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697 lines (605 loc) · 29.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


Breaking Changes

  • The public methods of Surrogate models now operate on dataframes in experimental representation instead of tensors in computational representation
  • Surrogate.posterior models now returns a Posterior object
  • param_bounds_comp of SearchSpace, SubspaceDiscrete and SubspaceContinuous has been replaced with comp_rep_bounds, which returns a dataframe


  • py.typed file to enable the use of type checkers on the user side
  • GaussianSurrogate base class for surrogate models with Gaussian posteriors
  • comp_rep_columns property for Parameter, SearchSpace, SubspaceDiscrete and SubspaceContinuous classes
  • New mechanisms for surrogate input/output scaling configurable per class
  • SurrogateProtocol as an interface for user-defined surrogate architectures


  • The transition from experimental to computational representation no longer happens in the recommender but in the surrogate
  • Fallback models created by catch_constant_targets are stored outside the surrogate
  • to_tensor now also handles numpy arrays
  • MIN mode of NumericalTarget is now implemented via the acquisition function instead of negating the computational representation


  • CategoricalParameter and TaskParameter no longer incorrectly coerce a single string input to categories/tasks
  • farthest_point_sampling no longer depends on the provided point order


  • register_custom_architecture decorator
  • Scalar and DefaultScaler classes


  • The role of register_custom_architecture has been taken over by baybe.surrogates.base.SurrogateProtocol

[0.10.0] - 2024-08-02

Breaking Changes

  • Providing an explicit batch_size is now mandatory when asking for recommendations
  • RecommenderProtocol.recommend now accepts an optional Objective
  • RecommenderProtocol.recommend now expects training data to be provided as a single dataframe in experimental representation instead of two separate dataframes in computational representation
  • Parameter.is_numeric has been replaced with Parameter.is_numerical
  • DiscreteParameter.transform_rep_exp2comp has been replaced with DiscreteParameter.transform
  • filter_attributes has been replaced with match_attributes


  • Surrogate base class now exposes a to_botorch method
  • SubspaceDiscrete.to_searchspace and SubspaceContinuous.to_searchspace convenience constructor
  • Validators for Campaign attributes
  • _optional subpackage for managing optional dependencies
  • New acquisition functions for active learning: qNIPV (negative integrated posterior variance) and PSTD (posterior standard deviation)
  • Acquisition function: qKG (knowledge gradient)
  • Abstract ContinuousNonlinearConstraint class
  • Abstract CardinalityConstraint class and DiscreteCardinalityConstraint/ContinuousCardinalityConstraint subclasses
  • Uniform sampling mechanism for continuous spaces with cardinality constraints
  • register_hooks utility enabling user-defined augmentation of arbitrary callables
  • transform methods of SearchSpace, SubspaceDiscrete and SubspaceContinuous now take additional allow_missing and allow_extra keyword arguments
  • More details to the transfer learning user guide
  • Activated doctests
  • SubspaceDiscrete.from_parameter, SubspaceContinuous.from_parameter, SubspaceContinuous.from_product and SearchSpace.from_parameter convenience constructors
  • DiscreteParameter.to_subspace, ContinuousParameter.to_subspace and Parameter.to_searchspace convenience constructors
  • Utilities for permutation and dependency data augmentation
  • Validation and translation tests for kernels
  • BasicKernel and CompositeKernel base classes
  • Activated with auto-update
  • User guide for active learning
  • Polars expressions for DiscreteSumConstraint, DiscreteProductConstraint, DiscreteExcludeConstraint, DiscreteLinkedParametersConstraint and DiscreteNoLabelDuplicatesConstraint
  • Discrete search space Cartesian product can be created lazily via Polars
  • Examples demonstrating the register_hooks utility: basic registration mechanism, monitoring the probability of improvement, and automatic campaign stopping
  • Documentation building now uses a lockfile to fix the exact environment


