diff --git a/src/components/Map/DynamicMap.tsx b/src/components/Map/DynamicMap.tsx
index 95c7947..bfd4715 100644
--- a/src/components/Map/DynamicMap.tsx
+++ b/src/components/Map/DynamicMap.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import {
import maplibregl from 'maplibre-gl';
import 'maplibre-gl/dist/maplibre-gl.css';
import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
-import Map, { FullscreenControl } from 'react-map-gl';
+import Map, { FullscreenControl, NavigationControl } from 'react-map-gl';
import { maptilerBaseUrl, maptilerKey } from '~/utils';
import { RSVPopup, RSVSegment } from '.';
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ export const DynamicMap: React.FC<
diff --git a/src/gatsby-types.d.ts b/src/gatsby-types.d.ts
index 6d9986b..aab38bc 100644
--- a/src/gatsby-types.d.ts
+++ b/src/gatsby-types.d.ts
@@ -3,4699 +3,4631 @@
declare namespace Queries {
- type Maybe = T | null;
- type InputMaybe = T | null;
- type Exact = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] };
- type MakeOptional = Omit & {
- [SubKey in K]?: Maybe;
- };
- type MakeMaybe = Omit & {
- [SubKey in K]: Maybe;
- };
- /** All built-in and custom scalars, mapped to their actual values */
- type Scalars = {
- /** The `ID` scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as `"4"`) or integer (such as `4`) input value will be accepted as an ID. */
- ID: string;
- /** The `String` scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text. */
- String: string;
- /** The `Boolean` scalar type represents `true` or `false`. */
- Boolean: boolean;
- /** The `Int` scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1. */
- Int: number;
- /** The `Float` scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by [IEEE 754](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_floating_point). */
- Float: number;
- /** A date string, such as 2007-12-03, compliant with the ISO 8601 standard for representation of dates and times using the Gregorian calendar. */
- Date: string;
- GatsbyImageData: import('gatsby-plugin-image').IGatsbyImageData;
- /** The `JSON` scalar type represents JSON values as specified by [ECMA-404](http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/files/ECMA-ST/ECMA-404.pdf). */
- JSON: Record;
- };
- type AVIFOptions = {
- readonly lossless: InputMaybe;
- readonly quality: InputMaybe;
- readonly speed: InputMaybe;
- };
- type BlurredOptions = {
- /** Force the output format for the low-res preview. Default is to use the same format as the input. You should rarely need to change this */
- readonly toFormat: InputMaybe;
- /** Width of the generated low-res preview. Default is 20px */
- readonly width: InputMaybe;
- };
- type BooleanQueryOperatorInput = {
- readonly eq: InputMaybe;
- readonly in: InputMaybe>>;
- readonly ne: InputMaybe;
- readonly nin: InputMaybe>>;
- };
- type DateQueryOperatorInput = {
- readonly eq: InputMaybe;
- readonly gt: InputMaybe;
- readonly gte: InputMaybe;
- readonly in: InputMaybe>>;
- readonly lt: InputMaybe;
- readonly lte: InputMaybe;
- readonly ne: InputMaybe;
- readonly nin: InputMaybe>>;
- };
- type Directory = Node & {
- readonly absolutePath: Scalars['String'];
- readonly accessTime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly atime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly atimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly base: Scalars['String'];
- readonly birthTime: Scalars['Date'];
- /** @deprecated Use `birthTime` instead */
- readonly birthtime: Maybe;
- /** @deprecated Use `birthTime` instead */
- readonly birthtimeMs: Maybe;
- readonly changeTime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly children: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly ctime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly ctimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly dev: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly dir: Scalars['String'];
- readonly ext: Scalars['String'];
- readonly extension: Scalars['String'];
- readonly gid: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly id: Scalars['ID'];
- readonly ino: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly internal: Internal;
- readonly mode: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly modifiedTime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly mtime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly mtimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly name: Scalars['String'];
- readonly nlink: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly parent: Maybe;
- readonly prettySize: Scalars['String'];
- readonly rdev: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly relativeDirectory: Scalars['String'];
- readonly relativePath: Scalars['String'];
- readonly root: Scalars['String'];
- readonly size: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly sourceInstanceName: Scalars['String'];
- readonly uid: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type Directory_accessTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_atimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_birthTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_changeTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_ctimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_modifiedTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type Directory_mtimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type DirectoryConnection = {
- readonly distinct: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly edges: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly group: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly max: Maybe;
- readonly min: Maybe;
