How to use:
- Configure settings.ini with your credentials, template can be found in the Documentation section
- Run 'docker-compose build', then 'docker-compose up'
How to test:
- Run 'docker-compose down' and 'docker-compose up', the DB has to be fresh for the tests to work
- Run './' (and 'chmod a+rx' before if not allowed)
- All or most of the warnings should be about async syntax deprecation, as sanic_oauth has old/deprecated versions of dependencies (httpx et al.)
/ Landing page - Redirects to /links/about.
/links/about Displays information about the application.
/<link_endpoint> Redirects to the URL corresponding to its respective endpoint.
/links/all Displays a list of all active links and their owners.
/links/me Displays a list of all links created by the authenticated user.
/create A form for creating new links. Creating a link with identical endpoint to an already existing active link is not allowed.
/edit/<link_id> A form for updating attributes of a link identified by the endpoint's link_id parameter.
/deactivate/<link_id> Deactivates an active link identified by the endpoint's link_id parameter. If a deactivation date had been set, it will not be carried over.
/activate/<link_id> Activates an inactive link identified by the endpoint's link_id parameter. If an activation date had been set, it will not be carried over.
/delete/<link_id> Deletes a link identified by the endpoint's link_id parameter.
/authorize/<link_id> A form for submitting a password of a link identified by the endpoint's link_id parameter. Attempts at accessing password secured links will be automatically redirected to this endpoint. Submitting the correct password results in redirection to the link's specific URL.