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2012-09-22 13:36
issue57 HOW-TO enlightenment

Try Enlightenment


Written by Rich Dennis

作者:Rich Dennis 翻译:李欣 校对:

NOTE: Don’t kernel panic, programmers, Greg will be back with more Python next month.


In the mean time, you can grab Robin's Python Special Edition: Volume 3 from the FCM site. It reprints parts 17 to 21, of Greg's Python series, in one handy PDF.

同时,你可以获取Robin的Python内容特别版:在《Full Circle》杂志的第3卷。这个特别版把Greg的Python系列中17到21部分,重印到一个PDF中,方便阅读。

Enlightenment is one of many desktop environments available for the Linux desktop, and has been featured in many Ubuntu respins. E16, its first incarnation, was released by Carsten Haitzler (Rasterman) in 1997; its newest version, E17, has been in developmnent since 2000. It is a very lightweight, themeable window manager built on a set of libraries (EFL) built to be used in creating flexible interfaces for a wide range of devices, from smartphones to multimonitor desktops. Enlightenment's default configuration is structured around the Engage dock, the iBar application launcher, iBox minimized window holder, analog clock, laptop battery meter, CPU useage monitor, and Pager module that controls switching between virtual desktops. Shelves, analogous to panels in GNOME or XFCE, control the placement of these individual modules on any one of up to 2048 virtual desktops stretched across an 8x8 grid. Enlightenment has gained a following among Linux users because of its beautiful, flexible, lightweight interface. Conversely, during its decade-long development, E17 has never truly left beta status and has earned a reputation for being difficult to configure and prone to crashes and segfaults, which makes remasters featuring it particularly attractive.

Enlightenment是一种Linux下可用的桌面环境,而且被作为很多定制版Ubuntu的特色 。E16是第一个发行版,由Carsten Haitzler(Rasterman)发布于1997年;最新的版本E17是从2000年开始开发。它是一个轻量级,具有可变主题的窗口管理器,使用的是一套用于创建灵活接口和多设备支持的库(EFL),从智能手机到多窗口的桌面都有使用。 Enlightenment的默认配置是基于以下几个模块:Engage dock,iBar应用程序启动器,iBox最小化窗口管理,模拟时钟,笔记本电池仪表,cpu占用率监控,以及用于控制虚拟桌面之间转换的模块。

One of the first Ubuntu respins to feature Enlightenment as a window manager and desktop environment was OpenGEU (shown above), initially named Geubuntu. Developed in Italy by Luca DiMarini (TheDarkMaster, who wrote for FCM in the early days) in 2007, the respin's name was changed in 2008 to abide by Canonical's restrictions on the use of its trademark – only an officially recognized remix can use Ubuntu in its name. The first OpenGEU public offering, Luna Crescente, was based on 8.04 Intrepid Ibex; the next two updates, 8.10 Quarto Di Luna and 9.04 Luna Serena were based on the corresponding Ubuntu releases. As of 2011, the future of the distro is uncertain – according to an update on the website in 2010, an updated version of OpenGEU was supposed to be based on Debian Testing. User feedback on the distro was always extremely favorable, since its primary competitor, Elive, was based on Debian and charged a fee to download and install.


gOS (shown above right), created by Good OS LLC founder Dave Liu in in 2007, was initially offered to the public as "an alternative OS with Google Apps and other Web 2.0 apps for the modern user." Version 1.0.1_386 came preinstalled on the Everex gPC T2502 sold at WalMart. It was based on Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon using E17 for window management and as a desktop environment, and prominently featuring an Apple-inspired interface with Google gadgets in place of the OSX Dashboard. Because of its reliance on Enlightenment, Ajax technology and Web 2.0 apps, a typical gOS system took up very little hard disk space (2 GB) and had very modest hardware requirements (a 1 GhZ processor and 256 MB of RAM). In reviews of the distro, E17 was compared very favorably with other Ubuntu respins which used GNOME or XFCE for its overall lightness, responsiveness, and speed. As of January 2008 Version 2.0.0 beta, codenamed “Rocket”, was offered on Everex's new line of Cloudbook netbooks. Because of problems, the next rewrite of gOS, V2 Rocket, eliminated E17 as a desktop environment and window manager in favor of GNOME, Compiz Fusion and Avant Window Navigator; some Enlightenment code was retained. By version 3, the last to be offered before the website and blog went offline, gOS had become a generic GNU distro, based on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS, GNOME, Web 2.0 and Mozilla Prism technolog; E17 had been completely phased out. As of now, gOS Space and gOS 3.1 Gadgets are available for download from LinuxFreedom, but the website is offline. Forums are still available for users interested in the current possibilities of this now somewhat dated distribution.