  • Passing an Objective to Campaign is now optional
  • GaussianProcessSurrogate models are no longer wrapped when cast to BoTorch
  • Restrict upper versions of main dependencies, motivated by major numpy release
  • Sampling methods in qNIPV and BotorchRecommender are now specified via DiscreteSamplingMethod enum
  • Interval class now supports degenerate intervals containing only one element
  • add_fake_results now directly processes Target objects instead of a Campaign
  • path argument in plotting utility is now optional and defaults to Path(".")
  • UnusedObjectWarning by non-predictive recommenders is now ignored during simulations
  • The default kernel factory now avoids strong jumps by linearly interpolating between two fixed low and high dimensional prior regimes
  • The previous default kernel factory has been renamed to EDBOKernelFactory and now fully reflects the original logic
  • The default acquisition function has been changed from qEI to qLogEI for improved numerical stability



  • sequential flag of SequentialGreedyRecommender is now set to True
  • Serialization bug related to class layout of SKLearnClusteringRecommender
  • MetaRecommenders no longer trigger warnings about non-empty objectives or measurements when calling a NonPredictiveRecommender
  • Bug introduced in 0.9.0 (PR #221, commit 3078f3), where arguments to to_gpytorch are not passed on to the GPyTorch kernels
  • Positive-valued kernel attributes are now correctly handled by validators and hypothesis strategies
  • As a temporary workaround to compensate for missing IndexKernel priors, fit_gpytorch_mll_torch is used instead of fit_gpytorch_mll when a TaskParameter is present, which acts as regularization via early stopping during model fitting


  • SequentialGreedyRecommender class replaced with BotorchRecommender
  • SubspaceContinuous.samples_random has been replaced with SubspaceContinuous.sample_uniform
  • SubspaceContinuous.samples_full_factorial has been replaced with SubspaceContinuous.sample_from_full_factorial
  • Passing a dataframe via the data argument to the transform methods of SearchSpace, SubspaceDiscrete and SubspaceContinuous is no longer possible. The dataframe must now be passed as positional argument.
  • The new allow_extra flag is automatically set to True in transform methods of search space classes when left unspecified

Expired Deprecations (from 0.7.*)

  • Interval.is_finite property
  • Specifying target configs without type information
  • Specifying parameters/constraints at the top level of a campaign configs
  • Passing numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance to Campaign
  • batch_quantity argument
  • Passing allow_repeated_recommendations or allow_recommending_already_measured to MetaRecommender (or former Strategy)
  • *Strategy classes and baybe.strategies subpackage
  • Specifying MetaRecommender (or former Strategy) configs without type information

[0.9.1] - 2024-06-04


  • Discrete searchspace memory estimate is now natively represented in bytes


  • Non-GP surrogates not working with deepcopy and the simulation package due to slotted base class
  • Datatype inconsistencies for various parameters' values and comp_df and SubSelectionCondition's selection related to floating point precision

[0.9.0] - 2024-05-21


  • Class hierarchy for objectives
  • AdditiveKernel, LinearKernel, MaternKernel, PeriodicKernel, PiecewisePolynomialKernel, PolynomialKernel, ProductKernel, RBFKernel, RFFKernel, RQKernel, ScaleKernel classes
  • KernelFactory protocol enabling context-dependent construction of kernels
  • Preset mechanism for GaussianProcessSurrogate
  • hypothesis strategies and roundtrip test for kernels, constraints, objectives, priors and acquisition functions
  • New acquisition functions: qSR, qNEI, LogEI, qLogEI, qLogNEI
  • GammaPrior, HalfCauchyPrior, NormalPrior, HalfNormalPrior, LogNormalPrior and SmoothedBoxPrior classes
  • Possibility to deserialize classes from optional class name abbreviations
  • Basic deserialization tests using different class type specifiers
  • Serialization user guide
  • Environment variables user guide
  • Utility for estimating memory requirements of discrete product search space
  • mypy for search space and objectives


  • Reorganized into acquisition subpackage
  • Reorganized into simulation subpackage
  • Reorganized into gaussian_process subpackage
  • Acquisition functions are now their own objects
  • acquisition_function_cls constructor parameter renamed to acquisition_function
  • User guide now explains the new objective classes
  • Telemetry deactivation warning is only shown to developers
  • torch, gpytorch and botorch are lazy-loaded for improved startup time
  • If an exception is encountered during simulation, incomplete results are returned with a warning instead of passing through the uncaught exception
  • Environment variables BAYBE_NUMPY_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION and BAYBE_TORCH_USE_SINGLE_PRECISION to enforce single point precision usage


