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Docs for version v0.13.x

Nodecaf is a light framework for developing RESTful Apps in a quick and convenient manner.


Get Started

  1. Install the cli utilities: npm i -P -g nodecaf-cli.
  2. Create a skelleton project with: nodecaf init my-project.
  3. Add your globals in lib/main.js
const Nodecaf = require('nodecaf');
const routes = require('./routes');

module.exports = () => new Nodecaf({

    // Optionally bind to a given port
    conf: { port: 80 },

    // Load your routes.

    // Perform your server initialization logic.
    async startup({ conf, log, call }){


    // Perform your server finalization logic.
    async shutdown({ conf, log, call }){

  1. Add your routes in lib/routes.js
const { post, get, del, head, patch, put, all } = require('nodecaf');

module.exports = [

    // Define routes with their handler functions (async or regular no matter).
    post('/foo/:f/bar', FooBar.write),
    // ...

    // This route runs whenever there is no other path match
  1. In your app root directory run with: nodecaf run .

How to Run my App

There are a few supported ways of running your app dependng on the type of environment you are targeting.

Running on development machine

  1. You should use the CLI (npm i -P -g nodecaf-cli)
  2. Run: nodecaf run path/to/your/app
  3. Optionally pass config files with -c path/to/config
  4. Optionally enable live reload with -r

Running on Docker for development

  • Build the auto-generated Dockerfile
  • Bind the port you are going to listen to
  • Create a bind mount to your config files
  • Reference your config files in the command
  • Create a bind mount to your app directory targeting /app inside the container
  • Run the container

Or use this example compose configuration:

  build: ./my-app
  command: -c /my-conf.toml
    - 80:8080
    - ./my-conf.toml:/my-conf.toml
    - ./my-app:/app
    NODE_ENV: ''

Running on Docker for production

  • Build and run the auto-generated Dockerfile in the same fashion as development
  • You should NOT setup a volume in production so you just use the source code baked in the image
  • Ensure all configuration files referenced in the command are accessible inside the container
  • Run the container

Running as a node module

Your Nodecaf app is exported as a regular node module, so it can run as a dependency in another project

let myApp = require('my-app');

(async function(){

    let app = myApp();
    await app.start();

    let res = await app.trigger('/');

    await app.stop();

Reporting Bugs or Vulnerabilities

If you have found any problems with Nodecaf, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe what happened and how.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~bug or ~security.

We will make sure to take a look when time allows us.

Proposing Features

If you wish to get that awesome feature or have some advice for us, please:

  1. Open an issue.
  2. Describe your ideas.
  3. Also in the issue text, reference the label ~proposal.


If you have spotted any enhancements to be made and is willing to get your hands dirty about it, fork us and submit your merge request so we can collaborate effectively.

  • For coding style, we provide an ESLint configuration file in the root of the repository.
  • All commits are submit to SAST and Dependency Scanning as well as Code Quality analisys, so expect to be boarded on your MRs.


Formerly based on Express, Nodecaf has a simpler approach to defining routes, offloading much of the complexity to the already existing code partitioning idioms (i.e. functions). Check out how to use all the awesome goodies Nodecaf introduces.

Handler Args

In this manual we address as handler args the keys in the object passed as the only argument of any route handler function. The code below shows all handler args exposed by Nodecaf:

function({ method, path, res, query, params, body, conf, log, headers, call, websocket }){
    // Do your stuff.

Quick reference:

  • res: An object containing the functions to send a response to the client.
  • path, method, query, params, body, headers: Properties of the request. They contain respectively the requested path, HTTP method, query string, the URL parameters, and the request body data.
  • conf: This object contains the entire application configuration data.
  • log: A logger instance. Use it to log events of your application.
  • call: Calls any user function passing the handler args as the first argument. Signature: call(userFunc, ...extraArgs).
  • Also all keys of the globally exposed object are available as handler args for all routes.

Settings File

Nodecaf allow you to read a configuration file and use it's data in all routes and server configuration.

Use this feature to manage:

  • external services data such as database credentials
  • Nodecaf settings such as cors and logging
  • Your own server application settings for your users

Suported config formats: TOML, YAML, JSON, CSON

Check out how to generate a project with configuration file already plugged in

To load a config file in your app, use the -c flag through the CLI pointing to your conf file path: nodecaf run -c my/conf/path.toml my/app

You can use the config data through it's handler arg in all route handlers as follows:

post('/foo', function({ conf }){
    console.log(conf.key); //=> 'value'

Config data can also be passed as an object to the app constructor in lib/main.js:

module.exports = () => new Nodecaf({ conf: { key: 'value' } });

Or a file path if you want to have a fixed config file for setting defaults or any other reason:

module.exports = () => new Nodecaf({ conf: __dirname + '/default.toml' });

Layered Configs

You can also use the app.setup to add a given configuration file or object on top of the current one as follows:



app.setup({ key: 'value' });

app.setup({ key: 'new-value', foo: 'bar' });

Layering is useful, for example, to keep a default settings file in your server source code to be overwritten by your user's.


