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Api Documentation

To use this api on your local machine,

  1. Rename the .env.example to .env.
  2. In this file, replace the DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD values with your database name on your local machine, the database username and password.
  3. On your command prompt run php artisan migrate --seed to migrate the database tables and seed the reports table with demo data. (ensure you php local server is running).
  4. To create a default admin user run php artisan make:admin.
  5. To see the reports made by users visit the endpoint /api/v1/reports.


Http Verb Path Parameters Controller#action Used for
GET /api/v1/reports reports#list Displays a listing of all reports
GET /api/v1/reports status reports#list Displays a listing of all reports by status
POST /api/v1/reports title, location, visual_image reports#store Create a new report
PATCH /api/v1/reports/{id} status reports#update Update the status of a report
GET /api/v1/reports/metrics reports#metrics View metrics from admin
POST /api/v1/auth/login auth#login Authenticates a user
POST /api/v1/auth/logout auth#logout Logs out a user out of the application
GET /api/v1/guest/reports guest#reports Displays a listing of all reports to the guest users
GET /api/v1/guest/reports status guest#reports Displays a listing of all reports by status to guest users
GET /api/v1/guest/metrics guest#metrics View metrics
POST /api/v1/users users#store Create a new admin user
GET /api/v1/me auth#me View information about the current request user

Base Uri

The api's base uri is /api/v1/.


To get a list of all items of reports, make a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/reports.


To filter the reports by status, location, or time_of_report, just append the query parameter to your request uri. e.g /api/v1/guest/reports?status=pending


You should receive a json response with status 200, a data key containing an array of reports and meta key containing pagination details.

Sample Response

  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "first_page_url": "http://localhost:7070/api/v1/reports?page=1",
    "from": 1,
    "next_page_url": null,
    "path": "http://localhost:7070/api/v1/reports",
    "per_page": 15,
    "prev_page_url": null,
    "to": 10
  "data": [
      "id": 10,
      "title": "Yessenia Manor Accident",
      "note": "The Caterpillar and Alice was more hopeless than ever: she sat down and cried. 'Come, there's half.",
      "status": "pending",
      "location": "19688 Roselyn Radial",
      "visual_image": "",
      "time_of_report": "2020-05-08T21:22:14.000000Z",
      "status_updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:22:14.000000Z"

List (Guest)

To get a list of all items of reports for guest users, make a GET request to the endpoint /api/v1/guest/reports.


To filter the reports by status, location, or time_of_report, just append the query parameter to your request uri. e.g /api/v1/guest/reports?status=pending


You should receive a json response with status 200, a data key containing an array of reports and meta key containing pagination details. The response is limited to only the following data title, location, visual_image, and time_of_report.

Sample Response

  "meta": {
    "current_page": 1,
    "first_page_url": "http://localhost:7070/api/v1/reports?page=1",
    "from": 1,
    "next_page_url": null,
    "path": "http://localhost:7070/api/v1/reports",
    "per_page": 15,
    "prev_page_url": null,
    "to": 10
  "data": [
      "id": 10,
      "title": "Yessenia Manor Accident",
      "location": "19688 Roselyn Radial",
      "visual_image": "",
      "time_of_report": "2020-05-08T21:22:14.000000Z",


To create a report, make a POST request to the the endpoint api/v1/reports.


location - required
visual_image - required|image
title - nullable
note - nullable


Expect a 201 success response code

Sample Response

    "message": "created",
    "data": {
        "status": "pending",
        "title": "Accident a place",
        "location": "Satellite town",
        "visual_image": "http://localhost:7070/assets/imgs/txu1e77S4paCcCJ9c12K4bsCI7WtUfui0hlv35L5.jpeg",
        "status_updated_at": "2020-06-12T11:03:09.000000Z",
        "time_of_report": "2020-06-12T11:03:09.000000Z",
        "id": 14


To read a single report, make a GET request to the the endpoint api/v1/reports/{id}.


You should receive a json response with status 200, and data key containing an object of the report details.

