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Note: only listing the one challenge that I haven't seen a write up for and where I made enough progress.


Misc / 200 Re: Plaid Party Planning

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Last year, we planned a party but had some issues with multiple people working at the same time. This year, we've improved communication, but everyone is far away. We need to find the best place to host the after-party minimizing total travel time.

Note: All of the food needs to be picked up.

Can you help? If so, please contact


After logging in, we get a question:

Would you like the condensed version? [y/N]

Naturally, we start by reading the verbose version. The challenge is described like this:

You'll need to answer 141 queries about where we should hold our party.
For each query, please respond with the index of the city where the party should be held and the sum total travel time for everyone to get there (two space-separated integers). Please find the location that minimizes the total travel time for everyone. Note that the total travel time will be less than 10^18.
In this scenario, there are 12 cities, 14 bidirectional roads between them, and 4 people that are coming.
Here are where all the people are:
There is a person at city 11
There is a person at city 2
There is a person at city 0
There is a person at city 9
Every person also needs to pick up food from exactly one city on the way to the party. Here is a list of where all of the good food is:
There is good food at city 10
There is good food at city 3
There is good food at city 7
There is good food at city 2
Now, I'll tell you about the start city, end city, and travel time for each road.
There is a road that goes from 0 to 1 and takes 152 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 0 to 4 and takes 586 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 0 to 7 and takes 665 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 1 to 2 and takes 998 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 2 to 9 and takes 475 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 2 to 5 and takes 260 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 3 to 8 and takes 966 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 3 to 6 and takes 871 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 5 to 6 and takes 83 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 6 to 11 and takes 669 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 8 to 9 and takes 571 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 9 to 10 and takes 545 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 9 to 11 and takes 659 minutes to travel along.
There is a road that goes from 10 to 11 and takes 436 minutes to travel along.
Where should they hold the party, and how long will it take everyone to get there?

And, while reading this, we also get a very quick timeout (~2 seconds):

You ran out of time

The "condensed" version for the above would read:

12 14 4
0 1 152
0 4 586
0 7 665
1 2 998
2 9 475
2 5 260
3 8 966
3 6 871
5 6 83
6 11 669
8 9 571
9 10 545
9 11 659
10 11 436

Note that each query only sends a count of cities, roads, and people. The number of foods is the same as the number of people. I thought it wasn't immediately obvious, but the organisers quickly clarified on IRC and via the note you see in the descrition. So, each person needs to get one food, then head to the meeting city.

A nice algorithmic question!

Algorithm description

The cities and roads form a weighted (non-directed) graph. We use Dijkstra's algorithm to work out the shortest path between each person to each food city. We also do this for each food. We know that all foods need to be collected, so part of our answer will be the sum of the journey distances from all food cities to the meeting point. For this we can simply check each city and sum up the distances from all the foods and keep track of the best (minimum distance) city.

The other part of the problem is to work out which person collects which food. This is more difficult, since the number of assignments for n people is n! (factorial). Even with 16 people this is an immense number of permutations to consider. Serious optimisation is required.

We first start with a trivial assignment of person 1 to food 1, person 2 to food 2, and so on.

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 (4) 2 1 3
P2 4 (4) 1 3
P3 1 2 (5) 3
P4 8 2 1 (1)

This is obviously rarely the best permutation, but it is only a starting point for the next step, a greedy algorithm – we swap the assignments of pairs of people whenever the total distance decreases.

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 (4) -2- 1 3
P2 -4- (4) 1 3
P3 1 2 (5) 3
P4 8 2 1 (1)

In the above table, swapping P1 and P2 decreases the total distance by 2. After a couple of steps, there are no more beneficial swaps:

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 4 (2) 1 3
P2 4 4 (1) 3
P3 (1) 2 5 3
P4 8 2 1 (1)

For some time, while working out the solution to this challenge, I thought this solution would always converge to the optimal solution. Fortunately, before this greedy algorithm I first implemented an actual bruteforce checker which simply goes through all the permutations via Heap's algorithm. I say fortunately because this helped me find out that there are situations in which the greedy algorithm will not reach the minimum distance. An example from an actual problem generated by the server:

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 1167 1097 991 1787
P2 1414 1489 1771 1889
P3 1255 961 1497 2001
P4 2054 1984 1004 1800

Greedy algorithm solution [3, 1, 2, 4], giving a total distance of 5166:

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 1167 1097 (991) 1787
P2 (1414) 1489 1771 1889
P3 1255 (961) 1497 2001
P4 2054 1984 1004 (1800)

Bruteforce solution [1, 4, 2, 3], giving a total distance of 5021:

F1 F2 F3 F4
P1 (1167) 1097 991 1787
P2 1414 1489 1771 (1889)
P3 1255 (961) 1497 2001
P4 2054 1984 (1004) 1800

So how come the greedy algorithm could not find this? The swapping algorithm minimises the total distance, but only ever considers what happens when two people's foods are swapped. To reach the optimal solution in this case, it would have to swap people in a cycle of size 3.

This was bad news. I could expand the greedy algorithm to first consider swaps of two, then of cycles of three, and so on. Unfortunately, this makes it just as bad in time complexity as the bruteforce algorithm!

So for the actual solution, the greedy swapping algorithm is applied, but only as a single step before a more thorough check. It is relatively quick (O(n^2) for n people) and it produces a reasonable "best guess" value for the minimum distance.

The next step is to evaluate all permutations! But with a very important optimisation - pruning. The way people are assigned to food can be modeled as a tree of choices, at each level choosing one of the remaining foods to the next person. An example with 3 people:

P1 -(F1)- P2 -(F2)- P3 -(F3)- [1, 2, 3]
  |         \
  |          \(F3)- P3 -(F2)- [1, 3, 2]
  |\(F2)- P2 -(F1)- P3 -(F3)- [2, 1, 3]
  |         \
  |          \(F3)- P3 -(F1)- [2, 3, 1]
   \(F3)- P2 -(F1)- P3 -(F2)- [3, 1, 2]
             \(F2)- P3 -(F1)- [3, 2, 1]

The bruteforce algorithm explores each leaf of this tree. But this is often unnecessary. As we walk down the tree, we add distances one by one to a running total, so our total distance for a given assignment is the value of this running total when we reach a leaf of the tree. But suppose we have already found a solution with a total distance of 200, when exploring a branch that already has a running total of 250 – clearly we cannot find a better solution in that branch, since the distances are all positive and the running total will only ever increase. This is the principle of pruning. Whenever we actually reach a leaf, we reached it because it is a better solution than the current best, so we can remember this one instead.

So we set our best minimum to the result of the greedy swapping algorithm and go through the permutations. How else can we speed the process up?

In the above diagram, the foods are always chosen for each person in the same order (F1, then F2, then F3) if available. Suppose P1 lives in the same city as F3, but is far from all other foods - then F3 is clearly the best assignment for P1, but we first try to give them F1, then F2. If we try to assign foods with shorter distances to people as we are iterating the tree, we improve our chances of finding a better minimum sooner, allowing us to prune away a larger part of the tree. So – we sort each row of the person-food distance table and assign foods in that order at each level.

Finally, there is one more improvement we can make to the pruning. We can remember the minimum of each row in the person-food distance table. At each level of the tree, we can calculate the sum of the row minima of the levels below. Most likely, it would be impossible to reach this mimimum, because it can contain conflicting assignments (i.e. two people assigned to the same food). However, we know we definitely cannot do better than that minimum in the levels below. So, if our running total + the row minima of the levels below exceeds the best known solution, we can stop exploring this branch.

But …

There is a problem. All of the above works very quickly and solves the queries given by the server in fractions of seconds. But sometimes the server rejects the answer. The best I've seen is 24 / 141 queries answered correctly. I thought the problem might be that people cannot cross other food cities before reaching the meeting point, which may be a food city. This required some annoying changes in the code – i.e. when solving distances from food to cities, do Dijkstra's algorithm, but never go to a food city. Then for each food city, look at all of its neighbours and see if each food can reach at least one.

But then I got this query from the server:

9 8 9
0 6 817
0 7 417
1 2 118
2 8 687
2 3 412
2 4 78
4 7 595
5 8 358

In this situation, each city has a food in it, as well as a person. Here is a graph representation:

6 - 0 - 7 - 4 - 2 - 8 - 5

Clearly there will always be some people who cannot reach the meeting point without crossing other food cities. E.g. if the meeting point is 2, the person from city 6 has to cross cities 0, 7, and 4.

So, currently I have no idea what could be wrong with my approach. Perhaps I made a mistake in my assumptions, or I'll talk to an admin and find out for sure.