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Deploying FDA MyStudies


This guide provides instructions for semi-automated deployment of FDA MyStudies to Google Cloud. It is designed to be completed in just a few hours.

This document explains how to integrate Terraform’s open-source infrastructure-as-code with continuous integration and continuous deployment (CICD) for a reproducible and easy-to-maintain environment. Kubernetes has been selected as the open-source container orchestration tool for its robust scaling and cluster management. All necessary Terraform templates, setup scripts and Kubernetes configuration files are included in the repository. This guide will explain what cloud services to enable, which configuration parameters to update and provide step-by-step instructions for each manual portion of the process.

This approach to deployment is based on Google Cloud's HIPAA-aligned architecture, which is designed to simplify your compliance journey. You can learn more about this approach to compliance in the Setting up a HIPAA-aligned project solution guide.

Deployment overview

Following this guide will result in your own unique instance of the FDA MyStudies platform. The resulting deployment will have the structure illustrated in Figure 1. Each functionally distinct aspect of the platform is deployed into its own cloud project to facilitate compartmentalization and robust access management. Each project and resource is named for its purpose, and has a {PREFIX}-{ENV} label, where {PREFIX} is a consistent name of your choice and {ENV} describes your environment (for example, dev or prod). The list of projects you will create for your deployment is as follows:

Project Name Purpose
Devops {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops This project executes the Terraform CICD pipeline that keeps your infrastructure aligned with the state defined in the deployment/terraform/ directory of your GitHub repository
Apps {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps This project stores the container images for each of your FDA MyStudies applications, updates those images with CICD pipelines that monitor changes you make to the application directories of your GitHub repository, and administers the Kubernetes cluster that operates those images (Figure 2 diagrams each the applications and how they related to their data sources)
Data {PREFIX}-{ENV}-data This project contains the MySQL databases that support each of the FDA MyStudies applications, Cloud Healthcare API that allows storing, maintaining, and backing up personal health information(PHI), and the blob storage buckets that hold study resources and consent documents
Firebase {PREFIX}-{ENV}-firebase This project manages Android mobile development platform
Networks {PREFIX}-{ENV}-networks This project manages the network policies and firewalls
Secrets {PREFIX}-{ENV}-secrets This project manages the deployment’s secrets, such as client ids and client secrets
Audit {PREFIX}-{ENV}-audit This project stores the audit logs for the FDA MyStudies platform and applications

This deployment configures the applications URLs as follows:

Application URL Notes
Study builder studies.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/study-builder This URL navigates an administrative user to the Study builder user interface
Study datastore studies.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/study-datastore This URL is for the Study datastore back-end service
Participant manager participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/participant-manager This URL navigates an administrative user to the Participant manager user interface
Participant manager datastore participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/participant-manager-datastore This URL is for the Participant manager datastore back-end service
Participant datastore participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/participant-user-datastore
These URLs are for the Participant datastore back-end services
Response datastore participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/response-datastore This URL is for the Response datastore back-end service
Auth server participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/auth-server This URL is for the administrative users and study participants to log into their respective applications
Hydra participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/oauth2 This URL is used by the Auth server to complete OAuth 2.0 consent flows

More information about the purpose of each application can be found in the Platform Overview guide. Detailed information about configuration and operation of each application can be found in their respective READMEs.

Figure 1: Overall architecture of the semi-automated deployment


Figure 2: Application architecture


The deployment process takes the following approach:

  1. Create a copy of the FDA MyStudies repository that you will use for your deployment
  2. Create the devops cloud project that will be used to orchestrate your deployment
  3. Connect your cloned FDA MyStudies repository to your devops project and set up the CICD pipelines that will automate the rest of your deployment
  4. Provision the necessary cloud resources using your CICD pipelines
  5. Set up a second CICD pipeline that will automate creation of your application containers
  6. Create a Kubernetes cluster to run your application containers
  7. Create your initial user accounts and configure the required certificates, secrets, URLs, policies and network mesh
  8. Customize branding and text content as desired
  9. Create your first study
  10. Configure and deploy your mobile applications

Before you begin

  1. Familiarize yourself with:
  2. Understand how the Terraform config files and cloud resources are named and organized in the deployment:
    • {PREFIX} is a name you choose for your deployment that will be prepended to various directories, cloud resources and URLs (for example this could be ‘mystudies’)
    • {ENV} is a label you choose that will be appended to {PREFIX} in your directories and cloud resources (for example this could be ‘dev’, ‘test’ or ‘prod’)
    • {DOMAIN} is the domain you will be using for your URLs (for example, ‘’ or ‘’)
    • /deployment/deployment.hcl is the file where you will specify top-level parameters for your deployment (for example, the values of {PREFIX}, {ENV} and {DOMAIN})
    • /deployment/mystudies.hcl is the file that represents the overall recipe for the deployment (you will uncomment various aspects of this recipe as your deployment progresses)
    • The directories created in /deployment/terraform/ by the tfengine command represent distinct cloud projects that the CICD pipeline monitors to create, update or destroy resources based on the changes you make to those directories
    • The other directories in the FDA MyStudies repository map to the various components of the platform and contain Terraform and Kubernetes configuration files, such as tf-deployment.yaml and tf-service.yaml, that support each component’s deployment

Prepare the cloud platform

  1. Make sure you have access to a Google Cloud environment that contains an organization resource (if you don’t have an organization resource, you can obtain one by creating a Google Workspace and selecting a domain)

  2. Confirm the billing account that you will use has quota for 10 or more projects (newly created billing accounts may default to a 3-5 project quota)