  • model_params attribute from Surrogate base class, GaussianProcessSurrogate and CustomONNXSurrogate
  • Dependency on requests package


  • n_task_params now evaluates to 1 if task_idx == 0
  • Simulation no longer fails in ignore mode when lookup dataframe contains duplicate parameter configurations
  • Simulation no longer fails for targets in MATCH mode
  • closest_element now works for array-like input of all kinds
  • Structuring concrete subclasses no longer requires providing an explicit type field
  • _target(s) attributes of Objectives are now de-/serialized without leading underscore to support user-friendly serialization strings
  • Telemetry does not execute any code if it was disabled
  • Running simulations no longer alters the states of the global random number generators


  • The former baybe.objective.Objective class has been replaced with SingleTargetObjective and DesirabilityObjective
  • acquisition_function_cls constructor parameter for BayesianRecommender
  • VarUCB and qVarUCB acquisition functions

Expired Deprecations (from 0.6.*)

  • BayBE class
  • baybe.surrogate module
  • baybe.targets.Objective class
  • baybe.strategies.Strategy class

[0.8.2] - 2024-03-27


  • Simulation user guide
  • Example for transfer learning backtesting utility
  • pyupgrade pre-commit hook
  • Better human readable __str__ representation of objective and targets
  • Alternative dataframe deserialization from pd.DataFrame constructors


  • More detailed and sophisticated search space user guide
  • Support for Python 3.12
  • Upgraded syntax to Python 3.9
  • Bumped onnx version to fix vulnerability
  • Increased threshold for low-dimensional GP priors
  • Replaced fit_gpytorch_mll_torch with fit_gpytorch_mll
  • Use tox-uv in pipelines


  • telemetry dependency is no longer a group (enables Poetry installation)

[0.8.1] - 2024-03-11


  • Better human readable __str__ representation of campaign
  • README now contains an example on substance encoding results
  • Transfer learning user guide
  • from_simplex constructor now also takes and applies optional constraints


  • Full lookup backtesting example now tests different substance encodings
  • Replaced unmaintained mordred dependency by mordredcommunity
  • SearchSpaces now use ndarray instead of Tensor


  • from_simplex now efficiently validated in Campaign.validate_config

[0.8.0] - 2024-02-29


  • BoTorch dependency bumped to >=0.9.3


  • Workaround for BoTorch hybrid recommender data type
  • Support for Python 3.8

[0.7.4] - 2024-02-28


  • Subpackages for the available recommender types
  • Multi-style plotting capabilities for generated example plots
  • JSON file for plotting themes
  • Smoke testing in relevant tox environments
  • ContinuousParameter base class
  • New environment variable BAYBE_CACHE_DIR that can customize the disk cache directory or turn off disk caching entirely
  • Options to control the number of nonzero parameters in SubspaceDiscrete.from_simplex
  • Temporarily ignore ONNX vulnerabilities
  • Better human readable __str__ representation of search spaces
  • pretty_print_df function for printing shortened versions of dataframes
  • Basic Transfer Learning example
  • Repo now has reminders ( enabled
  • mypy for recommenders


  • Recommenders now share their core logic via their base class
  • Remove progress bars in examples
  • Strategies are now called MetaRecommender's and part of the recommenders.meta module
  • Recommender's are now called PureRecommender's and part of the recommenders.pure module
  • strategy keyword of Campaign renamed to recommender
  • NaiveHybridRecommender renamed to NaiveHybridSpaceRecommender


  • Unhandled exception in telemetry when username could not be inferred on Windows
  • Metadata is now correctly updated for hybrid spaces
  • Unintended deactivation of telemetry due to import problem
  • Line wrapping in examples


  • TwoPhaseStrategy, SequentialStrategy and StreamingSequentialStrategy have been replaced with their new MetaRecommender versions

[0.7.3] - 2024-02-09


  • Copy button for code blocks in documentation
  • mypy for campaign, constraints and telemetry
  • Top-level example summaries
  • RecommenderProtocol as common interface for Strategy and Recommender
  • SubspaceDiscrete.from_simplex convenience constructor


  • Order of README sections
  • Imports from top level baybe.utils no longer possible
  • Renamed utils.numeric to utils.numerical
  • Optional chem dependencies are lazily imported, improving startup time


