title: gr-ieee802-11 brief: IEEE 802.11 a/g/p Transceiver tags:
- IEEE 802.11
- WiFi
- OFDM author:
- Bastian Bloessl [email protected] copyright_owner:
- Bastian Bloessl repo: https://github.com/bastibl/gr-ieee802-11.git website: http://www.ccs-labs.org/projects/wime/ icon: http://www.ccs-labs.org/projects/wime/wime.png gr_supported_version: v3.7, v3.8, v3.9
This an IEEE 802.11 a/g/p transceiver for GNU Radio v3.7. Over the air, I tested it with the Ettus USRP N210 with XCVR2450 and CBX daughterboards. For interoperability tests I use mainly an Atheros (ath5k) WiFi card. The code can also be used for packet error rate simulations.