    • You can test how many projects your billing account can support by manually creating projects and linking them to your billing account, if you are able to link 10 projects to your billing account then you can proceed, otherwise request additional quota (don’t forget to unlink the test projects from your billing account, otherwise your quota may be exhausted)
  3. Use the resource manager to create a folder to deploy your FDA MyStudies infrastructure into, for example you could name this folder {PREFIX}-{ENV} (if you do not have the resourcemanager.folderAdmin role for your organization, you may need to ask your Google Cloud IT administrator to do this for you)

  4. Confirm you have access to a user account with the following Cloud IAM roles:

    • roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin for the folder you created
    • roles/resourcemanager.projectCreator for the folder you created
    • roles/compute.xpnAdmin for the organization (note, this permission must be at the organization level not the folder level)
    • roles/billing.admin for the billing account that you will use
  5. Use the groups manager to create the following administrative IAM groups that will be used during deployment:

    Group name Description
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-folder-admins@{DOMAIN} Members of this group have the resourcemanager.folderAdmin role for your deployment’s folder (for example, a deployment with prefix mystudies, environment prod and domain, would require a group named [email protected])
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops-owners@{DOMAIN} Members of this group have owners access for the devops project, which is required to make changes to the CICD pipeline and Terraform state
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-auditors@{DOMAIN} Members of this group have the iam.securityReviewer role for your deployment’s folder, and the bigquery.user and storage.objectViewer roles for your audit log project
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-cicd-viewers@{DOMAIN} Members of this group can view CICD results in Cloud Build, for example the results of the terraform plan presubmit and terraform apply postsubmit
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-bastion-accessors@{DOMAIN} Members of this group have permission to access the bastion host project, which provides access to the private Cloud SQL instance
    {PREFIX}-{ENV}-project-owners@{DOMAIN} Members of this group have owners access to each of the deployment’s projects
  6. Add the user account that you will be using for deployment to these groups (if it is not already a member)

Set up your environment

  1. You can work in an existing environment, or you can configure a new environment by creating a VM instance in the Google Cloud project of your choice (for example, an e2-medium GCE VM with Debian GNU/Linux 10 and default settings)
  2. Confirm you have the following dependencies installed and added to your $PATH:
    • Install the Google Cloud command line tool gcloud (already installed if using a Google Compute Engine VM), for example:
      apt-get install google-cloud-sdk
    • Install the Cloud Storage command line tool gsutil (already installed if using a Google Compute Engine VM)
    • Install the Kubernetes command line tool kubectl, for example:
      sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https gnupg2 curl && \
        curl -s | sudo apt-key add - && \
        echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list && \
        sudo apt-get update && \
        sudo apt-get install -y kubectl
    • Install Terraform 0.12.29, for example:
      sudo apt-get install software-properties-common -y && \
        curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - && \
        sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) main" && \
        sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install terraform=0.12.29
    • Install Terraform Engine, for example:
      VERSION=v0.4.0 && \
        sudo apt install wget -y && \
        sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/tfengine${VERSION}/tfengine_${VERSION}_linux-amd64 && \
        sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/tfengine
    • Install Git, for example:
      sudo apt-get install git
  3. Duplicate the FDA MyStudies repository, then clone it locally
  4. Update /deployment/deployment.hcl with the values for your deployment
  5. Update /deployment/scripts/ for your deployment, then use the script to set your environment variables, for example:
    source    # executed from your /deployment/scripts directory
  6. Authenticate as a user with the permissions described above (this deployment assumes gcloud and Terraform commands are made as a user, rather than a service account)
    • Login and update your application default credentials, for example you could run gcloud auth login --update-adc (when using a Google Compute Engine VM you must update the application default credentials, otherwise requests will continue to be made with its default service account)
    • Remember to log your user account out once your deployment is complete

Create your devops project and configure CICD pipelines

  1. Generate your Terraform configuration files
    • Set the enable_gcs_backend flag in mystudies.hcl to false, for example:
      sed -e 's/enable_gcs_backend = true/enable_gcs_backend = false/g' \
       -i.backup $GIT_ROOT/deployment/mystudies.hcl
    • Execute the tfengine command to generate the configs (by default, CICD will look for Terraform configs under the deployment/terraform/ directory in the GitHub repo, so set the --output_path to point to the deployment/terraform/ directory inside the local root of your GitHub repository), for example:
      tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
  2. Use Terraform to create the {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops project and Terraform state bucket (if this step fails, confirm you have updated your application default credentials and that the required version of Terraform is installed), for example:
    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/devops
    terraform init && terraform apply
  3. Backup the state of your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops project to the newly created state bucket by setting the enable_gcs_backend flag in mystudies.hcl to true and regenerating the Terraform configs, for example:
    sed -e 's/enable_gcs_backend = false/enable_gcs_backend = true/g' \
      -i.backup $GIT_ROOT/deployment/mystudies.hcl    
    tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/devops
    terraform init -force-copy
  4. Open Cloud Build in your new {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops project and connect your cloned GitHub repository (skip adding triggers as Terraform will create them in the next step)
  5. Create the CICD pipeline for your deployment (this will create the Cloud Builder triggers that will run whenever a pull request containing changes to files in $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/ is raised against the GitHub branch that you specified in deployment.hcl), for example:
    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/cicd
    terraform init && terraform apply
  6. The Cloud Build service account will need to be a Shared VPC Admin (XPN Admin) at the organization level as this permission cannot be granted at the folder level.
    1. Open Cloud IAM in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops project, and copy the Member name of the service account with the role Cloud Build Service Agent. The format should be
    2. At the top of the page change from the {PREFIX}-{ENV}-devops project to the organization containing your folder and projects.
    3. Click Add to add a new member to the organization
    4. Enter the Cloud Build service account in the New members field and add the role Compute Shared VPC Admin and click Save.