- readonly nodes: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly pageInfo: PageInfo;
- readonly sum: Maybe;
- readonly totalCount: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type DirectoryConnection_distinctArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryConnection_groupArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- limit: InputMaybe;
- skip: InputMaybe;
- };
- type DirectoryConnection_maxArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryConnection_minArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryConnection_sumArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryEdge = {
- readonly next: Maybe;
- readonly node: Directory;
- readonly previous: Maybe;
- };
- type DirectoryFieldsEnum =
- | 'absolutePath'
- | 'accessTime'
- | 'atime'
- | 'atimeMs'
- | 'base'
- | 'birthTime'
- | 'birthtime'
- | 'birthtimeMs'
- | 'changeTime'
- | 'children'
- | 'children.children'
- | 'children.children.children'
- | 'children.children.children.children'
- | 'children.children.children.id'
- | 'children.children.id'
- | 'children.children.internal.content'
- | 'children.children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'children.children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'children.children.internal.description'
- | 'children.children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'children.children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'children.children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'children.children.internal.owner'
- | 'children.children.internal.type'
- | 'children.children.parent.children'
- | 'children.children.parent.id'
- | 'children.id'
- | 'children.internal.content'
- | 'children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'children.internal.description'
- | 'children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'children.internal.owner'
- | 'children.internal.type'
- | 'children.parent.children'
- | 'children.parent.children.children'
- | 'children.parent.children.id'
- | 'children.parent.id'
- | 'children.parent.internal.content'
- | 'children.parent.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'children.parent.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'children.parent.internal.description'
- | 'children.parent.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'children.parent.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'children.parent.internal.mediaType'
- | 'children.parent.internal.owner'
- | 'children.parent.internal.type'
- | 'children.parent.parent.children'
- | 'children.parent.parent.id'
- | 'ctime'
- | 'ctimeMs'
- | 'dev'
- | 'dir'
- | 'ext'
- | 'extension'
- | 'gid'
- | 'id'
- | 'ino'
- | 'internal.content'
- | 'internal.contentDigest'
- | 'internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'internal.description'
- | 'internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'internal.ignoreType'
- | 'internal.mediaType'
- | 'internal.owner'
- | 'internal.type'
- | 'mode'
- | 'modifiedTime'
- | 'mtime'
- | 'mtimeMs'
- | 'name'
- | 'nlink'
- | 'parent.children'
- | 'parent.children.children'
- | 'parent.children.children.children'
- | 'parent.children.children.id'
- | 'parent.children.id'
- | 'parent.children.internal.content'
- | 'parent.children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'parent.children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'parent.children.internal.description'
- | 'parent.children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'parent.children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'parent.children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'parent.children.internal.owner'
- | 'parent.children.internal.type'
- | 'parent.children.parent.children'
- | 'parent.children.parent.id'
- | 'parent.id'
- | 'parent.internal.content'
- | 'parent.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'parent.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'parent.internal.description'
- | 'parent.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'parent.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'parent.internal.mediaType'
- | 'parent.internal.owner'
- | 'parent.internal.type'
- | 'parent.parent.children'
- | 'parent.parent.children.children'
- | 'parent.parent.children.id'
- | 'parent.parent.id'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.content'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.description'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.mediaType'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.owner'
- | 'parent.parent.internal.type'
- | 'parent.parent.parent.children'
- | 'parent.parent.parent.id'
- | 'prettySize'
- | 'rdev'
- | 'relativeDirectory'
- | 'relativePath'
- | 'root'
- | 'size'
- | 'sourceInstanceName'
- | 'uid';
- type DirectoryFilterInput = {
- readonly absolutePath: InputMaybe;
- readonly accessTime: InputMaybe;
- readonly atime: InputMaybe;
- readonly atimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly base: InputMaybe;
- readonly birthTime: InputMaybe;
- readonly birthtime: InputMaybe;
- readonly birthtimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly changeTime: InputMaybe;
- readonly children: InputMaybe;
- readonly ctime: InputMaybe;
- readonly ctimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly dev: InputMaybe;
- readonly dir: InputMaybe;
- readonly ext: InputMaybe;
- readonly extension: InputMaybe;
- readonly gid: InputMaybe;
- readonly id: InputMaybe;
- readonly ino: InputMaybe;
- readonly internal: InputMaybe;
- readonly mode: InputMaybe;
- readonly modifiedTime: InputMaybe;
- readonly mtime: InputMaybe;