Nodecaf logs events to stdout by default where each line of the ouput is a JSON object. The log entries will have some default predefined values like pid, hostname etc... In your route handlers, use the functions available in the log object as follows:

function({ log }){'hi');
    log.warn({ lang: 'fr' }, 'au revoir');
    log.fatal({ err: new Error() }, 'The error code is %d', 1234);

Below is described the signature of the available logging methods.

  • Method Name: one of the available log levels (debug, info, warn, error, fatal)
  • First argument (optional): An object whose keys will be injected in the final entry.
  • Second argument: A message to be the main line of the log. May contain printf-like replacements (%d, %s...)
  • Remaning arguments: Will be inserted into the message (printf-like)

Nodecaf will automatically log some useful server events as described in the table below:

Type Level Event
error after headers sent warn An error happened inside a route after the headers were already sent
route error An error happened inside a route and was not caught
crash fatal An error happened that crashed the server process
request debug A request has arrived
response debug A response has been sent
app debug The application is starting up
app info The application has started
app info The application has stopped
app info The application configuration has been reloaded
event warn Called res.end() after response was already finished

Additionally, you can filter log entries by level and type with the following settings:

level = 'warn' # Only produce log entries with level 'warn' or higher ('error' & 'fatal')
type = 'my-type' # Only produce log entries with type matching exactly 'my-type'

You can disable logging entirely for a given app by setting it to false in the config

log = false

Async Handlers

Nodecaf accepts async functions as well as regular functions as route handlers. All rejections/error within your async handler will be gracefully handled. You will be able to avoid callback hell without creating bogus adapters for your promises.

get('/my/thing', function({ res }){
    res.end('My regular function works!');

get('/my/other/thing', async function({ res }){
    await myAsyncThing();
    res.end('My async function works too!');s

Error Handling

In Nodecaf, any uncaught synchronous error happening inside route handler will be automatically converted into a harmless RESTful 500.

post('/my/thing', function(){
    throw new Error('Should respond with a 500');

To support the callback error pattern, use the res.error() function arg.

const fs = require('fs');

post('/my/thing', function({ res }){
    fs.readFile('./my/file', 'utf8', function(err, contents){
            return res.error(err);

To use other HTTP status codes you can send an integer in the first parameter of res.error().

post('/my/thing', function({ error }){
        error(404, 'Optional message for the response');

REST Assertions

Nodecaf provides you with an assertion module containing functions to generate the most common REST outputs based on some condition. Check an example to trigger a 404 in case a database record doesn't exist.

get('/my/thing/:id', function({ params, db, res }){
    let thing = await db.getById(;
    res.notFound(!thing, 'thing not found');


If the record is not found, the res.notfound() call will stop the route execution right away and generate a RESTful NotFound error.

Along with notFound, the following assertions with similar behavior are provided:

Method Status Code
badRequest 400
unauthorized 401
forbidden 403
notFound 404
conflict 409
gone 410
badType 415

Expose Globals

Nodecaf makes it simple to share global objects (eg.: database connections, instanced libraries) across all route handlers. In your lib/main.js you can expose an object of which all keys will become handler args.

module.exports = () => new Nodecaf({
    startup({ global }){
        global.db = myDbConnection;
        global.libX = new LibXInstance();

Then in all routes you can:

get('/my/thing', function({ db, libX }){
    // use your global stuff


Nodecaf provides a setting to enable permissive CORS on all routes. Defaults to disabled. In your conf file:

cors = true
cors = 'my://origin'
cors = [ 'my://origin1', 'my://origin2' ]

Setup the cors according to the popular CORS Express middleware.

Handling Websocket

Use the websocket handler argument to expect a Websocket upgrade.

get('/my/ws/endpoint', async ({ websocket }) => {

    // Wait till ws connection is open
    const ws = await websocket();

    ws.on('message', m => {
        ws.send('Hello World!');

Other Settings

Property Type Description Default
app.conf.delay Integer Milliseconds to wait before actually starting the app 0
app.conf.port Integer Port for the web server to listen (also exposed as user conf) 80 or 443
app.conf.cookie.secret String A secure random string to be used for signing cookies none String Manually set application name used in various places package.jsons
opts.version String Manually set application version package.jsons
opts.shouldParseBody Boolean Whether supported request body types should be parsed true
opts.reqBodyTimeout Number Timeout in milliseconds for non-chunked req bodies to be read to completion 3000