最早的一个使用Enlightenment作为窗口管理器,并使用OpenGEU(如上图所示)作为桌面环境的,是一个Ubuntu的衍生版本,最初命名为Geubuntu。2007年由意大利的Luca DiMarini开发,这个衍生版的名字在2008年时改变,为了遵守Ubuntu的商标限制 —— 只有正式公认的混合版本才可以在它的名字里使用Ubuntu。Luna Crescente是最早公开提供基于8.04 Intrepid Ibex的OpenGEU;接下来的两个更新是基于相应的Ubuntu发行版本8.10 Quarto Di Luna和9.04 Luna Serena。截至2011年,根据网站上2010年的更新来看,未来的发行版是不确定的,未来OpenGEU的更新版可能是基于Debian Testing。由于它的主要竞争对手Elive,也是基于Debian,并且还要下载和安装的费用,所以用户对于这个发行版的反馈都是极其赞赏的。

OzOS (shown left) is an Xubuntu derivative created by Ruis Pais utilizing the E17 window manager; it features an elegant desktop and minimal suite of applications. With its left-centered vertical implementation of the iBar, ozOS seems to slightly foreshadow GNOME3 – whether that's a good or bad thing is up to the user to decide. Otherwise, the launchers and iBar take the user to the typical set of XFCE applications – Thunar as file manager, Xfburn and Parole for multimedia, Mozilla Firefox. One of its innovations, apt-foo, which allowed browser-based package installation, was found to be problematic, even after a .deb package apt-url was installed in the usual fashion through Synaptic. The project's web site,, is currently inaccessible and not much information is available. On Distrowatch, the distribution's status has been changed from Active to Dormant.

gOS(如右上图所示),由Good OS LLC的创始人Dave Liu创建于2007年,最早作为“为现代用户替代带有Google应用和其他Web 2.0应用的操作系统”公开提供。在沃尔玛销售的Everex gPC T2502预装了版本1.0.1_386。这是基于Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy Gibbon的发行版本,用E17作为窗口管理器和桌面环境,并且使用谷歌小工具接口来突出一种苹果风格,用以替代OSX Dashboard。由于它对Enlightenment,Ajax技术和web 2.0应用程序的依赖,使得一个典型的gOS系统开始占据非常小的硬盘空间(2 GB),并且有非常低的硬件需求(一个1Ghz的处理器和256MB的RAM)。在发行版的评论中,由于它总体的轻快,响应速度快,E17与其他用GNOME或者XFCE的Ubuntu的衍生版相比是非常棒的。直到2008年1月,代号为“Rocket”的测试版本2.0.0被提供于Everex的新型Cloudbook上网本中。因为一些问题,在接下来重写的V2 Rocket的gOS中,开发者赞成使用GNOME,Compiz Fusion和Avant Window Navigator作为桌面环境和窗口管理器而去除了E17;而一部分Enlightenment的代码被保留了下来。在最后一次在网页和博客下线之前提供了第三个版本,是基于Ubuntu 8.04 LTS版, GNOME, Web 2.0和Mozilla Prism技术的gOS,成为了GNU的通用发行版;而E17被完全淘汰。迄今为止,gOS Space和gOS 3.1 Gadgets还是可以从LinuxFreedom下载获得,但是网页上已经下线了。论坛上仍旧可以让用户获得这些当前可能已经过时的发行版。

MoonOS (shown above)is an Ubuntu remaster developed by Chanrithy Thim in Cambodia. Version 2 “Kachana” was initially released February 2009, closely followed in September of the same years with version 3 “Makara”. This update was based on Karmic Koala 9.04, E17 and the Linux 2.6.28 kernel – it was a visually unique respin and its implementation of E17 was highly regarded. It also featured, a la Linux Mint, proprietary tools: moonAssistant, moonControl, moonGrub and moonSoftware. The distrubution is currently active, but the latest version “Neak” has taken a new path, based on GNOME 2.28 and featuring Docky.

OzOS(如左图所示)是由Ruis Pais所创,使用E17窗口管理器的Xubuntu的衍生版 ;它的特点是优美的桌面和小巧的应用套件。带有左集中垂直实现的iBar模块,让ozOS似乎有点GNOME3的味道 —— 这样做好不好得让用户来决定。否则,launchers和iBar会带着用户进入一种典型的XFCE应用系列 —— Thunar作为文件管理器,Xfburn和Parole作为多媒体工具以及Mozilla Firefox。apt-foo是其中的一项创新,它是一个可基于浏览器的安装包,但是却被发现,即使是使用Synaptic,通过apt-url命令安装一些.deb包之后仍存在一些问题。现在从这个项目的网站已经无法再获取更多的信息了。在Distrowatch上,apt-foo的发布状态从活跃(Active)变成了停滞(Dormant)。

Bodhi Linux (shown right) is the current, modern Ubuntu spin based on E17. Its primary developer, Jeff Hoogland, launched its first alpha on November 16 2010, after he got frustrated reconfiguring E17 on all of his systems. The distro went through four more alpha versions, a beta and four release candidates before Version 1 was released on March 26, 2011. Prominent features of the distro include the use of lightweight apps like the Midori web browser and PCManFM file manager. Currently at v 1.3, lead developer Hoogland's blog details ambitious plans for version 2, planned to follow Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin – 64-bit versions are planned.