- readonly mtimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly name: InputMaybe;
- readonly nlink: InputMaybe;
- readonly parent: InputMaybe;
- readonly prettySize: InputMaybe;
- readonly rdev: InputMaybe;
- readonly relativeDirectory: InputMaybe;
- readonly relativePath: InputMaybe;
- readonly root: InputMaybe;
- readonly size: InputMaybe;
- readonly sourceInstanceName: InputMaybe;
- readonly uid: InputMaybe;
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection = {
- readonly distinct: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly edges: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly field: Scalars['String'];
- readonly fieldValue: Maybe;
- readonly group: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly max: Maybe;
- readonly min: Maybe;
- readonly nodes: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly pageInfo: PageInfo;
- readonly sum: Maybe;
- readonly totalCount: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection_distinctArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection_groupArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- limit: InputMaybe;
- skip: InputMaybe;
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection_maxArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection_minArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectoryGroupConnection_sumArgs = {
- field: DirectoryFieldsEnum;
- };
- type DirectorySortInput = {
- readonly fields: InputMaybe>>;
- readonly order: InputMaybe>>;
- };
- type DuotoneGradient = {
- readonly highlight: Scalars['String'];
- readonly opacity: InputMaybe;
- readonly shadow: Scalars['String'];
- };
- type File = Node & {
- readonly absolutePath: Scalars['String'];
- readonly accessTime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly atime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly atimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly base: Scalars['String'];
- readonly birthTime: Scalars['Date'];
- /** @deprecated Use `birthTime` instead */
- readonly birthtime: Maybe;
- /** @deprecated Use `birthTime` instead */
- readonly birthtimeMs: Maybe;
- readonly blksize: Maybe;
- readonly blocks: Maybe;
- readonly changeTime: Scalars['Date'];
- /** Returns the first child node of type GeometryJson or null if there are no children of given type on this node */
- readonly childGeometryJson: Maybe;
- /** Returns the first child node of type ImageSharp or null if there are no children of given type on this node */
- readonly childImageSharp: Maybe;
- /** Returns the first child node of type MetaJson or null if there are no children of given type on this node */
- readonly childMetaJson: Maybe;
- readonly children: ReadonlyArray;
- /** Returns all children nodes filtered by type GeometryJson */
- readonly childrenGeometryJson: Maybe>>;
- /** Returns all children nodes filtered by type ImageSharp */
- readonly childrenImageSharp: Maybe>>;
- /** Returns all children nodes filtered by type MetaJson */
- readonly childrenMetaJson: Maybe>>;
- readonly ctime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly ctimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly dev: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly dir: Scalars['String'];
- readonly ext: Scalars['String'];
- readonly extension: Scalars['String'];
- readonly gid: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly hash: Maybe;
- readonly id: Scalars['ID'];
- readonly ino: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly internal: Internal;
- readonly mode: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly modifiedTime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly mtime: Scalars['Date'];
- readonly mtimeMs: Scalars['Float'];
- readonly name: Scalars['String'];
- readonly nlink: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly parent: Maybe;
- readonly prettySize: Scalars['String'];
- /** Copy file to static directory and return public url to it */
- readonly publicURL: Maybe;
- readonly rdev: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly relativeDirectory: Scalars['String'];
- readonly relativePath: Scalars['String'];
- readonly root: Scalars['String'];
- readonly size: Scalars['Int'];
- readonly sourceInstanceName: Scalars['String'];
- readonly uid: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type File_accessTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_atimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_birthTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_changeTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_ctimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_modifiedTimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type File_mtimeArgs = {
- difference: InputMaybe;
- formatString: InputMaybe;
- fromNow: InputMaybe;
- locale: InputMaybe;
- };
- type FileConnection = {
- readonly distinct: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly edges: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly group: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly max: Maybe;
- readonly min: Maybe;
- readonly nodes: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly pageInfo: PageInfo;
- readonly sum: Maybe;
- readonly totalCount: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type FileConnection_distinctArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileConnection_groupArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- limit: InputMaybe;
- skip: InputMaybe;
- };
- type FileConnection_maxArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileConnection_minArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileConnection_sumArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileEdge = {
- readonly next: Maybe;
