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190 lines (149 loc) · 7.98 KB

File metadata and controls

190 lines (149 loc) · 7.98 KB


The RFPSimpleStrategy contract represents a smart contract for Request for Proposal (RFP) allocation with milestone submission and management. It extends the capabilities of the BaseStrategy contract and integrates features specifically tailored for managing recipient registration, milestone submissions, and reviews for RFPs. The contract also incorporates the ReentrancyGuard library to prevent reentrant attacks.

Table of Contents

Sequence Diagram

    participant Alice
    participant PoolManager
    participant Allo
    participant RFPSimpleStrategy

    PoolManager->>Allo: createPool() with RFPSimple
    Allo-->>PoolManager: poolId
    Alice->>+Allo: registerRecipient()
    Allo->>RFPSimpleStrategy: registerRecipient()
    RFPSimpleStrategy-->>Allo: recipient1
    Allo-->>-Alice: recipientId1
    PoolManager->>+Allo: allocate() (accepts a recipient and allocate proposal bid)
    Allo-->>-RFPSimpleStrategy: allocate() (accepts a recipient and allocate proposal bid)
    PoolManager->> RFPSimpleStrategy: setMilestones()
    Alice->> RFPSimpleStrategy: submitUpcomingMilestone()
    PoolManager->> RFPSimpleStrategy: rejectMilestone()
    Alice->> RFPSimpleStrategy: submitUpcomingMilestone()
    PoolManager->>+Allo: distribute() ( mnextilestone for recipient)
    Allo-->>-RFPSimpleStrategy: distribute() (next milestone for recipient)
    PoolManager->>RFPSimpleStrategy: setPoolActive() to close pool

Smart Contract Overview

  • License: The RFPSimpleStrategy contract operates under the AGPL-3.0-only License, fostering open-source usage under specific terms.
  • Solidity Version: Developed using Solidity version 0.8.19, capitalizing on the latest Ethereum smart contract functionalities.
  • External Libraries: Utilizes the ReentrancyGuard library from the OpenZeppelin contracts to prevent reentrant attacks.
  • Interfaces: Imports interfaces from the Allo core and external libraries.
  • Internal Libraries: Imports the Metadata library from the Allo core for metadata management.


  1. Recipient: Contains recipient-related data, such as the recipient's address, proposal bid, use of registry anchor, and status.
  2. Milestone: Holds details about a milestone, including the amount percentage, metadata, and status.


  1. INVALID_MILESTONE: Thrown when a milestone is invalid.
  2. MILESTONE_ALREADY_ACCEPTED: Thrown when a milestone is already accepted.
  3. EXCEEDING_MAX_BID: Thrown when a proposal bid exceeds the maximum bid.
  4. MILESTONES_ALREADY_SET: Thrown when milestones are already set or approved.
  5. AMOUNT_TOO_LOW: Thrown when the max bid increase amount is too low.


  1. MaxBidIncreased: Emitted when the maximum bid is increased.
  2. MilestoneSubmitted: Emitted when a milestone is submitted.
  3. MilestoneStatusChanged: Emitted for the status change of a milestone.
  4. MilestonesSet: Emitted when milestones are set.

Storage Variables

  1. useRegistryAnchor: Flag indicating whether to use the registry anchor for recipient registration.
  2. metadataRequired: Flag indicating whether metadata is required for recipient registration.
  3. acceptedRecipientId: The accepted recipient who can submit milestones.
  4. _registry: Reference to the Allo registry contract.
  5. maxBid: The maximum bid for the RFP pool.
  6. upcomingMilestone: Index of the upcoming milestone.
  7. _recipientIds: Collection of recipient addresses.
  8. milestones: Collection of submitted milestones.
  9. _recipients: Mapping from recipient addresses to recipient data.


The constructor initializes the strategy by accepting the address of the IAllo contract and a name.

Initialize Function

The initialize function decodes and initializes parameters passed during strategy creation. It sets specific strategy variables and the pool to active.


  1. getRecipient: Retrieves recipient details.
  2. getMilestone: Retrieves milestone details.
  3. getMilestoneStatus: Retrieves the status of a milestone.

External Functions

  1. setMilestones: Sets milestones for the accepted recipient.
  2. submitUpcomingMilestone: Submits a milestone for the accepted recipient.
  3. rejectMilestone: Rejects a pending milestone.
  4. increaseMaxBid: Updates the maximum bid for the RFP pool.
  5. withdraw: Allows pool managers to withdraw funds from the pool.

Internal Functions

  1. _registerRecipient: Handles recipient registration, processing the provided data.
  2. _allocate: Allocates funds to the accepted recipient.
  3. _distribute: Distributes upcoming milestone funds to the accepted recipient.

User Flows

Registering a Recipient

  • Recipient or Profile Owner initiates a registration request.
  • If useRegistryAnchor is enabled:
    • Submits recipient ID, proposal bid, and metadata.
    • Verifies sender's authorization.
    • Validates the provided data.
    • Registers recipient as "Pending" with provided details.
    • Emits Registered event.
  • If useRegistryAnchor is disabled:
    • Submits recipient address, registry anchor, proposal bid, and metadata.
    • Determines if the registry anchor is being used.
    • Verifies sender's authorization.
    • Validates the provided data.
    • Registers recipient as "Pending" with provided details.
    • Emits Registered event.

Setting Milestones

  • Pool Manager initiates a milestone setting request.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to set milestones.
  • Checks if upcoming milestone is not already set.
  • Sets provided milestones for the accepted recipient.
  • Emits MilestonesSet event.

Submitting a Milestone Proof

  • Recipient initiates a milestone proof submission.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to submit the proof.
  • Checks if upcoming milestone is valid.
  • Updates milestone's metadata and status to "Pending".
  • Emits MilestoneSubmitted event.

Rejecting a Pending Milestone

  • Pool Manager initiates a milestone rejection request.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to reject milestones.
  • Checks if milestone is not already accepted.
  • Changes milestone status to "Rejected".
  • Emits MilestoneStatusChanged event.

Updating Max Bid

  • Pool Manager initiates a max bid update request.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to update the max bid.
  • Ensures the new max bid is higher than the current max bid.
  • Updates the max bid.
  • Emits MaxBidIncreased event.

Distributing Milestone

  • Pool Manager initiates a milestone distribution request.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to distribute funds.
  • Checks if a pending milestone exists.
  • Calculates the amount to distribute based on the accepted recipient's proposal bid and milestone percentage.
  • Transfers the calculated amount to the accepted recipient.
  • Changes the milestone status to "Accepted".
  • Emits MilestoneStatusChanged and Distributed events.

Withdrawing Funds from Pool

  • Pool Manager initiates a withdrawal request.
  • Verifies if sender is authorized to withdraw funds.
  • Checks if the pool is inactive.
  • Decreases the pool amount by the requested withdrawal amount.
  • Transfers the requested amount to the sender.