Bodhi Linux(如右所示)是当前基于E17开发的现代Ubuntu。Jeff Hoogland是它主要的开发者,E17是他所有的系统中最让他沮丧的,在此以后,2010年11月16日他发行了最初的Bodhi Linux。在2011年3月26日,第一个版本发布以前,它经历了4个以上的初始版本、一个测试版和四个发行版。这个发行版突出的特色是包含了像Midori网页浏览器和PCManFM文件管理器这样的便捷应用。现在的1.3版也让开发者Hoogland在博客中详细描述了第二个版本的雄伟计划,在接下来的Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin中 —— 64位版已经在计划中了。

Booting into a live session, Bodhi offers seven profiles that the user can choose from, Bare, Compositing, Desktop, Laptop, Fancy, Tablet, Tiling. Each profile is optimized for a certain type of use and a specific user preference – desktop, laptop and tablet obviously tailored to each screen and hardware profile, the others for a user's visual or organizational preference – less is more, or effects and eye-candy enabled. After this, a second screen offers the user a choice of 7 themes. Choosing the Desktop profile and Bodhi-detorious theme brings the user to a spartan but very responsive desktop. The software selection is limited on the disc, but as developer Hoogland says, “All the applications are available from the click of a mouse.” Particularly since one of Bodhi's innovations is a successful implementation of the browser-based software installer previously mentioned in ozOS. Select Install Software from the left-click desktop menu of the Application menu on the bottom shelf, and Midori brings you to Bodhi's website, where software is categorized, previewed and available to Install Now. Currently, Bodhi is a semi-rolling distribution, requiring clean installs only when new Ubuntu LTS versions are released. According to Hoogland, via the website, a dedicated package manager is “in the works”, after which point Bodhi will be a truly rolling distribution requiring no reinstalls.

为了引导一个实时会话,Bodhi提供了以下7个配置文件供用户选择:Bare, Compositing, Desktop, Laptop, Fancy, Tablet, Tiling。每一个配置文件都对确定的使用类型以及特定用户偏好设置进行了优化,如:桌面,明显为笔记本和平板电脑量身定制的屏幕和硬件配置文件,还有其他为用户提供的视觉或者组织偏好配置 —— 启用后或多或少可以产生些影响,并且让用户大饱眼福。在此之后,第二个屏幕为用户提供了7个主题。选择了桌面配置文件和 Bodhi-detorious主题会为用户带来斯巴达式(精炼式)却又灵敏的桌面。软件选择是被分区限制的,但是Hoogland作为开发者说,“所有的应用都可以通过点击鼠标来获得。”特别是之前Bodhi在ozOS中提到的一个创新,成功实现了基于网页的软件下载。通过左击桌面底部的一排应用菜单目录来选择安装软件,而且Midori会带你到Bodhi的网页,那里已经将软件分门别类、预览并且可以用Install Now来获取。现在,Bodhi是半滚动式的发行,只有当新的Ubuntu LTS版本发布以后才需要清理安装。 在Bodhi将成为一个真正的,不再需要重新安装的滚动发行版之后,根据Hoogland所说,通过网页中一个名为“in the works”的包管理器来安装软件。

E17 has a varied history as an Ubuntu desktop environment. In a post of his blog, Thoughts on Technology, Bodhi developer Jeff Hoogland gave it fifth place in the list of commonly known and used Linux DE's – yes it is beautiful, powerful, flexible, but since it's still in beta, be warned, crashes and segfaults can cause headaches. So take on of these remixes and give them a try if you're interested in E17. They're all definitely worth a try.

E17作为一个Ubuntu桌面环境来说,它有一段坎坷的历史。Bodhi的开发者Jeff Hoogland,在他的一篇名为“Thoughts on Technology”的博文中,有一份关于众所周知并且使用的Linux开发环境的一份列表,在列表中他给了E17第五名的位置 —— 虽然E17美观、强大、灵活,但是由于它还在测试中,但警告,不兼容,段错误仍会让你头疼。因此,如果你对E17感兴趣,你可以尝试使用这些混合版本,它们绝对值得一试。