  • Several minor issues in documentation
  • Visibility and constructor exposure of Campaign attributes that should be private
  • TaskParameters no longer disappear from computational representation when the search space contains only one task parameter value
  • Failing baybe import from environments containing only core dependencies caused by eagerly loading chem dependencies
  • tox coretest now uses correct environment and skips unavailable tests
  • Basic serialization example no longer requires optional chem dependencies


  • Detailed headings in table of contents of examples


  • Passing numerical_measurements_must_be_within_tolerance to the Campaign constructor is no longer supported. Instead, Campaign.add_measurements now takes an additional parameter to control the behavior.
  • batch_quantity replaced with batch_size
  • allow_repeated_recommendations and allow_recommending_already_measured are now attributes of Recommender and no longer attributes of Strategy

[0.7.2] - 2024-01-24


  • Target enums
  • mypy for targets and intervals
  • Tests for code blocks in README and user guides
  • hypothesis strategies and roundtrip tests for targets, intervals, and dataframes
  • De-/serialization of target subclasses via base class
  • Docs building check now part of CI
  • Automatic formatting checks for code examples in documentation
  • Deserialization of classes with classmethod constructors can now be customized by providing an optional constructor field
  • SearchSpace.from_dataframe convenience constructor


  • Renamed bounds_transform_func target attribute to transformation
  • Interval.is_bounded now implements the mathematical definition of boundedness
  • Moved and renamed target transform utility functions
  • Examples have two levels of headings in the table of content
  • Fix orders of examples in table of content
  • DiscreteCustomConstraint validator now expects dataframe instead of series
  • ignore_example flag builds but does not execute examples when building documentation
  • New user guide versions for campaigns, targets and objectives
  • Binarization of dataframes now happens via pickling


  • Wrong use of tolerance argument in constraints user guide
  • Errors with generics and type aliases in documentation
  • Deduplication bug in substance_data hypothesis strategy
  • Use pydoclint as flake8 plugin and not as a stand-alone linter
  • Margins in documentation for desktop and mobile version
  • Intervals can now also be deserialized from a bounds iterable
  • SubspaceDiscrete and SubspaceContinuous now have de-/serialization methods


  • Conda install instructions and version badge
  • Early fail for different Python versions in regular pipeline


  • Interval.is_finite replaced with Interval.is_bounded
  • Specifying target configs without explicit type information is deprecated
  • Specifying parameters/constraints at the top level of a campaign configuration JSON is deprecated. Instead, an explicit searchspace field must be provided with an optional constructor entry

[0.7.1] - 2023-12-07


  • Release pipeline now also publishes source distributions
  • hypothesis strategies and tests for parameters package


  • Reworked validation tests for parameters package
  • SubstanceParameter now collects inconsistent user input in an ExceptionGroup


  • Link handling in documentation

[0.7.0] - 2023-12-04


  • GitHub CI pipelines
  • GitHub documentation pipeline
  • Optional --force option for building the documentation despite errors
  • Enabled passing optional arguments to tox -e docs calls
  • Logo and banner images
  • Project metadata for pyproject.toml
  • PyPI release pipeline
  • Favicon for homepage
  • More literature references
  • First drafts of first user guides


  • Reworked README for GitHub landing page
  • Now has concise contribution guidelines
  • Use Furo theme for documentation


  • --debug flag for documentation building

[0.6.1] - 2023-11-27


  • Script for building HTML documentation and corresponding tox environment
  • Linter typos for spellchecking
  • Parameter encoding enums
  • mypy for parameters package
  • tox environments for mypy


  • Replacing pylint, flake8, µfmt and usort with ruff
  • Markdown based documentation replaced with HTML based documentation


  • encoding is no longer a class variable
  • Now installed with correct pandas dependency flag
  • comp_df column names for CustomDiscreteParameter are now safe

[0.6.0] - 2023-11-17


  • Raises section for validators and corresponding contributing guideline
  • Bring your own model: surrogate classes for custom model architectures and pre-trained ONNX models
  • Test module for deprecation warnings
  • Option to control the switching point of TwoPhaseStrategy (former Strategy)
  • SequentialStrategy and StreamingSequentialStrategy classes
  • Telemetry env variable BAYBE_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK turning the initial connectivity check on/off
  • Telemetry env variable BAYBE_TELEMETRY_VPN_CHECK_TIMEOUT for setting the connectivity check timeout


