Thank you for your interest in contributing to cone
! Your effort and expertise are invaluable to our project. To ensure our community remains inclusive and respectful, please read and adhere to our Code of Conduct.
For an overview of the project, we recommend starting by reading the README.
If you encounter a problem with cone
or think of a new feature, start by searching existing issues to see if it has already been reported. If no relevant issue exists, feel free to open a new one using the appropriate issue form.
Peruse our existing issues to find one that suits your interests and skills. We don't assign issues, so if you see one you'd like to tackle, you're welcome to create a pull request with your proposed solution.
Here is a typical workflow for contributors:
- Fork the
repository on GitHub. - Read the README for build and test instructions.
- Explore the project, identify bugs, suggest enhancements, and propose solutions!
We appreciate every contribution, no matter how small!
At ConductorOne, we prioritize security and take potential issues seriously. If you discover a security issue, please alert us as quickly as possible!
To protect our users, DO NOT create a public issue or pull request. Instead, send your report privately to the ConductorOne Security Team at [email protected].
We greatly appreciate security reports, and we will publicly acknowledge your contribution once the issue has been resolved and poses no risk to users. Thank you for helping us ensure the security and integrity of cone