Deploy your platform infrastructure

  1. Commit your local git working directory (which now represents your desired infrastructure state) to a new branch in your cloned FDA MyStudies repository, for example using:

    cd $GIT_ROOT
    git checkout -b initial-deployment
    git add $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
    git commit -m "Perform initial deployment"
    git push origin initial-deployment
  2. Trigger Cloud Build to run the Terraform pre-submit checks by using this new branch to create a pull request against the branch you specified in deployment.hcl (you can view the status of your pre-submit checks and re-run jobs as necessary in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)

  3. Once your pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request into the main branch to trigger the terraform apply post-submit operation (this operation may take up to 45 minutes - you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)

    Note: If your pre-submit checks or post-submit terraform apply fail with an error related to billing accounts, you may not have the quota necessary to attach all of your projects to the specified billing account. You may need to request additional quota.

  4. Grant the roles/owner permission to the {PREFIX}-{ENV}-project-owners@{DOMAIN} group for each of your newly created projects

Configure your domain for the deployment

  1. Determine the name servers that Cloud DNS has allocated to your {PREFIX}-{ENV} subdomain
    • Navigate to DNS zones in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project
    • Click on the zone named {PREFIX}-{ENV}, then click Registrar Setup in the upper right to view the name servers allocated to your subdomain
  2. Update your domain’s DNS settings with your domain registrar to create a delegated subzone with the name servers allocated by Cloud DNS (this process differs across domain registrars - consult your domain registrar’s documentation to determine how to make these changes, or ask your domain’s IT administrator for help)
    • If your domain registrar is Google Domains, you can create the delegated subzone as follows:
      1. Log into Google Domains using the account that administers your domain
      2. Navigate to the DNS page for your domain and scroll down to the ‘custom resource records’ section (you do not need to make changes in the other sections)
      3. Create an NS resource record for your {PREFIX}-{ENV} subdomain that matches the name servers specified in Cloud DNS, for example: Domain configuration
  3. Verify your setup (it may take up to 48 hours for DNS changes to propagate across the internet)

Configure your deployment’s databases

  1. Use Terraform and CICD to create Cloud SQL instance, user accounts and IAM role bindings
    • Uncomment the blocks for steps 5.1 through 5.2 in mystudies.hcl, for example:
      sed -e 's/#5# //g' -i.backup $GIT_ROOT/deployment/mystudies.hcl
    • Regenerate the Terraform configs and commit the changes to your repo, for example:
      cd $GIT_ROOT
      tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git checkout -b database-configuration
      git add $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git commit -m "Configure databases"
      git push origin database-configuration
    • Once your pull request pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request to trigger terraform apply(this may take up to 20 minutes - you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)
  2. Configure the permissions of your SQL script bucket so that your Cloud SQL instance can import the necessary initialization scripts
    • Uncomment the blocks for Steps 6 in mystudies.hcl, for example:
      sed -e 's/#6# //g' -i.backup $GIT_ROOT/deployment/mystudies.hcl
    • Regenerate the Terraform configs and commit the changes to your repo, for example:
      cd $GIT_ROOT
      tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git checkout -b sql-bucket-permissions
      git add $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git commit -m "Set SQL bucket permissions"
      git push origin sql-bucket-permissions
    • Once your pull request pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request to trigger terraform apply(this may take up to 10 minutes - you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)
  3. Initialize your MySQL databases by importing SQL scripts
    • Upload the necessary SQL script files to the {PREFIX}-{ENV}-mystudies-sql-import storage bucket that you created during Terraform deployment, for example:
      gsutil cp \
        ${GIT_ROOT}/study-builder/sqlscript/* \
        ${GIT_ROOT}/response-datastore/sqlscript/mystudies_response_server_db_script.sql \
        ${GIT_ROOT}/participant-datastore/sqlscript/mystudies_participant_datastore_db_script.sql \
        ${GIT_ROOT}/auth-server/sqlscript/mystudies_oauth_server_hydra_db_script.sql \
        ${GIT_ROOT}/hydra/sqlscript/create_hydra_db_script.sql \
    • Import the SQL scripts from cloud storage to your Cloud SQL instance, for example:
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/create_hydra_db_script.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/mystudies_oauth_server_hydra_db_script.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/HPHC_My_Studies_DB_Create_Script.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/procedures.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/version_info_script.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/mystudies_response_server_db_script.sql -q
      gcloud sql import sql --project=${PREFIX}-${ENV}-data mystudies gs://${PREFIX}-${ENV}-mystudies-sql-import/mystudies_participant_datastore_db_script.sql -q
  4. Enable the Cloud SQL Admin API for your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project, for example:
    gcloud config set project $PREFIX-$ENV-apps && \
      gcloud services enable

Configure and deploy your applications

  1. Make a request to increase the Global Compute Engine API Backend Services quota for your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project to 20 (if it is not already set at, or beyond, this value)

  2. Enable CICD for the application directories of your cloned GitHub repository so that changes you make to the application code will automatically build the application containers for your deployment

