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The QVBaseStrategy is a base contract for quadratic voting strategies. It extends the BaseStrategy contract. It's designed to be a base contract for other contracts to inherit from. It includes functions for recipient registration, allocator allocation, and payout distribution. It also includes a review mechanism for pool managers to review and update the status of recipients. It uses a custom InternalRecipientStatus enum for internal state management. It has a strong focus on modularity and reusability, with many functions marked as virtual.

Table of Contents

Sequence Diagram

    participant Allocator
    participant Alice
    participant PoolManager
    participant Allo
    participant QVSimple

    PoolManager->>Allo: createPool() with QVSimple
    Allo-->>QVSimple: poolId
    Alice->>+Allo: registerRecipient()
    Allo-->>QVSimple: registerRecipient()
    QVSimple-->>Allo: recipient1
    Allo-->>-Alice: recipient1
    PoolManager->>+Allo: reviewRecipients()
    Allocator->>+Allo: allocate()
    Allo-->>QVSimple: allocate() defined in contract inheriting QVBase
    PoolManager->>+Allo: distribute()
    Allo-->>-QVSimple: distribute()

Smart Contract Overview

  • License: The QVBaseStrategy contract adheres to the AGPL-3.0-only License, promoting open-source usage with specific terms.
  • Solidity Version: Developed using Solidity version 0.8.19, leveraging the latest Ethereum smart contract advancements.
  • Internal Libraries: Utilizes the Metadata library.
  • Interfaces: Interfaces with the IAllo and IRegistry components for external communication.
  • Inheritance: Inherits from the BaseStrategy contract, inheriting and expanding core strategy functionalities.

Structs and Enums


Details of a recipient.

  • totalVotesReceived (uint256): Total votes received by the recipient
  • useRegistryAnchor (bool): Whether the recipient uses registry anchor
  • recipientAddress (address): Address of the recipient
  • recipientStatus (InternalRecipientStatus): Status of the recipient
  • metadata (Metadata): Metadata details


Details of an allocator.

  • voiceCredits (uint256): Total voice credits of the allocator
  • voiceCreditsCastToRecipient (mapping(address => uint256)): Voice credits cast to recipients by the allocator


  • registryGating (bool, slot 0): Whether the strategy uses registry gating for recipient applications.
  • metadataRequired (bool, slot 0): Whether metadata is required for recipient applications.
  • reviewThreshold (uint256, slot 1): The number of votes required to review a recipient.
  • registrationStartTime (uint64, slot 2): The start time for recipient registration in milliseconds since the epoch.
  • registrationEndTime (uint64, slot 2): The end time for recipient registration in milliseconds since the epoch.
  • allocationStartTime (uint64, slot 2): The start time for vote allocation in milliseconds since the epoch.
  • allocationEndTime (uint64, slot 2): The end time for vote allocation in milliseconds since the epoch.


  • onlyActiveRegistration: Allows execution only during the active registration period.
  • onlyActiveAllocation: Allows execution only during the active allocation period.
  • onlyAfterAllocation: Allows execution only after the allocation period has ended.


  • constructor(address _allo, string memory _name): Sets the Allo contract address and the strategy name.


  • initialize(uint256 _poolId, bytes calldata _data) external: Initializes the strategy with provided parameters.

Views and Queries

  • getRecipient(address _recipientId) external view returns (Recipient memory): Retrieves recipient details using recipient ID.
  • getInternalRecipientStatus(address _recipientId) external view returns (InternalRecipientStatus): Retrieves internal recipient status using recipient ID.
  • getRecipientStatus(address _recipientId) external view returns (RecipientStatus): Retrieves global recipient status using recipient ID.