- readonly node: File;
- readonly previous: Maybe;
- };
- type FileFieldsEnum =
- | 'absolutePath'
- | 'accessTime'
- | 'atime'
- | 'atimeMs'
- | 'base'
- | 'birthTime'
- | 'birthtime'
- | 'birthtimeMs'
- | 'blksize'
- | 'blocks'
- | 'changeTime'
- | 'childGeometryJson.bbox'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.children.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.children.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.content'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.description'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.owner'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.internal.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.parent.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.children.parent.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.crs.properties.name'
- | 'childGeometryJson.crs.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.bbox'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.geometry.coordinates'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.geometry.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.description_planning_phase'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.detail_level'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.discarded'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.id_rsv'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.length'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.planning_phase'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.state'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.properties.variant'
- | 'childGeometryJson.features.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.content'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.description'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.owner'
- | 'childGeometryJson.internal.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.jsonId'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.children.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.children.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.content'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.description'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.owner'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.internal.type'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.parent.children'
- | 'childGeometryJson.parent.parent.id'
- | 'childGeometryJson.type'
- | 'childImageSharp.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.children.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.children.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.content'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.description'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.owner'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.internal.type'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.parent.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.children.parent.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.aspectRatio'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.base64'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.height'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.originalName'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.src'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.srcSet'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.srcSetWebp'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.srcWebp'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.tracedSVG'
- | 'childImageSharp.fixed.width'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.aspectRatio'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.base64'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.originalImg'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.originalName'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.presentationHeight'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.presentationWidth'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.sizes'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.src'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.srcSet'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.srcSetWebp'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.srcWebp'
- | 'childImageSharp.fluid.tracedSVG'
- | 'childImageSharp.gatsbyImageData'
- | 'childImageSharp.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.content'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.description'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.owner'
- | 'childImageSharp.internal.type'
- | 'childImageSharp.original.height'
- | 'childImageSharp.original.src'
- | 'childImageSharp.original.width'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.children.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.children.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.content'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.description'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.owner'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.internal.type'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.parent.children'
- | 'childImageSharp.parent.parent.id'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.aspectRatio'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.height'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.originalName'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.src'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.tracedSVG'
- | 'childImageSharp.resize.width'
