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File metadata and controls

170 lines (108 loc) · 5.42 KB


Installing BLR

To setup BLR for development it is benefitial to install it in editable mode. Use the command below:

pip install -e .[dev]

This also install development tools such as pytest and flake8.


Testdata needs to be downloaded and setup for running the tests. Copy and run the block the block below.

wget -nv${testdata_version}.tar.gz
tar xf blr-testdata-${testdata_version}.tar.gz
ln -s blr-testdata-${testdata_version} blr-testdata

Now that everything is setup tests can be run using the tests/ script.

bash tests/


flake8 is used for linting. Either run the command below before commiting or setup pre-commit to run this automatically.

flake8 src tests

Conda environment files

There are two types of files in this repository that describe conda environments.

  • The file environment.yml contains abstract dependencies such as pysam or bowtie2. This file is managed manually and needs to be updated whenever there are new dependencies or when the required version for a dependency changes.
  • The environment.linux-64.lock and environment.osx-64.lock files (lock files) contain explicitly-defined environments which are reproducible and platform dependant. These files are used to create the test environments.

Whenever the environment.yml file is updated, you need to run:

conda-lock -f environment.yml -p linux-64 -p osx-64 --filename-template "environment.{platform}.lock"`

to generate the environment.{platform}.lock files.

Install conda-lock using pip

pip install conda-lock

or conda

conda install conda-lock -c conda-forge

SAM Tags

Specifications on SAM-tags used for holding information during data processing and which argparse option flags to use when specifying them in python scripts. The 10x Genomics barcoded BAM format is followed where that information is defined.

SAM-tag Option flag Description
BX -b, --barcode-tag String for the error-corrected barcode
MI -m, --molecule-tag Integer index for an identified molecule for each barcode [*]
RX -s, --sequence-tag String for the uncorrected barcode sequence
HP   Integer (1 or 2) for the read haplotype assigned
PS   Integer for the phase set (phaseblock) that the read is part of
PC   Integer for the quality of the phase set (phaseblock)
[*]Note that the index is only unique within the particular chunk.


To run profiling on a particular subcommand you can use the --profile argument. For example with the subcommand tagbam the command is:

blr --profile tagbam input.bam -o output.bam

This command will generate a file called with all the profiling information. This can then be used with Python's standard library module pstat or for example Snakeviz which allows interaction through the browser.

Snakemake Pipeline

Chunk handlig

Chunks are the separate portions of the mapped bam that go through postprocessing. Each chunk might contain one or more contigs. Chunks are handled in the Snakemake workflow through a dictionary called chunks which define contigs as different sets. Each set contains a list of chunks which inturn contain lists of contigs composing each chunk. Chunks are referred to by the first contig name. The three primary sets are accessed by the following keys:

'all' = handles every contig in reference

'primary' = handle every contig in reference that should go through certain post-processing steps (see below). Is a subset of 'all'.

'phased' = handles every contig in reference that is diploid i.e. can be phased. Is a subset of 'primary'.

Several subsets of these are also defined for convinence.

'not_phased' = 'all' - 'phased'

'not_primary' = 'all' - 'primary'

'primary_not_phased' = 'primary' - 'phased'

These sets are used to control which contigs go through which processing steps. Which contigs are included are defined through the phasing_contigs (for 'phased') and contigs_skipped (for 'not_primary') parameters in the config file blr.yml.

Processing steps run by 'primary' contigs but not 'all':

  • find_clusterdups
  • get_barcode_merges
  • concat_molecule_stats
  • get_barcodes_to_filter
  • call_variants
  • lsv_calling

Processing steps run by 'phased' contigs but not 'primary':

  • hapcut2_extracthairs
  • hapcut2_linkfragments
  • hapcut2_phasing
  • build_config