External/Custom Functions

  • updatePoolTimestamps(uint64 _registrationStartTime, uint64 _registrationEndTime, uint64 _allocationStartTime, uint64 _allocationEndTime) external: Updates the start and end timestamps for the pool.
  • reviewRecipients(address[] calldata _recipientIds, InternalRecipientStatus[] calldata _recipientStatuses) external: Reviews recipient applications during the active registration.
  • distribute(address[] calldata _recipientIds) external: Distributes tokens to recipients after allocation.

Internal Functions

  • _distribute(address[] storage _recipientIds, address _sender) internal: Distributes tokens to recipients after allocation.
  • _isPoolActive() internal view returns (bool): Checks if the pool is currently active.
  • _getPayout(address _recipientId) internal view returns (PayoutSummary memory): Calculates the payout for a recipient.
  • _qv_allocate(Allocator storage _allocator, Recipient storage _recipient, address _recipientId, uint256 _voiceCreditsToAllocate, address _sender) internal: Allocates voice credits to a recipient.
  • _isValidAllocator(address _allocator) internal view returns (bool): Checks if an allocator is valid.
  • _hasVoiceCreditsLeft(uint256 _voiceCreditsToAllocate, uint256 _allocatedVoiceCredits) internal pure returns (bool): Checks if an allocator has voice credits left.
  • _isAcceptedRecipient(address _recipientId) internal view returns (bool): Checks if a recipient is accepted.
  • _isProfileMember(address _anchor, address _sender) internal view returns (bool): Checks if a sender is a profile member.
  • _getRecipient(address _recipientId) internal view returns (Recipient storage): Retrieves recipient details using recipient ID.
  • _updatePoolTimestamps(uint64 _registrationStartTime, uint64 _registrationEndTime, uint64 _allocationStartTime, uint64 _allocationEndTime) internal: Updates the start and end timestamps for the pool.
  • _sqrt(uint256 x) internal pure returns (uint256 y): Calculates the square root of a number using the Babylonian method.

User Flows

Recipient Registration

* Recipients can submit their application to the pool strategy for registration.
* Recipients provide necessary data based on the strategy's requirements.
* The strategy checks if metadata is required and whether the recipient address is valid.
* Recipients can be accepted, rejected, or appealed based on the review process.
* If accepted, their status is updated and they are eligible for receiving votes.

Allocator Allocation

* Allocators (participants) allocate voice credits to specific recipients during the active allocation period.
* Voice credits are allocated based on a quadratic voting algorithm.
* Voice credits are cast to recipients, contributing to their total votes received.
* Allocated voice credits cannot exceed available voice credits for the allocator.

Recipient Voting

* Recipients can receive voice credits based on the votes allocated to them by allocators.
* Recipients accumulate votes throughout the active allocation period.
* Total recipient votes are calculated as the sum of square roots of allocated voice credits.
* Accumulated votes contribute to determining recipients' payouts.

Payout Distribution

* After the allocation period ends, the strategy manager initiates the payout distribution.
* Payouts are distributed to recipients based on their accumulated votes and the total votes in the pool.
* The calculated payout amount is transferred to recipients' addresses.
* Once a recipient is paid out, their payout status is updated to prevent double payouts.

Updating Pool Timestamps

* The pool manager can update registration and allocation start and end times.
* These timestamps determine the active registration and allocation periods.
* The new timestamps are validated to ensure logical ordering and consistency.

Recipients Review Process

* Pool managers can review recipient applications and update their statuses.
* Depending on the review threshold, recipients' statuses can change from pending to accepted or rejected.
* If the review threshold is met, recipient statuses are updated, allowing them to participate in voting or receive payouts.

Querying Recipient and Allocator Information

* Users can query the status and details of recipients and allocators using their IDs or addresses.
* Recipient status, total votes received, and other relevant data can be retrieved.
* Allocator information such as voice credits allocated to recipients can be queried.

Viewing Pool Timestamps and Status

* Users can view the start and end times of the registration and allocation periods.
* The strategy checks the current time against these timestamps to determine active periods.
* The pool's active status changes based on whether the current time is within the registration or allocation period.