  • Reorganized modules into subpackages
  • Serialization no longer relies on cattrs' global converter
  • Refined (un-)structuring logic
  • Telemetry env variable BAYBE_TELEMETRY_HOST renamed to BAYBE_TELEMETRY_ENDPOINT
  • Bumped cattrs version


  • Now supports Python 3.11
  • Removed pyarrow version pin
  • TaskParameter added to serialization test
  • Deserialization (e.g. from config) no longer silently drops unknown arguments


  • BayBE class replaced with Campaign
  • baybe.surrogate replaced with baybe.surrogates
  • baybe.targets.Objective replaced with baybe.objective.Objective
  • baybe.strategies.Strategy replaced with baybe.strategies.TwoPhaseStrategy

[0.5.1] - 2023-10-19


  • Linear in-/equality constraints over continuous parameters
  • Constrained optimization for SequentialGreedyRecommender
  • RandomRecommender now supports linear in-/equality constraints via polytope sampling


  • Include linting for all functions
  • Rewrite functions to distinguish between private and public ones
  • Unreachable telemetry endpoints now automatically disables telemetry and no longer cause any data submission loops
  • add_fake_results utility now considers potential target bounds
  • Constraint names have been refactored to indicate whether they operate on discrete or continuous parameters


  • Random recommendation failing for small discrete (sub-)spaces
  • Deserialization issue with TaskParameter

[0.5.0] - 2023-09-15


  • TaskParameter for multitask modelling
  • Basic transfer learning capability using multitask kernels
  • Advanced simulation mechanisms for transfer learning and search space partitioning
  • Extensive docstring documentation in all files
  • Autodoc using sphinx
  • Script for automatic code documentation
  • New tox environments for a full and a core-only pytest run


  • Discrete subspaces require unique indices
  • Simulation function signatures are redesigned (but largely backwards compatible)
  • Docstring contents and style (numpy -> google)
  • Regrouped additional dependencies

[0.4.2] - 2023-08-29


  • Test environments for multiple Python versions via tox


  • Removed environment.yml
  • Telemetry host endpoint is now flexible via the environment variable BAYBE_TELEMETRY_HOST


  • Inference for __version__

[0.4.1] - 2023-08-23


  • Vulnerability check via pip-audit
  • tests dependency group


  • Removed no longer required fsspec dependency


  • Scipy vulnerability by bumping version to 1.10.1
  • Missing pyarrow dependency

[0.4.0] - 2023-08-16


  • from_dataframe convenience constructors for discrete and continuous subspaces
  • from_bounds convenience constructor for continuous subspaces
  • empty convenience constructors discrete and continuous subspaces
  • baybe, strategies and utils namespace for convenient imports
  • Simple test for config validation
  • VarUCB and qVarUCB acquisition functions emulating maximum variance for active learning
  • Surrogate model serialization
  • Surrogate model parameter passing


  • Renamed create constructors to from_product
  • Renamed empty checks for subspaces to is_empty
  • Fixed inconsistent class names in
  • Fixed inconsistent class names in
  • Cached recommendations are now private
  • Parameters, targets and objectives are now immutable
  • Adjusted comments in example files
  • Accelerated the slowest tests
  • Removed try blocks from config examples
  • Upgraded numpy requirement to >= 1.24.1
  • Requires protobuf<=3.20.3
  • SearchSpace parameters in surrogate models are now handled in fit
  • Dataframes are encoded in binary for serialization
  • comp_rep is loaded directly from the serialization string


  • Include scaling in FPS recommender
  • Support for pandas>=2.0.0

[0.3.2] - 2023-07-24


  • Constraints serialization


  • A maximum of one DependenciesConstraint is allowed
  • Bumped numpy and matplotlib versions

[0.3.1] - 2023-07-17


  • Code coverage check with pytest-cov
  • Hybrid mode for SequentialGreedyRecommender


  • Removed support for infinite parameter bounds
  • Removed not yet implemented MULTI objective mode


  • Changelog assert in Azure pipeline
  • Bug: telemetry could not be fully deactivated