    • Enable Cloud Build in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project and connect your cloned GitHub repository (skip adding triggers as Terraform will create them in the next step)
    • Uncomment the Cloud Build triggers portion of the apps project (step 7) in mystudies.hcl, for example:
      sed -e 's/#7# //g' -i.backup $GIT_ROOT/deployment/mystudies.hcl
    • Regenerate the Terraform configs and commit the changes to your repo, for example:
      cd $GIT_ROOT
      tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git checkout -b enable-apps-CICD
      git add $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
      git commit -m "Enable CICD for applications"
      git push origin enable-apps-CICD
    • Once your pull request pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request to trigger terraform apply(this may take up to 10 minutes - you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)
  3. Update the Kubernetes and application configuration files with the values specific to your deployment

    • Replace the <PREFIX>, <ENV> and <LOCATION> values for each tf-deployment.yaml in your repo, for example:
      find $GIT_ROOT -name 'tf-deployment.yaml' \
        -exec sed -e 's/<PREFIX>-<ENV>/'$PREFIX'-'$ENV'/g' \
        -e 's/<LOCATION>/'$LOCATION'/g' -i.backup '{}' \;
    • Replace the <PREFIX>, <ENV> and <DOMAIN> values in /deployment/kubernetes/cert.yaml and /deployment/kubernetes/ingress.yaml, for example:
      sed -e 's/<PREFIX>/'$PREFIX'/g' \
        -e 's/<ENV>/'$ENV'/g' \
        -e 's/<DOMAIN>/'$DOMAIN'/g' -i.backup \
      sed -e 's/<PREFIX>/'$PREFIX'/g' \
        -e 's/<ENV>/'$ENV'/g' \
        -e 's/<DOMAIN>/'$DOMAIN'/g' -i.backup \
    • In /participant-manager/src/environments/, replace <BASE_URL> with your participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN} value and <auth-server-client-id> with the value of your auto-auth-server-client-id secret (you can find this value in the Secret Manager of your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-secrets project), for example:
      gcloud config set project $PREFIX-$ENV-secrets
      export auth_server_client_id=$( \
        gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret="auto-auth-server-client-id")
      sed -e 's/<BASE_URL>/participants.'$PREFIX'-'$ENV'.'$DOMAIN'/g' \
        -e 's/<AUTH_SERVER_CLIENT_ID>/'$auth_server_client_id'/g' -i.backup \
    • Commit the changes to your repo, for example:
      cd $GIT_ROOT
      git checkout -b configure-application-properties
      git add $GIT_ROOT
      git commit -m "Initial configuration of application properties"
      git push origin configure-application-properties
    • Once your pull request pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request to build your container images, after which they will be available in the Container Registry of your apps project at{PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps (this may take up to 10 minutes - you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project)
  4. Open Secret Manager for your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-secrets project and fill in the values for secrets with the prefix “manual-” (or set your gcloud project with gcloud config set project $PREFIX-$ENV-secrets and use the commands described below - afterwards clear your shell history with history -c)

    Manually set secret Description When to set Example command
    manual-mystudies-email-address The login of the email account you want MyStudies to use to send system-generated emails Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-email-address" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-email-password The password for that email account Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-email-password" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-contact-email-address The email address that the in-app contact and feedback forms will send messages to Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-contact-email-address" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-from-email-address The return email address that is shown is system-generated messages (for example, [email protected]) This email should be an alias of manual-mystudies-email-address. Alternaitvely, provide the same email as manual-mystudies-email-address here as well Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-from-email-address" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-from-email-domain The domain of the above email address (just the value after “@”) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-from-email-domain" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-smtp-hostname The hostname for your email account’s SMTP server (for example, Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-smtp-hostname" --data-file=-
    manual-mystudies-smtp-use-ip-allowlist Typically ‘false’; if ‘true’, the platform will not authenticate to the email server and will rely on the allowlist configured in the SMTP service Set this value to true or false now (you can update it later) echo -n "false" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-mystudies-smtp-use-ip-allowlist" --data-file=-
    manual-log-path The path to a directory within each application’s container where your logs will be written (for example /logs) Set this value now echo -n "/logs" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-log-path" --data-file=-
    manual-org-name The name of your organization that is displayed to users, for example ‘Sincerely, the manual-org-name support team’ Set this value now echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-org-name" --data-file=-
    manual-terms-url URL for a terms and conditions page that the applications will link to (for example, Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-terms-url" --data-file=-
    manual-privacy-url URL for a privacy policy page that the applications will link to (for example, Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-privacy-url" --data-file=-
    manual-fcm-api-url URL of your Firebase Cloud Messaging API (documentation) Set now if you know what this value will be - otherwise create a placeholder and update after completing your Android deployment (leave as placeholder if you will be deploying to iOS only) echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-fcm-api-url" --data-file=-
    manual-android-deeplink-url The sign-in screen is run on the Hydra-based auth server. This URL is a deep link that helps redirect users to the native mobile app after they sign in. (for example, app://{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/mystudies) Set now if you know what this value will be - otherwise create a placeholder and update after completing your Android deployment (leave as placeholder if you will be deploying to iOS only) echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-android-deeplink-url" --data-file=-
    manual-ios-deeplink-url The sign-in screen is run on the Hydra-based auth server. This URL is a deep link that helps redirect users to the native mobile app after they sign in. (for example, app://{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/mystudies) Set now if you know what this value will be - otherwise create a placeholder and update after completing your iOS deployment (leave as placeholder if you will be deploying to Android only) echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-ios-deeplink-url" --data-file=-
    manual-region-id To set FHIR region in Google healthcare API (for example, us-east1) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-fhir-enabled" --data-file=-
    manual-consent-enabled To enable Google healthcare consent managment API (for example, true or false) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-consent-enabled" --data-file=-
    manual-fhir-enabled To enable FHIR and/or FHIR de-identification in Google healthcare API (for example, false or fhir or fhir&did) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-fhir-enabled" --data-file=-
    manual-discard-fhir To discard FHIR responses in Google healthcare API (for example, true or false) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-discard-fhir-response-enabled" --data-file=-
    manual-ingest-data-to-bigquery To ingest healthcare API response to BigQuery (for example, true or false) Set this value now or enter a placeholder echo -n "<SECRET_VALUE>" | gcloud secrets versions add "manual-ingest-data-to-bigquery" --data-file=-

