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315 lines (230 loc) · 11.1 KB

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executable file
315 lines (230 loc) · 11.1 KB


When contributing to this repository, please first discuss the changes you wish to make via an issue. If an issue for the changes you intend to make does not exist, create one.

General contributing workflow

  1. Raise an issue for the changes you wish to make (or start working on a pre-existing issue).
  2. Make a feature branch for your changes.

Name the branch as <issue_number>-add-<name_of_the_function_to_be_added> or something as descriptive

  1. Base your feature branch on the master branch.

Remember to

git pull

before checking out to a new branch.

  1. Do all editing formatting and testing on the issue-specific branch. Commit only to that branch, do not edit the master branch directly.

  2. Once you have something working, make sure your commits are according to the desired coding style and that your branch contains appropriate documentation and tests.

  3. Create a pull request (PR) to merge your branch into the master. In it, summarize your changes. Assign a reviewer / reviewers for the PR.

Terminology and general coding principles

  1. Packages

The folders inside ./eis_toolkit are called subpackages. Feel free to suggest modifications to the current subpackage division via creating an issue for it! Note that the subpackages can split up into more subpackages if needed.

  1. Modules

Module names come from the names of the .py files containing function declarations. You will need to create a new python file for each functionality. Name the modules in a brief, descriptive manner.

  • For common cases, try to create modules in a way that each module contains only one functionality. Split this functionality into two function declarations: one for external use and one (the core functionality) for internal use. See e.g. implementation of clipping functionality for reference. In some cases it can make sense to include multiple tools in one module, so the one/two functions per module is not absolute.
  1. Functions

Name each function according to what it is supposed to do. Try to express the purpose as simplistic as possible. In principle, each function should be created for executing one task. We prefer modular structure and low hierarchy by trying to avoid nested function declarations. It is highly recommended to call other functions for executing sub tasks.

Example (packages, modules & functions):

Create a function which clips a raster file with polygon -> name the function as clip. Write this function declaration into a new python file with name inside of the eis_toolkit/raster_processing folder.

  1. Classes

A class can be defined inside of a module or a function. Class names should begin with a capital letter and follow the CamelCase naming convention: if a class name contains multiple words, the spaces are simply ignored and each separate word begins with capital letters.

When implementing the toolkit functions, create classes only when they are clearly beneficial.

If you create new custom exception classes, add them directly into eis_toolkit/ file.

  1. Variables

Avoid using global variables. Name your variables clearly for code maintainability and to avoid bugs.

  1. Docstrings and code comments

For creating docstrings, we rely on google convention (see section 3.8 in link for more detailed instructions). Well defined docstrings should do most of the job with clear code structure, but code comments can be used (sparingly) too.

Naming policy

General guidelines about naming policy (applies to package, module, function, class and variable names):

  • all names should be given in English

  • avoid too cryptic names by using complete words

  • if the name consists of multiple words, use snake_case so replace space with underscore character (_) (CamelCase is used for classes as an exception to this rule)

  • do not include special characters, capital letters or numbers into the names unless in case of using numbers in variable names and there is an unavoidable need for it / using numbers significantly increases clarity

Code style


Note that pre-commit was added as the primary style check tool later in the project and you need to install and enable it manually!

The repository contains a .pre-commit-config.yaml file that has configuration to run a set of pre-commit hooks. As the name implies, they run before committing code and reject commits that would include code that is not formatted or contains linting errors. pre-commit must be installed on your system and the hooks must be enabled within your local copy of the repository to run.

To install pre-commit on Debian or Ubuntu -based systems with apt as the package manager you should be able to run:

apt update
apt install pre-commit

Alternatively, it can be installed with the system installation of Python:

pip install pre-commit

Visit the pre-commit website for more guidance on various system installation methods (

To enable the hooks locally, enter the directory with your local version of eis_toolkit, and run:

pre-commit install

Within this local repository, before any commits, the hooks should now run. Note that the black formatting hook will modify files and consequently, the edits by pre-commit will be unstaged. Stage the changes to add them back to the commit.

