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AI Horde Errors

Every time an exception is raised by the AI Horde, it will return both the http code, a human-readable "message" and an rc field which will contain a unique string code for each type of error the horde might raise. You can use these to better adjust your client logic or for informing your users using your own words or in other languages.

This page will list all existing Horde RCs


The errors returned by the AI horde are always in this json format

  "message": "Human readable explanation on what went wrong",
  "rc": "SomeReturnCodeInCamelCase"

Return Codes

RC Explanation
MissingPrompt The generation prompt was not given
CorruptPrompt The prompts was rejected as unethical
KudosValidationError Something went wrong when transferring kudos. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
NoValidActions Something went wrong when modifying an entity on the horde. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
InvalidSize Requested image size is not a multiple of 64
InvalidPromptSize Prompt is too large
TooManySteps Too many steps requested for image generation
Profanity Profanity Detected. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
ProfaneWorkerName Profanity detected in worker name
ProfaneBridgeAgent Profanity detected in bridge agent
ProfaneWorkerInfo Profanity detected in worker info
ProfaneUserName Profanity detected in username
ProfaneUserContact Profanity detected in user contact details
ProfaneAdminComment Profanity detected in admin comment
ProfaneTeamName Profanity detected in team name
ProfaneTeamInfo Profanity detected in team info
TooLong Provided string was too long. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
TooLongWorkerName The provided worker name is too long
TooLongUserName The provided username is too long
NameAlreadyExists The provided name already exists. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
WorkerNameAlreadyExists The provided worker name already exists
TeamNameAlreadyExists The provided team name already exists
PolymorphicNameConflict The provided worker name already exists for a different worker type (e.g. Dreamer VS Scribe)
ImageValidationFailed Source image validation failed unexpectedly
SourceImageResolutionExceeded Source image resolution larger than the max allowed by the AI Horde
SourceImageSizeExceeded Source image file size larger than the max allowed by the AI Horde
SourceImageUrlInvalid Source image url does not contain an image
SourceImageUnreadable Source image could not be parsed
InpaintingMissingMask Missing mask or alpha channel for inpainting
SourceMaskUnnecessary Source mask sent without a source image
UnsupportedSampler Selected sampler unsupported with selected model
UnsupportedModel The required model name is unsupported with this payload. This is a base rc, so you should never typically see it.
ControlNetUnsupported ControlNet is unsupported in combination with this model
ControlNetSourceMissing Missing source image for ControlNet workflow
ControlNetInvalidPayload sent CN source and requested CN source at the same time
SourceImageRequiredForModel Source image is required for using this model
UnexpectedModelName Model name sent is not a Stable Diffusion checkpoint
TooManyUpscalers Tried to use more than 1 upscaler at a time
ProcGenNotFound The used generation for aesthetic ratings doesn't exist
InvalidAestheticAttempt Aesthetics rating attempt failed
AestheticsNotCompleted Attempted to rate non-completed request
AestheticsNotPublic Attempted to rate non-shared request
AestheticsDuplicate Sent duplicate images in an aesthetics set
AestheticsMissing Aesthetic ratings missing
AestheticsSolo Aesthetic ratings best-of contain a single image
AestheticsConfused The best image is not the one with the highest aesthetic rating
AestheticsAlreadyExist Aesthetic rating already submitted
AestheticsServerRejected Aesthetic server rejected submission
AestheticsServerError Aesthetic server returned error (provided)
AestheticsServerDown Aesthetic server is down
AestheticsServerTimeout Aesthetic server timed out during submission
InvalidAPIKey Invalid AI Horde API key provided
WrongCredentials Provided user does not own this worker
NotAdmin Request needs AI Horded admin credentials
NotModerator Request needs AI Horded moderator credentials
NotOwner Request needs worker owner credentials
NotPrivileged This user is not hardcoded to perform this operation
AnonForbidden Anonymous is not allowed to perform this operation
AnonForbiddenWorker Anonymous tried to run a worker
AnonForbiddenUserMod Anonymous tried to modify their user account
NotTrusted Untrusted users are not allowed to perform this operation