    Note: When updating secrets after this initial deployment, you must refresh your Kubernetes cluster and restart the relevant pods to ensure the updated secrets are propagated to your applications (you do not need to do this now - only when making updates later), for example you can update your Kubernetes state with:

    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/kubernetes
    terraform init && terraform apply

    then, restart the pods by deleting them in the Kubernetes dashboard or running:

    APP_PATH=<path_to_component_to_restart> # for example, $GIT_ROOT/auth-server
    kubectl scale --replicas=0 -f $APP_PATH/tf-deployment.yaml && \
    kubectl scale --replicas=1 -f $APP_PATH/tf-deployment.yaml

    If you rotate an application’s ‘client_id’ or ‘client_secret’, such as auto-response-datastore-client-id or auto-response-datastore-secret-key, you must register the new values in Hydra by re-running the script or executing the appropriate REST requests directly (see /hydra/ for more information about working with Hydra manually)

  5. Finish Kubernetes cluster configuration and deployment

    • Configure the remaining resources with Terraform, for example:
      cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/kubernetes/
      terraform init && terraform apply
    • Set your kubectl credentials, for example:
      gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$PREFIX-$ENV-gke-cluster" \
        --region=$LOCATION --project="$PREFIX-$ENV-apps"
    • Apply the pod security policies, for example:
      kubectl apply \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/deployment/kubernetes/pod_security_policy.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/deployment/kubernetes/pod_security_policy-istio.yaml
    • Apply all deployments, for example:
      kubectl apply \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/study-datastore/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/response-datastore/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/consent-mgmt-module/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/enroll-mgmt-module/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/user-mgmt-module/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/study-builder/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/auth-server/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-manager-datastore/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/hydra/tf-deployment.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-manager/tf-deployment.yaml
    • Apply all services, for example:
      kubectl apply \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/study-datastore/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/response-datastore/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/consent-mgmt-module/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/enroll-mgmt-module/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-datastore/user-mgmt-module/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/study-builder/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/auth-server/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-manager-datastore/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/hydra/tf-service.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/participant-manager/tf-service.yaml
    • Apply the certificate and the ingress, for example:
      kubectl apply \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/deployment/kubernetes/cert.yaml \
        -f $GIT_ROOT/deployment/kubernetes/ingress.yaml
    • Update firewalls:
      • Run kubectl describe ingress $PREFIX-$ENV
      • Look at the suggested commands under "Events", in the form of "Firewall change required by network admin"
      • Run each of the suggested commands
  6. Verify the status of your Kubernetes cluster

    • Check the Kubernetes ingress dashboard in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project to view the status of your cluster ingress (if status is not green, repeat the firewall step above)
    • Check the Kubernetes workloads dashboard in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project to view the status of your applications (confirm all applications are green before proceeding - it can take up to 15 minutes for all containers to become operational)
    • Check the status of your Kubernetes cluster SSL certificates on the certificates page of your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project’s load balancing ‘advanced menu’ (both the participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN} and studies.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN} certificates must be green for your deployment to use https)
  7. Configure your initial application credentials

    • Create the Hydra credentials for server-to-server requests by running, for example:
      $GIT_ROOT/deployment/scripts/ \
    • Create your first admin user account for the Participant manager application by running the script to generate and import a SQL dump file for the Participant datastore database (the password you specify must be at least 8 characters long and contain lower case, upper case, numeric and special characters), for example:
      $GIT_ROOT/deployment/scripts/ \
    • Create your first admin user account for the Study builder application by running the script to generate and import a SQL dump file for the Study datastore database, for example:
      sudo apt-get install apache2-utils -y
      $GIT_ROOT/deployment/scripts/ \

Configure Logging & Monitoring (optional)

There are optional logging, monitoring, alerts, and notifications that can be configured for a deployment. See /documentation/ for guidance on configuring this as well as recommended alert thresholds.

Configure your first study

  1. Navigate your browser to studies.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/studybuilder/ (the trailing slash is necessary) and use the account credentials that you created with the script to log into the Study builder user interface
  2. Change your password, then create any additional administrative accounts that you might need
  3. Create a new app record in the Apps section. Read more about creating and managing apps in the next section.
  4. Create a new study in the Studies section and associate it with the app you want it to appear in.
  5. Publish your study to propagate your study values to the other platform components.
  6. Navigate your browser to participants.{PREFIX}-{ENV}.{DOMAIN}/participant-manager/ (the trailing slash is necessary), then use the account credentials that you created with the script to log into the Participant manager user interface (if the Participant Manager application fails to load, confirm you are using https - this deployment requires https to be fully operational)
  7. You will be asked to change your password; afterwards you can create any additional administrative accounts that you might need
  8. Confirm your new study is visible in the Participant manager interface

Manage apps in the Study Builder

  1. You can use the Apps section in the Study Builder to create and manage multiple mobile apps running off a single deployment of the platform.

