.tx_news_news.pageTreeMountPoints
This linkhandler version comes with its own linkvalidator link type that supports the new link format with four parameters and provides some additional features that are not merged yet to the core.
To use it you have to adjust your linkvalidator TSConfig:
mod.linkvalidator {
linktypes = db,external,tx_linkhandler
Please not that you need to use tx_linkhandler
instead of linkhandler
which is the default link type that comes with the core.
This link type comes with an additional configuration option that allows the reporting of links that point to hidden records:
mod.linkvalidator {
tx_linkhandler.reportHiddenRecords = 1
For this additional option to work this pending TYPO3 patch is required: (Provide TSConfig to link checkers). There is a TYPO3 6.2 fork that already implements the required patches (and some more) at Github:
This feature is experimental and might change in the future! Testing and suggestions welcome :)
A config option called overrideParentTypolinkConfiguration
is available. When this option is enabled for a tab configuration,
the original configuration passed to the typolink()
method will be used as the basis for the final typolink configuration that
is used in linkhandler. Here is an example:
Imagine you have a typolink like this:
lib.myobj = TEXT
lib.myobj {
value = Hello World
typolink.parameter = record:tx_news_news:tx_news_domain_model_news:1
typolink.no_cache = 1
When you now configure for example the news records like this, the no_cache
option from the lib.myobj.typolink
will be passed on to the typolink call used by linkhandler:
plugin.tx_linkhandler.tx_news_news {
overrideParentTypolinkConfiguration = 1
You can still override this behavior in the linkhandler configuration though because the ```typolink`` block is merged into the parent configuration:
plugin.tx_linkhandler.tx_news_news {
overrideParentTypolinkConfiguration = 1
typolink.no_cache = 0
The only value that is always overwritten is the parameter
- When editing a link the correct tab will open automatically.
- The searchbox below the record list can be disabled by setting
enableSearchBox = 0
in the tab configuration in TSConfig. - SoftReference handling using signal slots, TYPO3 patch pending:
- The current link is displayed in a nice label consisting of the localized table label and the linked record title.
You can use TSConfig to increase the with of the link browser windows in the Backend to prevent problem with the styles:
default {
buttons {
link {
dialogueWindow {
width = 600
The last missing feature in this version is the handling of the "Save and show" button.