Releases: F5Networks/terraform-provider-bigip
Releases · F5Networks/terraform-provider-bigip
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.19.0
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.18.1
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.18.0
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.17.1
- Adding consul service discovery for FAST HTTP app
- Adding consul service discovery for FAST HTTPs app
Bug Fixes
- SR- Plugin crash on 1.16.2 version
- Import of bigip_ltm_virtual_server crashes terraform - #2 #764
- AWAF host_names are ignored when setting policy_import_json #792
- panic: runtime error:failed to respond to the plugin.(*GRPCProvider).ConfigureProvider call #785
- Issue with declaring a replace http_uri action inside policy rule #794
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.17.0
- Adding service discovery for FAST HTTP app
- Adding service discovery for FAST HTTPs app
- plugin migration to sdkv2
Bug Fixes
- SR-Terraform | policy_import_json failing to import all the JSON elements
- SR- invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #674
- Error during WAF policy deployment when setting file_types #765
- Providing policy_import_json with other arguments causes crash #766
- bigip_ltm_policy fails appling new rules when asm enable is changed #737
- SR[Terraform]grpc error "received message larger than max"
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.16.2
Bug Fixes
- SR-Terraform | policy_import_json failing to import all the JSON elements
- SR- invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #674
- missing source_address_translation property when doing "terraform import" of bigip_ltm_virtual_server #755
- bigip_net_vlan add the option for cmp-hash #751
- Deleting AS3 declaration with bigip-as3 resource still throws an errror #735
- adding smtp monitor to parentMonitors #756
- Add support to restrict allowed WAF policy host names #748
- Import of bigip_ltm_virtual_server crashes terraform #729
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.16.1
Bug Fixes
- bigip_ltm_virtual_server - fw-enforced-policy, source-port are not available #722
- invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference #674
- ltm policy rule in order to permit the configuration of a datagroup for TCP address filtering #706
- bigip_sys_dns and bigip_sys_ntp resources remain after terraform destroy #708
- Import methodsOverrideOnUrl not set when method_overrides #715
- Add support for verified accept on LTM TCP profile #724
- 1.16.0 starts throwing certificate error #720
- VCMP Support? #157
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.16.0
Bug Fixes
- Unable to create VIP due to illegally sharing resources #712
- bigip_ltm_profile_client_ssl does not update property "chain" #710
Feature Requests
- In Our WAF architecture we need to configure the bigip_ltm_profile_httpcompress from the Local Traffic Menu (LTM) - missing Argument request #684
- In Our WAF architecture we need to configure the bigip_ltm_profile_tcp the Local Traffic Menu (LTM) - missing Argument request #683
- In Our WAF architecture we need to configure the bigip_ltm_profile_fastl4 from the Local Traffic Menu (LTM) - missing Argument request #682
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.15.2
Bug Fixes
- bigip_ltm_policy cannot be created with an additional path #634
- bigip_ltm_policy; operand 'ssl-extension' is not available during event 'request'. during apply #648
- bigip_ltm_policy - action replace #591
- Crash when running terraform apply. #26
Other Fixes:
- FAST Resources Resources naming fixes
- Added WAF policy support FAST Https Resource
Terraform Provider BIG-IP v1.15.1
Bug Fixes
- bigip_ltm_node does not show difference after monitor modification #526
- Provider produced inconsistent final plan on ltm_pool_attachments with route domains #660
- Cannot create ltm_pool_attachments with route domains #661
- bigip_ltm_monitor based on ldap parent monitor #632
- bigip_ltm_policy; While injecting a new Rule on apply error is received ""shutdown" may not be specified with "forward" #649
- v1.15.0 Missing darwin_arm64 build - Broken on M1 Mac #664
- Terraform AWAF Integration enhancements like filetype support and graphql profile addition