  2. Start by creating a new app record by filling out the required fields.

  3. Once an app record is created, studies can be mapped to it in the Studies section.

  4. To start testing an app, fill out additional required app properties and configurations in the Study Builder, and publish the app to propagate the app’s properties to other platform components that need them, using the Publish App action. If you are testing out a new version of an app that already exists, ensure you have retained current app version information in the Developer Configurations section at this point - do not replace it with new version information.

  5. Confirm your app is visible in the Participant Manager interface and test out your app.

  6. Once the app is tested and ready to go to the app stores, update or finalize the app properties to correspond to the app store version of the app that will go live, and publish the latest values, again using the Publish App action. At this point, ensure that the app version information in the Developer Configurations section still retains the current version information and that the Force upgrade field is set to No, even if you are pushing out a new version of an existing app to the app stores.

  7. Upload the app to the app stores for review and approval.

  8. Once the app is approved in both the app stores and live, revisit the Study Builder and update the app version information in the Developer Configurations section to the latest app version information. Also, at this point, if you wish to enforce an app update, update the Force upgrade field to Yes. Use the Publish App action again for these changes to take effect.

  9. These steps will ensure that app users get prompted to update their apps to the new version when they open the existing apps on their device.

  10. Also, once your app is live, mark the app as distributed in the Study Builder to prevent inadvertent changes to key configurations that drive your live app.

  11. Barring these few key configurations, most other app properties can be updated after the app is live.

  12. Note: Any from email addresses that you configure in the app’s properties must be an alias of the manual-mystudies-email-address that is configured in the Secret Manager as part of the platform deployment process. If an alias is not available, please use the same email here. This Github issue has additional detail on the alias requirements.

Clean up

  1. Remove your user account from the groups you no longer need access to
  2. Revoke user access in your environment, for example:
    gcloud auth revoke <user>@<domain> -q && \
      gcloud auth application-default revoke -q
  3. Optionally, confirm no other users are logged in, for example:
    gcloud auth list

Maintaining & Updating FDA MyStudies

Database Migration

When updating FDA MyStudies it may be necessary to migrate the databases to support the new version. Detailed instructions can be found in the Database Migration README.

Study Resources in Cloud Storage (2.0.5 upgrade)

Release 2.0.5 changed permissions for the Cloud Storage buckets used for study resources to remove public access and use signed URLs. New deployments will use this behavior automatically. When upgrading a prior release to 2.0.5 or greater, you will need to change permissions to the storage bucket using one of the following processes.

Manual process:

Go to Data Project ({prefix}-{env}-data) and remove AllUser access from the ({prefix}-{env}-mystudies-study-resources) storage bucket and provide access to the service accounts below with storage.objectAdmin role

  • serviceAccount:participant-manager-gke-sa@{{.prefix}}-{{.env}}
  • serviceAccount:study-builder-gke-sa@{{.prefix}}-{{.env}}
  • serviceAccount:study-datastore-gke-sa@{{.prefix}}-{{.env}}

Script process:

In the Terraform/{prefix}-{env}-data / file, please replace the existing module "{prefix}_{env}_mystudies_study_resources>" with the values below, replacing with your prefix and env values

module "{prefix}_{env}_mystudies_study_resources" {
  source = "terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket"
  version = "~> 1.4"

  name = "{prefix}-{env}-mystudies-study-resources"
  project_id = module.project.project_id
  location = "us-east1"

  iam_members = [
      member = "serviceAccount:study-builder-gke-sa@{prefix}-{env}"
      role = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
      member = "serviceAccount:study-datastore-gke-sa@{prefix}-{env}"
      role = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
      member = "serviceAccount:participant-manager-gke-sa@{prefix}-{env}"
      role = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"

tfengine process:

Pull the latest code (2.0.5+) and run the following commands

tfengine --config_path=$ENGINE_CONFIG --output_path=$GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
git checkout -b bucket-permissions
git add $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform
git commit -m "bucket-permissions"
git push origin bucket-permissions

Then create a pull request from bucket-permissions branch to your target branch Once your pull request pre-submit checks have completed successfully, and you have received code review approval, merge your pull request to trigger terraform apply(you can view the status of the operation in the Cloud Build history of your devops project)

Study Import / Export (2.0.6 upgrade)

Release 2.0.6 added additional functionality to support study import and export. This requires a permission change and an additional secret to be added. When upgrading a prior release to 2.0.6 or greater, you will need to perform the following steps.

Permission change to import bucket

Update your repository with the latest changes from release 2.0.6 or greater, create a new working branch and make the following changes:

  1. In the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-data/ find the section module "{prefix}_{env}_mystudies_sql_import" { [...] } and completely replace it with the following, substituting your values for {prefix} & {env} and changing the location to your preference:

    module "{prefix}-{env}_mystudies_sql_import" {
    source  = "terraform-google-modules/cloud-storage/google//modules/simple_bucket"
    version = "~> 1.4"
    name       = "{prefix}-{env}-mystudies-sql-import"
    project_id = module.project.project_id
    location   = "us-east1"
    iam_members = [
        member = "serviceAccount:${module.mystudies.instance_service_account_email_address}"
        role   = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
        member = "serviceAccount:study-builder-gke-sa@{prefix}-{env}"
        role   = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
  2. Create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

Add import / export bucket to Kubernetes cluster shared secrets

To add the bucket to the shared secrets, create a new working branch and make the following change:

  1. Edit the file deployment/terraform/kubernetes/ and in the section # Shared secrets add the following line to the section data = { [...] }, substituting your values for {prefix} & {env}

    study_export_import_bucket_name   = "{prefix}_{env}-mystudies-sql-import" 
  2. Create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

  3. Pull the latest code from your repository and checkout your specified branch which contains the new shared secret.

  4. Run the following commands to apply the changes to your cluster:

    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/kubernetes/
    terraform init && terraform apply
  5. Run the following command to apply the latest Study Builder deployment changes:

    kubectl apply \
      -f $GIT_ROOT/study-builder/tf-deployment.yaml

Managing apps (2.0.8 upgrade)

Release 2.0.8 added functionality to support managing mobile apps in the deployment with the Study Builder interface. This requires that apps that are running in existing deployments must be updated (and new versions published to the app stores) if the deployment is being upgraded to 2.0.8 or greater.