UntrustedTeamCreation Untrusted user tried to create a team
UntrustedUnsafeIP Untrusted user tried to use a VPN for a worker
WorkerMaintenance Worker has been put into maintenance and cannot pop new jobs
WorkerFlaggedMaintenance Worker owner has been flagged and worker has been put into permanent maintenance
TooManySameIPs Same IP attempted to spawn too many workers
WorkerInviteOnly AI Horde is in worker invite-only mode and worker owner needs to request permission
UnsafeIP Worker attempted to connect from VPN
TimeoutIP Operation rejected because user IP in timeout
TooManyNewIPs Too many workers from new IPs currently
KudosUpfront This request requires upfront kudos to accept
SharedKeyEmpty Shared Key used in the request does not have any more kudos
InvalidJobID Job not found when trying to submit. This probably means its request was delected for inactivity
RequestNotFound Request not found. This probably means it was delected for inactivity
WorkerNotFound Worker ID not found
TeamNotFound Team ID not found
FilterNotFound Regex filter not found
UserNotFound User not found
DuplicateGen Job has already been submitted
AbortedGen Request aborted because too many jobs have failed
RequestExpired Request expired
TooManyPrompts User has requested too many generations concurrently
NoValidWorkers No workers online which can pick up this request
MaintenanceMode Request aborted because horde is in maintenance mode
TargetAccountFlagged Action rejected because target user has been flagged for violating Horde ToS
SourceAccountFlagged Action rejected because source user has been flagged for violating Horde ToS
FaultWhenKudosReceiving Unexpected error when receiving kudos
FaultWhenKudosSending Unexpected error when sending kudos
TooFastKudosTransfers User tried to send kudos too fast after receiving them from the same user
KudosTransferToAnon User tried to transfer kudos to Anon
KudosTransferToSelf User tried to transfer kudos to themselves
KudosTransferNotEnough User tried to transfer more kudos than they have
NegativeKudosTransfer User tried to transfer negative kudos
KudosTransferFromAnon User tried to transfer kudos using the Anon API key
InvalidAwardUsername Tried to award kudos to non-existing user
KudosAwardToAnon Tried to award kudos to Anonymous user
NotAllowedAwards This user is not allowed to Award Kudos
NoWorkerModSelected No valid worker modification selected
NoUserModSelected No valid user modification selected
NoHordeModSelected No valid horde modification selected
NoTeamModSelected No valid team modification selected
NoFilterModSelected No valid regex filter modification selected
NoSharedKeyModSelected No valid shared key modification selected
BadRequest Generic HTTP 400 code. You should typically never see this
Forbidden Generic HTTP 401 code. You should typically never see this
Locked Generic HTTP code. You should typically never see this
ControlNetInpaintingMismatch ControlNet cannot be used with inpainting at this time
ControlNetInpaintingMismatch ControlNet does not work with SDXL currently
HiResFixMismatch hires fix does not work with SDXL currently
TooManyLoras You cannot request more than 5 loras per generation
BadLoraVersion explicit LoRa version requests have to be a version ID (i.e integer).
TooManyTIs You cannot request more than 20 Textual Inversions per generation.
BetaAnonForbidden Anonymous users cannot use the SDXL_beta.
BetaComparisonFault You need to request at least 2 images for SDXL to allow for comparison
BadCFGDecimals cfg_scale must be rounded to 2 decimal places
BadCFGNumber cfg_scale must be a valid number
BannedClientAgent Banned client Agent
SpecialMissingPayload Special models have to include a special payload
SpecialForbidden This model can only be requested by a specific username
SpecialMissingUsername Special models must always include the username, in the form of 'horde_special::user#id'
SpecialModelNeedsSpecialUser Only special users can request a special model.", "SpecialModelNeedsSpecialUser
SpecialFieldNeedsSpecialUser Only special users can send a special field
Img2ImgMismatch Img2Img cannot be used in combination with this model
TilingMismatch Tiling cannot be used in combination with this model
ControlNetMismatch ControlNet cannot be used in combination with this model
HiResMismatch HiRes fix cannot be used in combination with this model
EducationCannotSendKudos Education accounts cannot transfer kudos out
InvalidPriorityUsername Prioritized user format wrong
SharedKeyExpired This shared key has expired
SharedKeyInsufficientKudos This Shared key has insufficient kudos for this request
OnlyServiceAccountProxy This request requires a Service Account
RequiresTrust This request requires the user to be trusted or a patreon