Win-SSHFS-Mounter is a small System Tray application for Windows that allows to mount and unmount SSHFS Drives. It depends on WinFsp. Other than that it has no more dependancies, it does not use sshfs-win, but instead bundled unaltered versions of Cygwin's sshfs, ssh, sshpass and puttygen.
- Install WinFsp.
- Install and run Win-SSHFS-Mounter, or use the portable version without setup.
- Configured SSHFS-connections/drives can be mounted/unmounted directly from the systray icon's popup menu.
- The GUI for adding/editing connections can be opened by double clicking on the systray icon or selecting "Edit Connections..." in the popup menu.
- Connections are stored in the registry (in userspace) and erased when you uninstall the app. In case of the portable version you can execute enclosed "remove-settings.reg" to remove the registry key.
- If you choose "Password (saved)" as authentication method, the password stored in the registry is encrypted using a simple XOR encryption, which only prevents to obtain it directly without having the application's source code. Other authentication methods like "Private Key File" are usually a better choice.
- Import sites from FileZilla, WinSCP, PuTTY, KiTTY, Cyberduck and OpenSSH
- When importing sites, PuTTY private key files (.ppk) can optionally be converted to OpenSSH format on the fly.