Sample Response

  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "title": "Sydnie Shoal Accident",
    "note": "HE was.' 'I never could abide figures!' And with that she still held the pieces of mushroom in her.",
    "status": "acknowledged",
    "location": "200 Balistreri Ridges Apt. 635",
    "visual_image": "",
    "time_of_report": "2020-05-08T21:22:14.000000Z",
    "status_updated_at": "2020-05-08T21:22:14.000000Z"


To update the status of a request, make a PATCH request to the endpoint api/v1/reports/{id} with status as patch parameter. Status must be either pending, acknowledged or enroute.


You should receive a response status of 204 with no content

Sample Response


To view reports metrics, make a GET request to the endpoint api/v1/reports/metrics. This route requires no authorization.


You should receive a reponse status of 200 with the following data.

Sample Response

  "reported_cases": 10,
  "pending_cases": 5,
  "enroute_cases": 1,
  "onsite_cases": 0,
  "acknowledged_cases": 4

Authentication & Authorization

All requests to /api/v1/reports requires authorization. You'll need to add an Authorization: Bearer your_api_token header to your request else you receive a 401 error code.


To receive your api token, make a POST request to /api/v1/auth/login with your registered email and password.

Example'/api/v1/auth/login`, {
    data: {
        email: '',
        password: password
    let token =;
    // store your api token

Expect the following response:

    "message": "login successful",
    "data": {
        "api_token": "MTU5YmdPUGZQNVVNa1hYS1pxSExMVHY5SW1PZnRiNlI2bU55Tk1nVw=="

Making subsequent requests:'/api/v1/reports`, {
    headers: {
        Authorization: 'Bearer MTU5YmdPUGZQNVVNa1hYS1pxSExMVHY5SW1PZnRiNlI2bU55Tk1nVw=='

Authentication error

Sending invalid credentials when logging in responds with a 422 http error code.

Example Responses
    "message": "The given data was invalid.",
    "errors": {
        "email": [
            "invalid email or password"
    "message": "The given data was invalid.",
    "errors": {
        "email": [
            "The email field is required."
        "password": [
            "The password field is required."

Access the details of the current logged in user

Make a GET request to /api/v1/me

Sample response

    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": null,
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "admin_role": "superadmin",
        "created_at": "2020-05-09T01:08:00.000000Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-05-20T13:26:30.000000Z"


To logout, make a post request to /api/v1/auth/logout with your api token in Authorization header.

Sample response

    "message": "logout successful"


  1. composer test to run phpunit tests.
  2. composer test-f to run filtered phpunit tests.
  3. composer php-cs-fixer for linting.


What is this project about. Ok to enrich here or the section above it with an image.

Once this repo has been setup on Codacy by the TTL, replace the above badge with the actual one from the Codacy dashboard, and add the code coverage badge as well. This is mandatory

This is a simple php starter repo template for setting up your project. The setup contains

  • Composer: For adding third party dependencies

  • phpunit: For runnung tests

  • php-cs-fixer: For formatting code to match php coding standard


Talk about what problem this solves, what SDG(s) and SGD targets it addresses and why these are imoirtant


How would someone use what you have built, include URLs to the deployed app, service e.t.c when you have it setup


Run composer install and composer dump-autoload to get started.

index.php is the entry to the project and source code should go into the src folder.

All tests should be written in the test folder.


  • Test: composer run test
  • Install dependencies: composer install <dep name>
  • Lint: composer run php-cs-fixer


  1. Brian Tum -
  2. Fred Nyakagwa -
  3. John Mnyika -
  4. Daniel Kimani -
  5. Basele Stephen - TTL -
  6. Timothy Onyiuke - Mentor -


If this project sounds interesting to you and you'd like to contribute, thank you! First, you can send a mail to [email protected] to indicate your interest, why you'd like to support and what forms of support you can bring to the table, but here are areas we think we'd need the most help in this project :

  1. area one (e.g this app is about human trafficking and you need feedback on your roadmap and feature list from the private sector / NGOs)
  2. area two (e.g you want people to opt-in and try using your staging app at and report any bugs via a form)
  3. area three (e.g here is the zoom link to our end-of sprint webinar, join and provide feedback as a stakeholder if you can)


Did you use someone else’s code? Do you want to thank someone explicitly? Did someone’s blog post spark off a wonderful idea or give you a solution to nagging problem?

It's powerful to always give credit.




php -S localhost:8080 -t public/