To disable the hooks and allow commits even with errors pointed out by pre-commit, you can add the --no-verify option to the git command-line:

git commit -m "<message>" --no-verify

However, this is not recommended and you should instead fix any issues pointed out by pre-commit.

You can also run the hooks without committing on all files. Make sure you save any text changes as pre-commit can modify unformatted files:

pre-commit run --all-files


Creating and executing tests improves code quality and helps to ensure that nothing gets broken after merging the PR.

Please note that creating and running tests is not optional!

Create a new python file into eis_toolkit/tests folder every time you wish to add a new functionality into eis_toolkit. Name that file as <name_of_the_function_to_be_added>

In this test file you can declare all test functions related to the new function. Add a function at least for testing that

  • the new function works as expected (in this you can utilize other software for generating the reference solution)
  • custom exception class errors get fired when expected

You can utilize both local and remote test data in your tests. For more information about creating and running tests, take a look at test instructions.


When adding (or editing) a module, function or class, please make sure the documentation stays up-to-date! For more information, take a look at documentation instructions.

Creating a PR

Final step in your workflow is to create a PR from the feature branch you have been developing. Note that in this repository we have configured a workflow which executes pytest every time anyone creates a PR. Most often there is nothing you need to do, the check begins automatically and produces an output for you whether the tests got passed and the feature branch is ready to get merged or not. If errors do emerge, take a look into the Details section to get a more informative understanding of the problem.

If you act according to the workflow stated in this document, these PR checks should always pass since you have already run pytest through before committing :) The purpose of this automatic workflow is to double check that nothing gets broken by merge.

However, IF you make changes to the dependencies of the repository (i.e. edit pyproject.toml file), you need to update poetry.lock and environment.yaml files in order to the workflow tests to stay up-to-date. You can update the poetry.lock file by running the following commands:

# Not required if you added a package with poetry add command
poetry lock --no-update

and committing the new version of the particular file into your feature branch. Dependencies in environment.yaml need to be kept up to date manually by including the same package, which was added to pyproject.toml, in environment.yaml. Please note that this file is only used for GitHub workflows, otherwise we utilize poetry for dependency handling.

Additional style instructions

  • Use numbers.Number as the type when both floats and integers are accepted by functions:
from numbers import Number

def func(int_or_float: Number):
- Write comments to exceptions:
raise InvalidParameterValueException(f"Window size is too small: {height}, {width}.")
  • Use beartype's decorator for automatic function argument type checking and import types from beartype.typing if a warning is raised by beartype on imports from typing:
from beartype import beartype
from beartype.typing import Sequence

def my_function(parameter_1: float, parameter_2: bool, parameter_seq: Sequence):
- Don't put parameter types and return variable name into function docstring:
    """Description here.

        parameter_1 (float): A parameter.
        parameter_2 (bool): A parameter.

        return_value (bool): The return value.

    """Description here.

        parameter_1: A parameter.
        parameter_2: A parameter.

        The return value.

Developer's checklist

Here are some things to remember while implementing a new tool:

  • Create an issue before or when you start developing a functionality. Otherwise other people might have no idea you are developing a feature.
  • Adhere to the style guide
    • Look at existing implementations and copy the form
    • Enable pre-commit and fix style/other issues according to the error messages
  • Remember to use typing hints
  • Write tests for your functions
  • Add a .md file for you functionality
  • Either implment a command-line interface function in in approriate section of the file or raise an issue about the need to implement a CLI function for your tool
  • If you think the tool you are developing could use a separate general utility function, make an issue about this need before starting to develop it on your own. Also check if a utility function exists already
  • Remember to implement only the minimum what is required for the tool! With data functions, you can usually assume file reading/writing, nodata handling and other such processes are done before/after executing your tool

Additonal instructions

Here are some additional instructions related to the development of EIS toolkit: