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365 lines (303 loc) · 23.8 KB

File metadata and controls

365 lines (303 loc) · 23.8 KB

Note: This changelog is deprecated starting with version 1.0.0, please refer to the in each package for future change logs.

2018.01 - version 1.0.0


  • Split azure-storage composer package into azure-storage-blob, azure-storage-table, azure-storage-queue, azure-storage-file and azure-storage-common packages.
  • Removed ServiceBuilder.php, moved static builder methods into BlobRestProxy, TableRestProxy, QueueRestProxy and FileRestProxy.
  • Moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateBlobServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateTableServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into TableSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateQueueServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into QueueSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateFileServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • CommonMiddleWare constructor requires storage service version as parameter now.
  • AccessPolicy class is now an abstract class, added children classes BlobAccessPolicy, ContainerAccessPolicy, TableAccessPolicy, QueueAccessPolicy, FileAccessPolicy and ShareAccessPolicy.
  • Fixed a bug that Utilities::allZero() will return true for non-zero data chunks.
  • Deprecated PHP 5.5 support.


  • Created BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper and moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateBlobServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into BlobSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Added static builder methods createBlobService and createContainerAnonymousAccess into BlobRestProxy.
  • Added setUseTransactionalMD5 method for options of BlobRestProxy::CreateBlockBlob and BlobRestProxy::CreatePageBlobFromContent. Default false, enabling transactional MD5 validation will take more cpu and memory resources.
  • Removed dataSerializer parameter from BlobRextProxy constructor.
  • Fixed a bug that CopyBlobFromURLOptions not found.


  • Created TableSharedAccessSignatureHelper and moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateTableServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into TableSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Added static builder methods createTableService into TableRestProxy.
  • Removed dataSerializer parameter from TableRextProxy constructor.
  • Will change variable type according to EdmType specified when serializing table entity values.


  • Created QueueSharedAccessSignatureHelper and moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateQueueServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into QueueSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Added static builder methods createQueueService into QueueRestProxy.
  • Removed dataSerializer parameter from QueueRextProxy constructor.


  • Created FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper and moved method SharedAccessSignatureHelper::generateFileServiceSharedAccessSignatureToken() into FileSharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Added static builder methods createFileService into FileRestProxy.
  • Added setUseTransactionalMD5 method for option of FileRestProxy::CreateFileFromContent. Default false, enabling transactional MD5 validation will take more cpu and memory resources.
  • Removed dataSerializer parameter from FileRextProxy constructor.

2017.09 - version 0.19.1


  • Fixed a syntax error for PHP 5.5 and 5.6 in MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal::Utilities:isoDate.

2017.09 - version 0.19.0


  • Fixed wrong XmlSerializer in ServiceException.php.
  • Fixed formatting of non-UTC dates when using instances of DateTime to generate shared access signatures.
  • Fixed class loading errors on case-sensitive file systems when testing.


  • Added CopyBlobFromURL to support copy blob from a source URL including resources in other storage accounts.
  • Added support for Incremental Copy Page Blob. This allows efficient copying and backup of page blob snapshots.
  • Fixed a bug that BlobRestProxy::createPageBlobFromContent cannot work.
  • Populate content MD5 for range gets on Blobs.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\BlobProperties::getContentMD5() will always return the value of the whole blob’s MD5 value.
    • Added MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\BlobProperties::getRangeContentMD5() to get MD5 of a blob range.
  • Renamed 2 methods inside MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\GetBlobOptions:
    • getComputeRangeMD5() -> getRangeGetContentMD5()
    • setComputeRangeMD5() -> setRangeGetContentMD5()
  • The public access level of a container is now returned from the List Containers and Get Container Properties APIs.
  • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\GetBlobOptions and MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\ListPageBlobRangesOptions now provide setRange() and getRange() to accept a MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\Range object. Following methods are removed:
    • setRangeStart()
    • getRangeStart()
    • setRangeEnd()
    • getRangeEnd()


  • The QueueRestProxy::createMessage now returns information about the message that was just added, including the pop receipt.


  • Fixed a bug that setting content MD5 cannot work when creating files.
  • Option parameter ListDirectoriesAndFilesOptions of FileRestProxy::listDirectoriesAndFiles is now able to set a prefix which limits the listing to a specified prefix.
  • Populate content MD5 for range gets on Files.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\File\Models\FileProperties::getContentMD5() will always return the value of the whole file’s MD5 value.
    • Added MicrosoftAzure\Storage\File\Models\FileProperties::getRangeContentMD5() to get MD5 of a file range.

2017.08 - version 0.18.0


  • Updated SharedAccessSignatureHelper to accept Datetime type as signedExpiry or signedStart parameter when generating SAS tokens.
  • Added samples under the samples folder to generate account level or service level SAS tokens with SharedAccessSignatureHelper.
  • Fixed wrong PHPUnit @covers tags in unit and functional test.
  • Removed unused imports declarations.


  • Added BlobRestProxy::listPageBlobRangesDiff and BlobRestProxy::listPageBlobRangesDiffAsync for getting page ranges difference. Refer to for more detailed information.
  • Following methods of MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\BlobRestProxy now return the x-ms-request-server-encrypted response header. This header is set to true if the contents of the request have been successfully encrypted.
    • createBlockBlob, createPageBlob, createAppendBlob, createBlobPages, createBlobBlock, appendBlock, commitBlobBlocks and setBlobMetadata.
  • Following methods of MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\BlobRestProxy now return the x-ms-server-encrypted response header. This header is set to true if the blob data and application metadata are completely encrypted. If the blob is not encrypted, or if only parts of the blob/application metadata are encrypted, this header is set to false.
    • getBlob and getBlobProperties.

2017.07 - version 0.17.0


  • REST API version upgraded to 2016-05-31.
  • Added support for anonymous read access to containers. User can now call MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServiceBuilder::createContainerAnonymousAccess to create service proxy to access containers/blobs without credential.
  • Refined code logic for continuation token. Now continuation token will be null if there are no more instance to be queried/listed.


  • Removed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Tests\unit\Blob\Models\BlobContinuationToken, now use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\MarkerContinuationToken instead for better code structure and reuse.
  • Added MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Tests\unit\Blob\BlobRestProxy::blockSize for user to control block size.


  • Deprecated ATOM support for Table service.


  • Removed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Tests\unit\Queue\Models\QueueContinuationToken, now use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\MarkerContinuationToken instead for better code structure and reuse.


  • Removed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Tests\unit\File\Models\FileContinuationToken, now use MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\MarkerContinuationToken instead for better code structure and reuse.

2017.06 - version 0.16.0


  • Renamed and moved MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\PageRange to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\Range.
  • Added support for Service Shared Access Signature.
  • With File service feature parity to 2015-04-05 and Service Shared Access Signature support in this release, the SDK now have full parity for Blob, Table, Queue and File services to REST API version 2015-04-05.


  • Created new types for the following APIs to support specifying accepted content type of response payload. Payload is now by default application/json;odata=minimalmetadata.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::createTable & MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::createTableAsync now uses MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\TableServiceCreateOptions.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::insertEntity & MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::insertEntityAsync now uses MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\TableServiceCreateOptions.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::getTable & MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::getTableAsync now uses MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\GetTableOptions.
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::getEntity & MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\TableRestProxy::getEntityAsync now uses MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\GetEntityOptions.
  • E-Tag can now be null value since when user specified to return minimal/no metadata, E-Tag will not be returned with response.
  • When specifying NO_METADATA for querying entities, some Edm type, including Edm.Binary, Edm.DateTime and Edm.Guid, could not be determined through the type detection heuristics. For more information, please see Payload Format for Table Service Operations.


  • Renamed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Queue\Models\MicrosoftAzureQueueMessage to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Queue\Models\QueueMessage


  • Added full support for File service, with parity to REST API 2015-04-05.

2017.04 - version 0.15.0


  • Removed setRequestOptions for service options, instead, added middlewares, middlewareStack, numberOfConcurrency, isStreaming, locationMode and decodeContent for user to specify the corresponding options.
  • Added MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Middlewares\RetryMiddleware to support retry from secondary endpoint. Advice to use this instead of Guzzle's retry middleware for secondary endpoint retry support.
  • By setting $locationMode in MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\ServiceOptions, user can perform read operations from secondary endpoint.
  • Added support for user to use proxies. If HTTP_PROXY is set as a system variable, the proxy specified with it will be used for HTTP connections.
  • Removed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\ServiceProperties::getMetrics and MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\ServiceProperties::setMetrics. Added following methods to access hour metrics and minute metrics.


  • Access condition feature parity:

    • Single AccessCondition has been changed to multiple AccessCondition for the options which support access conditions.
    • Added appendPosition, maxBlobSize, ifSequenceNumberLessThan, ifSequenceNumberEqual and ifSequenceNumberLessThanOrEqual to AccessCondition class.
    • Added access conditions support for getContainerProperties, setContainerProperties, getContainerMetadata and setContainerMetadata.
  • Copy blob feature parity:

    • Added new API abortCopy.
    • Added setIncludeCopy to ListBlobsOptions to support getting copy state information when listing blobs.
    • Added properties and getters/setters for CopyId and CopyStatus to CopyBlobResult class.
  • Lease feature parity

    • Added lease support for getContainerProperties, setContainerProperties, getContainerMetadata, setContainerMetadata and deleteContainer.
    • Renamed LeaseBlobResult to LeaseResult to support container and blob lease.
    • Added container lease support - passing null to $blob parameter of the lease related APIs.
    • Added new parameters $proposedLeaseId and $leaseDuration to acquireLease API and changed the $options parameter from AcquireLeaseOptions to BlobServiceOptions.
    • Added the API changeLease to support changing lease.
    • Added new parameter $breakPeriod to breakLease API and removed the $leaseId parameter.
    • Added properties and getters/setters for LeaseStatus, LeaseState and LeaseDuration to ContainerProperties class.
  • Container/Blob properties feature parity:

    • Added properties and getters/setters for ContentDisposition, LeaseState, LeaseDuration and CopyState to BlobProperties class.
  • Refactored Options class:

    • Exracted getLeaseId, setLeaseId, getAccessConditions and setAccessConditions to the base options class BlobServiceOptions.
    • Refactored the CreateBlobOptions, CommitBlobBlocksOptions class to remove duplicate options and standardize the content settings related properties like ContentType, ContentMD5, ContentEncoding, ContentLanguage, CacheControl and ContentDisposition.
  • Blob service properties feature parity:

    • Added getDefaultServiceVersion, setDefaultServiceVersion, getMinuteMetrics and setMinuteMetrics to ServiceProperties class.
  • Changed the return type of API commitBlobBlocks from void to PutBlobResult.

  • Removed the useless API ctrCrypt from Utilities class.

  • Added getServiceStats and getServiceStatsAsync for user to request service statistics from the server's secondary endpoint.


  • Removed MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\BatchError. When batch operation fails, exception is thrown immediately instead.
  • Added getServiceStats and getServiceStatsAsync for user to request service statistics from the server's secondary endpoint.


  • Added getServiceStats and getServiceStatsAsync for user to request service statistics from the server's secondary endpoint.

2017.04 - version 0.14.0


  • Improved the documentation.
  • Restructured the classes based on their intended functionality and visiblity. The changes includes:
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\InvalidArgumentTypeException was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentTypeException
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServiceException was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Exceptions\ServiceException
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\HttpFormatter was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Http\HttpFormatter
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\ServiceOptionsBase was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\ServiceOptionsBase
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Logger was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Logger
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Middlewares\HistoryMiddleware was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Middlewares\HistoryMiddleware
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\IMiddleware was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Middlewares\IMiddleware
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\Middlewares\MiddlewareBase was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Middlewares\MiddlewareBase
    • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\RetryMiddlewareFactory was moved to MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Middlewares\RetryMiddlewareFactory
  • Added Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) support. Now setting service properties can set CORS rules at the same time.
  • Added support for account-level Shared Access Signature generation.
  • Resolved an error reported from some IDEs about the phpcs.xml.
  • Fixed multiple test issues.


  • Added API createPageBlobFromContent to support creating page blob directly from contents which includes local file, stream, etc...
  • Added support for append blob.
  • Added support for Container ACL.


  • Added support for Queue ACL.


  • Added support for Table ACL.
  • Fixed an issue that user could not set entity type to be double and integer as a value for PHP 7

2017.02 - version 0.13.0


  • The ServiceException now provides more detailed information about the request ID and date parsed from the error response.
  • Changed the setters in the following class from public to protected to avoid possible misuse of the data structure. MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Models\GetServicePropertiesResult
  • Removed version tags in each of the files.
  • Added support for the SDK to access Azure Storage Emulator.
  • Introduced full support for middlewares. The usage manual can be found in
  • Turned on the verification of SSL certificate issuer in the client options.


  • Applied a more robust fix for the issue where createBlockBlob would fail for some files with size larger than 1MB and smaller than 32MB.
  • Changed the setters in the following classes from public to protected to avoid possible misuse of the data structure.


  • Changed the setters in the following classes from public to protected to avoid possible misuse of the data structure.


  • Changed the setters in the following classes from public to protected to avoid possible misuse of the data structure.

2017.01 - version 0.12.1 Blob

  • Fixed an issue where createBlockBlob would fail for some files with size larger than 1MB and smaller than 32MB.

2017.01 - version 0.12.0


  • Applied type hinting for the project. The rules are listed below:
    • For class arguments: ClassName $arguments
    • For array arguments: array $arguments
    • For nullable arguments: ClassName $argument = null
    • Try to avoid mixed type.
    • Use unions for nullable types. e.g. ClassName|null.
    • Use ClassName[] instead of array, if the type of array is determined.
  • Added support for Guzzle async programming model for all APIs.
  • Added support for SAS authentication. Blob
  • Changed the return value of following APIs to be more reasonable.
  • Merged StorageAuthScheme into SharedKeyAuthScheme and TableSharedKeyLiteAuthScheme now inherits SharedKeyAuthScheme. This is because Azure Storage now supports Shared Key authentication and SAS authentication so the name StorageAuthScheme was not representative anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where the newest Guzzle failed to validate the path passed in when withPath() is called.

2016.11 - version 0.11.0


  • Fix error string when an error occurs while parsing a connection string and is passed to _createException in MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Common\Internal\ConnectionStringParser.
  • Added support to create Guzzle's customizable retry middleware to handle the request after the response is received. Also added a default retry policy in case a retry policy is not specified.
  • Fixed a bug in unit test where getting properties from service failed to match the expected result due to previous settings have not yet taken effect.
  • Fixed some coding style issue. This work will be continued in the following serveral releases, and strictly follows PSR-2 coding style.
  • Updated the documentation of setMetadata, now in the comments of the following methods $metadata is an array instead of a string.
  • Removed test code from composer package.
  • StorageAuthScheme::computeCanonicalizedResource assumes that the query parameters are already grouped. That is, multi-value query parameters must be assembled using ServiceRestProxy::groupQueryValues. This fixes an issue with other single-value query parameters that might contain the separator character in the value.


  • Added support for user to upload large files with minimum memory usage.
  • Added concurrent upload for Block Blob.
  • Added MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob.saveBlobToFile for user to download a blob into a file.

2016.08 - version 0.10.2


  • Allow passing an array of options to a service. Currently only Guzzle options are supported via the http parameter.

2016.05 - version 0.10.1


  • Fixed the issue that blobs upload with size multiple of 4194304 bytes and larger than 33554432 bytes.
  • Fixed the issue that extra / is appended in blob URL.

2016.04 - version 0.10.0


  • Separated Azure Storage APIs in Azure-SDK-for-PHP to establish an independent release cycle.
  • Remove all pear dependencies: HTTP_Request2, Mail_mime, and Mail_mimeDecode. Use Guzzle as underlying http client library.
  • Update storage REST API version to 2015-04-05.
  • Change root namespace from "WindowsAzure" to "MicrosoftAzure/Storage".
  • When set metadata operations contains invalid characters, it throws a ServiceException with 400 bad request error instead of Http_Request2_LogicException.


  • Fixed the issue that upload large block blob fails. (Azure/azure-sdk-for-php#757)
  • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Blob\Models\Blocks.setBlockId now requires a base64 encoded string.


  • MicrosoftAzure\Storage\Table\Models\Property.getEdmType now returns EdmType::STRING instead of null if the property data type is not set in server.