- | 'childMetaJson.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.children.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.children.id'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.id'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.content'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.contentDigest'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.contentFilePath'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.description'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.fieldOwners'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.ignoreType'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.mediaType'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.owner'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.internal.type'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.parent.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.children.parent.id'
- | 'childMetaJson.cost'
- | 'childMetaJson.gatsbyPath'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.description'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.from.city'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.from.federalState'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.length'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.name'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.ref'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.source'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.stand'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.to.city'
- | 'childMetaJson.general.to.federalState'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.bbox'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.children.children'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.children.id'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.crs.type'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.features'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.features.bbox'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.features.type'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.id'
- | 'childMetaJson.geoJson.internal.content'
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- readonly childrenImageSharp: InputMaybe;
- readonly childrenMetaJson: InputMaybe;
- readonly ctime: InputMaybe;
- readonly ctimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly dev: InputMaybe;
- readonly dir: InputMaybe;
- readonly ext: InputMaybe;
- readonly extension: InputMaybe;
- readonly gid: InputMaybe;
- readonly hash: InputMaybe;
- readonly id: InputMaybe;
- readonly ino: InputMaybe;
- readonly internal: InputMaybe;
- readonly mode: InputMaybe;
- readonly modifiedTime: InputMaybe;
- readonly mtime: InputMaybe;
- readonly mtimeMs: InputMaybe;
- readonly name: InputMaybe;
- readonly nlink: InputMaybe;
- readonly parent: InputMaybe;
- readonly prettySize: InputMaybe;
- readonly publicURL: InputMaybe;
- readonly rdev: InputMaybe;
- readonly relativeDirectory: InputMaybe;
- readonly relativePath: InputMaybe;
- readonly root: InputMaybe;
- readonly size: InputMaybe;
- readonly sourceInstanceName: InputMaybe;
- readonly uid: InputMaybe;
- };
- type FileGroupConnection = {
- readonly distinct: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly edges: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly field: Scalars['String'];
- readonly fieldValue: Maybe;
- readonly group: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly max: Maybe;
- readonly min: Maybe;
- readonly nodes: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly pageInfo: PageInfo;
- readonly sum: Maybe;
- readonly totalCount: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type FileGroupConnection_distinctArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileGroupConnection_groupArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- limit: InputMaybe;
- skip: InputMaybe;
- };
- type FileGroupConnection_maxArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileGroupConnection_minArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileGroupConnection_sumArgs = {
- field: FileFieldsEnum;
- };
- type FileSortInput = {
- readonly fields: InputMaybe>>;
- readonly order: InputMaybe>>;
- };
- type FloatQueryOperatorInput = {
- readonly eq: InputMaybe;
- readonly gt: InputMaybe;
- readonly gte: InputMaybe;
- readonly in: InputMaybe>>;
- readonly lt: InputMaybe;
- readonly lte: InputMaybe;
- readonly ne: InputMaybe;
- readonly nin: InputMaybe>>;
- };
- type GatsbyImageDataQueryOperatorInput = {
- readonly eq: InputMaybe;
- readonly in: InputMaybe<
- ReadonlyArray>
- >;
- readonly ne: InputMaybe;
- readonly nin: InputMaybe<
- ReadonlyArray>
- >;
- };
- type GatsbyImageFormat = 'auto' | 'avif' | 'jpg' | '' | 'png' | 'webp';
- type GatsbyImageLayout = 'constrained' | 'fixed' | 'fullWidth';
- type GatsbyImagePlaceholder =
- | 'blurred'
- | 'dominantColor'
- | 'none'
- | 'tracedSVG';
- type GeometryJson = Node & {
- readonly bbox: Maybe>>;
- readonly children: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly crs: Maybe;
- readonly features: Maybe>>;
- readonly id: Scalars['ID'];
- readonly internal: Internal;
- readonly jsonId: Maybe;
- readonly parent: Maybe;
- readonly type: Maybe;
- };
- type GeometryJsonConnection = {
- readonly distinct: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly edges: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly group: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly max: Maybe;
- readonly min: Maybe;
- readonly nodes: ReadonlyArray;
- readonly pageInfo: PageInfo;
- readonly sum: Maybe;
- readonly totalCount: Scalars['Int'];
- };
- type GeometryJsonConnection_distinctArgs = {
- field: GeometryJsonFieldsEnum;
- };
- type GeometryJsonConnection_groupArgs = {
- field: GeometryJsonFieldsEnum;
- limit: InputMaybe