[0.3.0] - 2023-06-27


  • Interval class for representing parameter/target bounds
  • Activated mypy for the first few modules and fixed their type issues
  • Automatic (de-)serialization and SerialMixin class
  • Basic serialization example, demo and tests
  • Mechanisms for loading and validating config files
  • Telemetry via OpenTelemetry
  • More detailed package installation info
  • Fallback mechanism for NonPredictiveRecommender
  • Introduce naive hybrid recommender


  • Switched from pydantic to attrs in all modules except
  • Removed subclass initialization hooks and type attribute
  • Refactored class attributes and their conversion/validation/initialization
  • Removed no longer needed HashableDict class
  • Refactored strategy and recommendation module structures
  • Replaced dict-based configuration logic with object-based logic
  • Overall versioning scheme and version inference for telemetry
  • No longer using private telemetry imports
  • Fixed package versions for dev tools
  • Revised "Getting Started" section in
  • Revised examples


  • Telemetry no longer crashing when package was not installed

[0.2.4] - 2023-03-24


  • Tests for different search space types and their compatible recommenders


  • Initial strategies converted to recommenders
  • Config keyword initial_strategy replaced by initial_recommender_cls
  • Config keywords for the clustering recommenders changed from x to CLUSTERING_x
  • skicit-learn-extra is now optional dependency in the [extra] group
  • Type identifiers of greedy recommenders changed to 'SEQUENTIAL_GREEDY_x'


  • Parameter bounds now only contain dimensions that actually appear in the search space

[0.2.3] - 2023-03-14


  • Parsing for continuous parameters
  • Caching of recommendations to avoid unnecessary computations
  • Strategy support for hybrid spaces
  • Custom discrete constraint with user-provided validator


  • Parameter class hierarchy
  • SearchSpace has now a discrete and continuous subspace
  • Model fit now done upon requesting recommendations


  • Updated BoTorch and GPyTorch versions are also used in pyproject.toml

[0.2.2] - 2023-01-13


  • SearchSpace class
  • Code testing with pytest
  • Option to specify initial data for backtesting simulations
  • SequentialGreedyRecommender class


  • Switched from miniconda to micromamba in Azure pipeline


[0.2.1] - 2022-12-01


  • Parameters cannot be initialized with duplicate values

[0.2.0] - 2022-11-10


  • Initial strategy: Farthest Point Sampling
  • Initial strategy: Partitioning Around Medoids
  • Initial strategy: K-means
  • Initial strategy: Gaussian Mixture Model
  • Constraints and conditions for discrete parameters
  • Data scaling functionality
  • Decorator for automatic model scaling
  • Decorator for handling constant targets
  • Decorator for handling batched model input
  • Surrogate model: Mean prediction
  • Surrogate model: Random forrest
  • Surrogate model: NGBoost
  • Surrogate model: Bayesian linear
  • Save/load functionality for BayBE objects


  • UCB now usable as acquisition function, hard-set beta parameter to 1.0
  • Temporary GP priors now exactly reproduce EDBO setting

[0.1.0] - 2022-10-01


  • Code skeleton with a central object to access functionality
  • Basic parser for categorical parameters with one-hot encoding
  • Basic parser for discrete numerical parameters
  • Azure pipeline for code formatting and linting
  • Single-task Gaussian process strategy
  • Streamlit dashboard for comparing single-task strategies
  • Input functionality to read measurements including automatic matching to search space
  • Integer encoding for categorical parameters
  • Parser for numerical discrete parameters
  • Single numerical target with Min and Max mode
  • Recommendation functionality
  • Parameter scaling depending on parameter types and user-chosen scalers
  • Noise and fake-measurement utilities
  • Internal metadata storing various info about datapoints in the search space
  • BayBE options controlling recommendation and data addition behavior
  • Config parsing and validation using pydantic
  • Global random seed control
  • Strategy connection with BayBE object
  • Custom parameters as labels with user-provided encodings
  • Substance parameters which are encoded via cheminformatics descriptors
  • Data cleaning utilities useful for descriptors
  • Simulation capabilities for testing the package on existing data
  • Parsing and preprocessing for multiple targets / desirability ansatz
  • Basic README file
  • Automatic publishing of tagged versions
  • Caching of experimental parameters and chemical descriptors
  • Choices for acquisition functions and their usage with arbitrary surrogate models
  • Temporary logic for selecting GP priors