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component: eps
component: eps
component: fraud & risk tools
component: fraud & risk tools
Issues related to merchant facing risk tools and processing between auth and capture.
component: fraud sift
component: fraud sift
Issues related to fraud work and Sift integration.
component: giropay
component: giropay
component: grouped-settings
component: grouped-settings
component: instant payouts
component: instant payouts
Issues related to Instant Payouts
Component: International Expansion
Component: International Expansion
Issues related to international expansion
component: invoices for processing fees
component: invoices for processing fees
Issues related to the VAT invoices for processing fees project
component: klarna
component: klarna
component: kyc optimization
component: kyc optimization
KYC Optimization Project
component: legal
component: legal
Issues related to legal requirements.
component: metrics
component: metrics
Issues related to Metrics
component: notifications
component: notifications
Issues related to Notifications
component: onboarding
component: onboarding
Onboarding merchant in KYC, dev vs live, etc
component: order details
component: order details
Issues related to Order Details
component: payment request button
component: payment request button
Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc
component: payouts
component: payouts
Issues related to Payouts
component: progressive onboarding
component: progressive onboarding
This issue is related to the Progressive Onboarding project.
component: reporting
component: reporting
Issues related to Reporting
component: saved cards and subscriptions
component: saved cards and subscriptions
Issues related to Saved Cards and Subscriptions
component: sepa
component: sepa
component: settings
component: settings
Issues related to Settings
component: sofort
component: sofort
component: streamline refunds
component: streamline refunds
Issues related to Streamline refunds project
component: stripe link
component: stripe link
The issues/PRs related to the StripeLink project
component: styled receipts
component: styled receipts
Allows merchants to customize in-person payment email & print receipts as per their own branding
component: telemetry
component: telemetry
The issue is related to Tracks instrumentation
component: tests
component: tests
Issues related to tests
component: timeline and events
component: timeline and events
Issues related to Timeline and Events
component: transaction details
component: transaction details
Issues related to Transaction Details