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Feature Search Query Language

This query language enables you to construct flexible searches to find features based on various criteria.

Key Concepts

  • Terms: The basic building blocks of a search query. Each term has an identifier (available_on, baseline_status, name) followed by a colon (:) and its corresponding value without any spaces.
  • Value Types:
    • browsers (BROWSER_NAME)
      • Accepted Values: [a-z]+
      • Example:
        • chrome
    • features (FEATURE_NAME)
      • Accepted Values: '"' [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* [ ]* '"' | [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]*
      • Examples:
        • Grid
        • "CSS Grid"
    • baseline statuses (BASELINE_STATUS)
      • Accepted Values: 'limited' | 'newly' | 'widely'
      • Examples:
        • none
    • browser list (BROWSER_LIST)
      • Accepted Values: BROWSER_NAME (',' BROWSER_NAME)*
      • Examples:
        • chrome
        • chrome,safari
  • Terms:
    • available_date: Represents the date a feature became available
      • Option 1: Specifies an inclusive date range (DATE1..DATE2) during which features became available.
    • available_on: Indicates whether a feature is available on a specific browser. Expects a browser name (BROWSER_NAME) as its value.
      • Example: available_on:chrome
    • baseline_status: Represents a feature's baseline status. Expects an enum value (BASELINE_STATUS) as its value.
      • Example: baseline_status:low
    • name: Searches for features by their name. Expects a feature name (FEATURE_NAME) as its value.
      • Examples:
        • name:grid
        • name:"CSS Grid"
    • baseline_date: Represents the date a feature reached baseline.
      • Option 1: Searches for an inclusive date range (DATE..DATE) where features reached baseline.
    • group: Searches for features that belong to a group defined in the web-features repository.
    • snapshot: Searches for features that belong to a snapshot defined in the web-features repository.
  • Negation: Prepend a term with a minus sign (-) to indicate negation (search for features not matching that criterion).
  • Keywords: These are reserved words used in the grammar, such as AND, OR
    • AND: Combine terms with the AND keyword for explicit logical AND, or use a space between terms for implied AND.
    • OR: Combine terms with OR for logical OR operations.
  • Standalone Feature Names: Search by feature name without a name: prefix.

Example Queries

Simple Term Examples

  • available_date:chrome:2023-01-01..2023-12-31 - Searches for all features that became available on Chrome in 2023.
  • available_on:chrome - Find features available on Chrome.
  • -available_on:firefox - Find features not available on Firefox.
  • baseline_status:high - Find features with a high baseline status.
  • name:"Dark Mode" - Find features named "Dark Mode" (including spaces).
  • baseline_date:2023-01-01..2023-12-31 - Searches for all features that reached baseline in 2023.
  • group:css - Searches for features that belong to the css group and any groups that are descendants of that group.
  • snapshot:ecmascript-5 - Searches for features that belong to the ecmascript-5 snapshot.

Complex Queries

  • available_on:chrome AND baseline_status:newly - Find features available on Chrome and having a newly baseline status.
  • -available_on:firefox OR name:"CSS Grid" - Find features either not available on Firefox or named "CSS Grid".
  • "CSS Grid" baseline_status:limited - Find features named "CSS Grid" with a baseline status of none (implied AND).