Required steps when upgrading to 2.0.8 or greater

When upgrading a prior release to 2.0.8 or greater, you will need to perform the following steps to continue to support existing apps.

  1. Take the latest code and generate the mobile app build following the latest iOS and Android app build and deployment instructions given in the repo. Ensure you use the same App ID as before.
  2. Sign in to the Study Builder and create an app record that has the exact same App ID that you have been using for your app. Ensure that you choose the correct app settings as well as applicable to your live app (gateway or standalone type of app, platform(s) that need to be supported etc.)
  3. Cross-check if all the studies that belong to the app, are mapped to this app in their respective study creation sections.
  4. In the newly created app record, fill out all the required app properties and configurations as applicable to a test version of the app and publish the app, using the Publish App action. At this point, ensure you have retained current app version information in the Developer Configurations section - do not replace it with new version information.
  5. Confirm your app is still visible in the Participant Manager interface. Test out your newly generated app with the published configurations.
  6. Once the app is tested and ready to go to the app stores, update or finalize these app properties to correspond to the app store version of the app that will go live, and publish the latest values, again using the Publish App action. At this point, ensure that the app version information in the Developer Configurations section still retains the current version information and that the Force upgrade field is set to No.
  7. Upload the app to the app stores for review and approval.
  8. Once the app is approved in both the app stores and live, revisit the Study Builder and update the app version information in the Developer Configurations section to the latest app version information. Also, at this point, if you wish to enforce an app update, update the Force upgrade field to Yes. Use the Publish App action again for these changes to take effect.
  9. These steps will ensure that app users get prompted to update their apps to the new version when they open the existing apps on their device.
  10. As a last step, once your app is live, mark the app as distributed in the Study Builder to prevent inadvertent changes to key configurations that drive your live app.

Changes to iOS push notifications in 2.0.8 or greater

This release uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications for the iOS app. Follow the step Configure Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications in the iOS Configuration Instructions to set up FCM for iOS. Note that the server key generated here is to be entered into the developer configurations section of the app in the Study builder.

Changes to secrets when upgrading to 2.0.8 or greater

The following secrets which were in earlier versions are no longer being used as of 2.0.8:

  • manual-android-bundle-id
  • manual-android-server-key
  • manual-ios-bundle-id
  • manual-ios-certificate
  • manual-ios-certificate-password
  • manual-mobile-app-appid

These secrets can be deleted from your deployment with the following steps. However, make sure you have a record of them handy before deleting, as these need to be updated in the Study Builder interface when managing the apps

  1. Update your repository with the latest changes from release 2.0.8 or greater, create a new working branch and make the following changes:
  2. In the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-secret/, remove the following resources:
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_mobile_app_appid" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_android_bundle_id" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_android_server_key" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_ios_bundle_id" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_ios_certificate" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_ios_certificate_password" {
  3. Create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

Whitelisting the TCP Port 10256 in the firewall when upgrading to 2.0.10 or greater

One of the Backend service health checks is using the 10256 port, and it was observed this port needs to be whitelisted. Please follow the below steps to whitelist the port:

  1. Update your repository with the latest changes from release 2.0.10 or greater, create a new working branch, and make the following changes.

  2. In the deployment/terraform/--network/, find the section resource "google_compute_firewall" "fw_allow_k8s_ingress_lb_health_checks" { [...] } and add below script along with other port numbers script:

    allow {
     protocol = "tcp"
     ports  = ["10256"]
  3. Create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

Ingress version Upgrade when upgrading to 2.0.10 or greater

The Beta API versions (extensions/v1beta1 and of Ingress are no longer served for GKE clusters created on versions 1.22 and later. We have upgraded the API version in the deployment/kubernetes/ingress.yaml as part of this release. After updating the repo with the latest changes from release 2.0.10 or greater, please follow the below steps:

  1. Pull the latest code from your repository and checkout your specified branch, which contains the upgraded ingress.yaml.

  2. Run the following command to apply the latest ingress.yaml:

     kubectl apply \
         -f $GIT_ROOT/deployment/kubernetes/ingress.yaml
  3. Update firewalls:

    • Run kubectl describe ingress $PREFIX-$ENV
    • Look at the suggested commands under "Events", in the form of "Firewall change required by network admin"
    • Run each of the suggested commands
  4. Verify the status of your Kubernetes cluster:

    • Check the Kubernetes ingress dashboard in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project to view the status of your cluster ingress (if status is not green, repeat the firewall step above)
    • Check the Kubernetes workloads dashboard in your {PREFIX}-{ENV}-apps project to view the status of your applications (confirm all applications are green before proceeding)

Migrate to Containerd node images before GKE v1.24

  1. Update your repository with the latest changes from release 2.0.10 or greater, create a new working branch, and make the following changes.

