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This is the wordpress CMS/blogging platform.


make config

This will ask you to enter the domain name to use. It automatically saves your responses into the configuration file .env_{INSTANCE}.

It will also ask you some questions to generate the WordPress config. Here is a guide to the answers you should pick depending on which kind of deployment you want:

  • Public Wordpress (default):

    • Set WP_TRAEFIK_HOST to the domain name you want to use.
    • Say N to the question about HTTP Basic Authentication.
    • Say Y or N to enable anti-hotlinking of images.
    • Allowing clients that send an empty referer is your choice.
    • Say N to creating a static HTML wordpress export.
  • Private Wordpress (more secure; with optional public HTML snapshot):

    • Set WP_TRAEFIK_HOST to the domain name you want to use.
    • Say Y to the question about HTTP Basic Authentication.
    • Say Y or N to enable anti-hotlinking of images (applicable to both private and/or public static websites).
    • Say N or Y to creating a public static HTML wordpress export.

Authentication and Authorization

See for information on adding external authentication on top of your app.

make install
make status
make open

You must immediately configure the wordpress instance in your browser, setting the site title, and creating the admin account and password. Try to login (you might need to wait a minute). You should then be granted into the wordpress dashboard.

Testing / Destroying

  • make destroy will delete everything in the instance
  • make clean will delete your configured .env and derived compose files.


To enable/disable hotlinking of uploaded images on other website domains, answer the appropriate questions from make config, or set the following variables in the .env_{CONTEXT} file:

  • WP_ANTI_HOTLINK=true or WP_ANTI_HOTLINK=false to turn on/off the anti-hotlinking middleware. (Applies to the /wp-content/upload path only)
  • WP_ANTI_HOTLINK_REFERERS_EXTRA is a comma separated list of additional domain names to allow hotlinking from (whitelist).
  • WP_ANTI_HOTLINK_ALLOW_EMPTY_REFERER=true or WP_ANTI_HOTLINK_ALLOW_EMPTY_REFERER=false to turn on/off the ability for clients that don't specify any referer to download the attachments (eg. RSS readers, curl, or copy/pasting the URL in the browser address bar).

Static HTML

This config includes the ability to generate a static HTML snapshot of your wodpress site utilizing wp2static, and hosting it publicly with a static webserver (nginx). To enable the static website, answer the appropriate questions from make config, or set the following variables in the .env_{CONTEXT} file:

  • WP_WP2STATIC=true or WP_WP2STATIC=false - to enable/disable the static website.
  • WP_WP2STATIC_VERSION=7.2 - The version of wp2static you want to use.
  • WP_TRAEFIK_HOST_STATIC - the domain name for the static website.
  • WP_IP_SOURCERANGE_STATIC= - The IP whitelist for the static website.

Once deployed, go to the wordpress dashboard to change settings and enable the plugin:

  • Go to the Settings page, click Permalinks, choose any one of the Permalink structure options other than Plain. (The ? in the Plain option is incompatible with the wp2static crawler, so you must choose a different one.). Click Save Changes.
  • Go to Plugins page, find the WP2Static plugin, and click on Activate.
  • Go to the WP2Static settings page (top left).
  • Go to Options.
  • Set the Basic Auth User and Basic Auth Password (Highly recommended, but this should only be set if you enabled HTTP Basic Auth during make config. Otherwise you should clear this setting as your browser may have autofilled it with your wordpress account name/password. Note: this should be the same username and password saved in passwords.json, for the Traefik HTTP Basic Authentication, not necessarily the same as your wordpress account.).
  • Set the Deployment URL to the same as WP_TRAEFIK_HOST_STATIC.
  • Click Save Options.
  • Go to Run.
  • Click Generate static site.
  • Click Refresh Logs several times until its finished.

Now you can open the URL to your static website (WP_TRAEFIK_HOST_STATIC), and you should see a static snapshot of your wordpress site, the contents of which are stored in its own volume: wp_wp2static.