This tutorial uses the
NVIDIA PyTorch image. An updated list of PyTorch containers from NVIDIA can be found here.
To run a PyTorch Docker container called basic-container
on the remote GPU server, with the server folder
mounted as a volume:
sudo nvidia-docker run -it --name basic-container --ipc=host -v /home/ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/
This command exposes the home/ubuntu
folder to the docker container, and allows to share data and code between the GPU server and basic-container
. For more information
on mounting volumes in Docker refer to this link. The option -it
enables runnning an interactive session into the container shell (equivalent to ssh directly into the container terminal). To detach from the container without stopping it press Crtl-P
Once the container is up and runnign, the list of running containers can ba obtained from outside the container through
docker ps
which should return something similar to
7f1f44834d27 "/usr/local/bin/nvid…" 7 weeks ago Up 7 weeks basic-container
To re-attach into the docker shell
docker exec -it basic-container /bin/bash
Multiple GPU units which are used for model training are specified by the
enviromental variable as explained here.
The command below run the training script
on GPUs 1 to 4
Jupyter notebooks enable interactive development, and seamless visualization of model results. By default Jupyterlab server run on port 8888. On a remote server, the Jupyter console needs to be exposed through one of the available ports.
In this tutorial we assume that port 8004
is available. A jupyter-container
that maps container port 8888 to server port 8004 can be created by running
sudo nvidia-docker run -it --name jupyter-container --ipc=host -v /home/ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/ -p 8004:8888
Jupyterlab is installed by attaching into the container and running
pip install jupyterlab
Secure access is enabled by creating a configuration file
jupyter notebook --generate-config
and then setting up password for remote server connection
jupyter notebook password
One option to run Jupyter server in background and monitor its status is to use tmux. To install tmux inside the container and start a tmux session:
apt-get update
apt-get install tmux
tmux new -s jupyterlab
Start Jupyterlab inside the tmux session
cd /home/ubuntu
jupyter-lab --ip --no-browser --allow-root
starting jupyter from this location allows to easily access all files and folders in home/ubuntu
from Jupyterlab.
Finally, the jupyter console can be accessed from the browser through
using the password previously defined for authentication
Follow the steps in the official website. If installation of jupyter extensions fail because of node.js install the latest version with conda (not with pip):
conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
TensorboardX can be used
to monitor training of PyTorch models using Tensorboard.
By default Tensorboard runs on port 6006
. A container called tensorboard-container
with exposes an additional port 8005
is created
sudo nvidia-docker run -it --name tensorboard-container --ipc=host -v /home/ubuntu:/home/ubuntu/ -p 8004:8888 -p 8005:6006
From the container shell install TensorboardX as
pip install tensorboardX
Refer to this tutorial for saving intermediate outputs from PyTorch models that you may want to visualize during model training.
Currently TensorboardX does not update and refresh in real time. A fix is to install tb-nightly
pip uninstall tensorboard
pip install tb-nightly
By default tensorboardX.SummaryWriter
create a folder runs
in which the output
files events.out.tfevents.xxxxx
are saved during model training. To launch Tensorboard in background using a tmux session run
tmux new -s tensorboard
tensorboard --logdir runs --bind_all
The Tensorboard console can be accessed from the browser through