  2. In the deployment/terraform/--apps/, find the section module "__gke_cluster" { [...] } and add below script at the end of this section:

    node_pools = [
         name       = "default-node-pool"
         image_type = "COS_CONTAINERD"
  3. Create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

Migration to Cloud Healthcare API from Firestore (2.0.11 Upgrade)

Release 2.0.11 added functionality to support Healthcare API’s like Consent API, FHIR, DID and Big query. This requires that apps that are running in existing deployments must be updated (and new versions published to the app stores) if the deployment is being upgraded to 2.0.11. These functionality shall be available only for new study and not for existing study. Brief details of the API’s integrated is provide below:

  • Consent API: This API shall help in the integration of the GCP Consent Management API into the platform. The vision is to leverage the capabilities of the Consent API in managing consent given by the app user/study participant for the collection and access or use of various types of their data by a study.

  • FHIR: The integration of the GCP FHIR API into the platform will be handled in this deployment, specifically to facilitate the creation and storage of FHIR-compliant study metadata and response data.

  • DID:The integration with DID API will help the platform to redact sensitive data from the responses collected, and provide the cleansed version of the data for audiences to use for research purposes.

  • Big Query: This will be helpful for data scientists and researchers to carry out data analytics and operations, and derive insights from the collected data. It would be useful to stream data collected in the Response Server into BigQuery. BigQuery will be provided as an optional appended service to the GCP MyStudies platform and will connect to the Response Server to provide data export, reporting and analytics functions.

Note: Update your repository with the latest changes from release 2.0.11 or greater, create a new working branch and make the following changes:

Enabling Healthcare API and adding required permissions to Applications

  1. To enable the Healthcare API in the Data project, edit the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-data/ and in the section # Create the project and optionally enable APIs add the following line to the section activate_apis = [.....].

  2. To provide Healthcare API access to all the application service accounts, edit the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-data/ and in the section module "project_iam_members" add the following lines to the section bindings = {.......}.

    • "roles/healthcare.consentArtifactEditor" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.consentArtifactReader" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.consentEditor" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.consentReader" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.consentStoreAdmin" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.consentStoreViewer" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.datasetAdmin" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.fhirResourceEditor" = [
    • "roles/healthcare.fhirStoreAdmin" = [
    • "roles/bigquery.admin" = [
    • "roles/bigquery.dataEditor" = [
    • "roles/datastore.user" = [
    • "roles/storage.objectAdmin" = [
  3. To provide {prefix}-{env}-mystudies-consent-documents storage bucket access to study builder and Healthcare API service accounts, edit the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-data/ and in the section module "{prefix}_{env}_mystudies_consent_documents" add the following lines to the section iam_members = [...].

    •     {
            role   = "roles/storage.objectAdmin"
            member = "serviceAccount:study-builder-gke-sa@{{.prefix}}-{{.env}}"
    •     {
            role   = "roles/storage.objectViewer"
            member = "serviceAccount:service-${module.project.project_number}"
  4. To provide BigQuery admin access to Response-Datastore service account, edit the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-apps/ and in the section module "project_iam_members" add the following lines to the section bindings = {.......}.

    	"roles/bigquery.admin" = [

Changes to secrets when upgrading to 2.0.11 or greater

The following secrets need to be added for this release:

  • manual-region-id
  • manual-consent-enabled
  • manual-fhir-enabled
  • manual-discard-fhir
  • manual-ingest-data-to-bigquery

These secrets can be added from your deployment with the following steps.

  1. Edit the file deployment/terraform/{prefix}-{env}-secret/, add the following resources similar to other secrets in the file:
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_region_id" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_consent_enabled" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_fhir_enabled" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_discard_fhir" {
    • resource "google_secret_manager_secret" "manual_ingest_data_to_bigquery" {

Add above new secrets to Kubernetes cluster shared secrets

  1. Edit the file deployment/terraform/kubernetes/ and in the section # Data sources from Secret Manager add the following lines to the section for_each = toset(concat([...] )} along with other secrets.

    • "manual-region-id",
    • "manual-consent-enabled",
    • "manual-fhirenabled",
    • "manual-discard-fhir",
    • "manual-ingest-data-to-bigquery",
  2. In the section # Shared secrets add the following lines to the section data = { [...] }

    • region_id = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.secrets["manual-region-id"].secret_data
    • consent_enabled = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.secrets["manual-consent-enabled"].secret_data
    • fhir_enabled = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.secrets["manual-fhir-enabled"].secret_data
    • discard_fhir = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.secrets["manual-discard-fhir"].secret_data
    • ingest_data_to_bigquery = data.google_secret_manager_secret_version.secrets["manual-ingest-data-to-bigquery"].secret_data
Note: After all above changes in the working branch, create a pull request from this working branch to your specified branch, which will start the terraform plan and validation. After completion of the plan and validation, merge the pull request. That will run the terraform apply.

Follow below steps to apply above secrets to all containers

  1. Pull the latest code from your repository and checkout your specified branch which contains the new shared secret.
  2. Run the following commands to apply the changes to your cluster:
    cd $GIT_ROOT/deployment/terraform/kubernetes/
    terraform init && terraform apply
  1. Restart all default pods except hydra-ic by running below commands:
     APP_PATH=<path_to_component_to_restart> # for example, $GIT_ROOT/auth-server
     kubectl scale --replicas=0 -f $APP_PATH/tf-deployment.yaml && \
     kubectl scale --replicas=1 -f $APP_PATH/tf-deployment.yaml

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