A utility to fetch and easily display Ethereum & Solana NFTs in a common format given any wallet.
built with ❤️ from the team @Audius.
# install peer dependencies if not already in your project
npm install @solana/spl-token @solana/web3.js
npm install @audius/fetch-nft
import { FetchNFTClient } from "@audius/fetch-nft";
// Initialize fetch client
const fetchClient = new FetchNFTClient();
// Fetching all collectibles for the given wallets
ethWallets: ["0x5A8443f456f490dceeAD0922B0Cc89AFd598cec9"],
solWallets: ["GrWNH9qfwrvoCEoTm65hmnSh4z3CD96SfhtfQY6ZKUfY"],
.then((res) => console.log(res));
By default, fetch-nft uses the public Opensea API and the Solana mainnet RPC endpoint. To configure API keys and endpoints, see Usage With Configs.
FetchNFTClient is the primary interface for using the library. When initializing the client, you may optionally pass in configs for the OpenSea and Helius clients used internally.
type OpenSeaConfig = {
apiEndpoint?: string;
apiKey?: string;
assetLimit?: number;
eventLimit?: number;
type HeliusConfig = {
apiEndpoint?: string;
apiKey?: string;
limit?: number;
type FetchNFTClientProps = {
openSeaConfig?: OpenSeaConfig;
heliusConfig?: HeliusConfig;
solanaConfig?: {
rpcEndpoint?: string;
metadataProgramId?: string;
Getting Ethereum collectibles:
FetchNFTClient::getEthereumCollectibles(wallets: string[]) => Promise<CollectibleState>
Getting Solana collectibles:
FetchNFTClient::getSolanaCollectibles(wallets: string[]) => Promise<CollectibleState>
Getting all collectibles:
ethWallets?: string[],
solWallets?: string[]
}) => Promise<{
ethCollectibles: CollectibleState
solCollectibles: CollectibleState
type Collectible = {
id: string;
tokenId: string;
name: Nullable<string>;
description: Nullable<string>;
mediaType: CollectibleMediaType;
frameUrl: Nullable<string>;
imageUrl: Nullable<string>;
gifUrl: Nullable<string>;
videoUrl: Nullable<string>;
threeDUrl: Nullable<string>;
animationUrl: Nullable<string>;
hasAudio: boolean;
isOwned: boolean;
dateCreated: Nullable<string>;
dateLastTransferred: Nullable<string>;
externalLink: Nullable<string>;
permaLink: Nullable<string>;
chain: Chain;
wallet: string;
duration?: number;
// ethereum nfts
assetContractAddress: Nullable<string>;
standard: Nullable<EthTokenStandard>;
collectionSlug: Nullable<string>;
collectionName: Nullable<string>;
collectionImageUrl: Nullable<string>;
// solana nfts
solanaChainMetadata?: Nullable<Metadata>;
heliusCollection?: Nullable<HeliusCollection>;
type CollectibleState = {
[wallet: string]: Collectible[];
import { FetchNFTClient } from '@audius/fetch-nft'
// OpenSea Config
const openSeaConfig = {
apiEndpoint: '...',
apiKey: '...',
assetLimit: 10,
eventLimit: 10
// Helius Config
const heliusConfig = {
apiEndpoint: '...';
apiKey: '...',
limit: 10
const solanaConfig = {
rpcEndpoint: '...',
metadataProgramId: '...'
// Initialize fetch client with configs
const fetchClient = new FetchNFTClient({ openSeaConfig, heliusConfig, solanaConfig })
// Fetching Ethereum collectibles for the given wallets
fetchClient.getEthereumCollectibles([...]).then(res => console.log(res))
// Fetching Solana collectibles for the given wallets
fetchClient.getSolanaCollectibles([...]).then(res => console.log(res))
For more examples, see the /examples directory