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FreezeCurves is a lightweight Julia package to facilitate the study and analysis of soil freezing characteristics (Koopmans and Miller, 1966). The relationship between temperature and unfrozen water content in porous media (such as soils) is often highly nonlinear and plays a significant role in the analysis of freeze-thaw dynamics in science and engineering. One common application is in the geophysical modeling of permafrost, where having faithful representations of freeze-thaw processes is often paramount to accurately resolving long-term changes in the subsurface thermal regime.


The soil freezing characteristic curve (SFCC) is typically a monotonic function which maps (usually subzero) temperatures [°C] to volumetric unfrozen/liquid water contents [m³/m³]. The SFCC is closely related to the soil-water retention curve (SWRC) which governs the similar non-linear realtionship between soil-water matric potential [m] saturation [m³/m³]. SWRCs are widely used in hydrological modeling, with the two most common formulations being the van Genuchten (1980) and Brooks-Corey (Brooks, 1965) models. SFCCs are less widely known, but numerous models have been proposed over the years (Kurylyk and Watanbe, 2013).

This package is intended to act as a living repository of SFCC/SWRC implementations which can then be fitted to data or consumed downstream by thermal or hydrological models such as CryoGrid (Westermann et al. 2022), or more specifically its sibling Julia implementation.

Currently this package provides implementations of the following freeze curves:

Name Description Independent variable
FreeWater Simple, piecewise-linear, enthalpy-based freeze/thaw scheme for pure "free" water. Enthalpy
PainterKarra Coupled temperature-water retention model of Painter et al. (2014) Temperature
DallAmico Coupled temperature-water retention model of Dall'Amico (2011). Temperature
DallAmicoSalt Same as DallAmico but accounting for freezing point depressions due to salinity. Temperature
McKenzie Exponential-type empirical model of McKenzie et al. (2007) Temperature
Westermann Nonlinear empirical model of Westermann et al. (2011) Temperature
Langer Nonlinear empirical model of Langer et al. (2011) Temperature
Hu2020 Reformulated power function model of Hu et al. (2020) Temperature
PowerLaw Common power law model of Lovell (1956) Temperature

Getting started

FreezeCurves.jl can be installed using the Julia package manager:

pkg> add FreezeCurves


import Pkg

All freezing characteristic curves are implemented as "callable" structs subtyping SFCC. Callable structs are those with corresponding method definitions that allow them to be invoked like a function. As an example, we can initialize the freeze curve of McKenzie et al. (2007) with default parameter settings:

using FreezeCurves

mkfc = McKenzie()

The curve can then be evaluated at a particular temperature by calling it as a function:

# output

The freeze curve function struct (here McKenzie) contains default parameter settings necessary to evaluate the freeze curve. These can also be customized on construction. We could, for example, use a different value for the shape parameter, γ [K]

mkfc2 = McKenzie=1.0u"K")
# output

which results in a much longer curve with more than 18% unfrozen water content by volume at -1.0 °C!

All freeze curves also accept their parameters (excluding some constants) as function arguments, with default values set to those found in the struct. For example, the full method signature for McKenzie is:

(f::McKenzie)(T; θtot, θsat, θres, Tₘ, γ)

where θtot is the total (volumetric) water content (water + ice), θsat is the saturated water content (a.k.a natural porosity), θres is the residual water content, Tₘ is the melting temperature, and γ is the aforementioned shape parameter. We could have, therefore, adjusted the shape parameter by simply setting the keyword argument for our original mkfc:

mkfc(-1.0u"°C", γ=1.0u"K")
# output

In cases where it is more convenient/appropriate to modify the default parameter values in the struct itself, it's worth noting that some parameters are nested one or two levels deep, e.g. setting the saturated water content (porosity) for a DallAmico freeze curve would look like:

dafc = DallAmico(swrc=VanGenuchten(water=SoilWaterVolume(θsat=0.75)))

This is admittedly somewhat unwieldy, so FreezeCurves re-exports @set! from Setfield.jl to make this a bit easier:

dafc = DallAmico()
@set! dafc.swrc.vol.θsat = 0.75
# output

Note also that FreezeCurves.jl strictly uses unitful quantities (from Unitful.jl) to ensure physical coherence and avoid confusion between temperature units. The macro u"°C" applies units of degrees Celsius to the floating point number -0.1 (the degree symbol can be typed in the Julia REPL or editor using \degree followed the TAB key). Speical method dispatches for ustrip are provided for freeze and water retention curve function types that will automatically strip the units from all fields nested within the function struct. When used without units, all temperatures are assumed to be in degrees Celsius (°C)!

mkfc_nounits = ustrip(mkfc)
# output

FreezeCurves.jl also provides some basic plotting recipes to help rapidly visualize freeze curves, e.g:

using Plots

Trange = -5.0u"°C":0.01u"K":0.0u"°C"
plot(Trange, Westermann=0.01u"K"), label="δ=0.01", title="SFCC from Westermann et al. 2011")
plot!(Trange, Westermann=0.1u"K"), label="δ=0.1")
plot!(Trange, Westermann=0.2u"K"), label="δ=0.2")

Freeze curve plots

For more details and examples, see the documentation.

Soil water retention curves

Many SFCC formulations are based on an underlying SWRC, the most widely used being the van Genucthen model. Examples of such freeze curves in this package include PainterKarra and DallAmico.

SWRCs are implemented standalone in FreezeCurves as subtypes of SWRC. Currently, only two SWRC models are provided: VanGenuchten and BrooksCorey.

Since version 0.9, default van Genuchten curves for various soil types are provided for convenience. These are accessible as additional dispatches of the VanGenuchten constructor:

# to get a water retention curve for a silty clay soil:
swrc = VanGenuchten(:siltyclay)

# alternatively, one can use a string
swrc = VanGenuchten("silty clay")

Preset configurations are currently provided for sand, silt, clay, sandy loam, silty loam, silty clay, sandy clay, and organic soils.


Brooks RH. Hydraulic properties of porous media. Colorado State University; 1965.

Dall'Amico M, Endrizzi S, Gruber S, Rigon RJ. A robust and energy-conserving model of freezing variably-saturated soil. The Cryosphere. 2011 Jun 1;5(2):469-84.

Koopmans RW, Miller RD. Soil freezing and soil water characteristic curves. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 1966 Nov;30(6):680-5.

Kurylyk BL, Watanabe K. The mathematical representation of freezing and thawing processes in variably-saturated, non-deformable soils. Advances in Water Resources. 2013 Oct 1;60:160-77.

McKenzie JM, Voss CI, Siegel DI. Groundwater flow with energy transport and water–ice phase change: numerical simulations, benchmarks, and application to freezing in peat bogs. Advances in water resources. 2007 Apr 1;30(4):966-83.

Westermann S, Boike J, Langer M, Schuler TV, Etzelmüller B. Modeling the impact of wintertime rain events on the thermal regime of permafrost. The Cryosphere. 2011 Oct 26;5(4):945-59.

Westermann S, Ingeman-Nielsen T, Scheer J, Aalstad K, Aga J, Chaudhary N, Etzelmüller B, Filhol S, Kääb A, Renette C, Schmidt LS. The CryoGrid community model (version 1.0)–a multi-physics toolbox for climate-driven simulations in the terrestrial cryosphere. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions. 2022 Jun 7:1-61.

Van Genuchten MT. A closed‐form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils. Soil science society of America journal. 1980 Sep;44(5):892-8.